Aug 27, 2021Liked by Lauren Selsky

I love this post! Thank you M. Very personally for my current situation yet very universal for Our current situation (Final Prayer). And, talking about relationships, one of the most difficult tasks for me it's completing one, when I know something shifted and the relationship it's complete. For me, it brings some sadness yet also some comfort to know This Too Shall Pass.

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So pleased to see Marianne Williamson deepen the connections between a healthy spirituality and a healthy politics by writing eloquently about both. As the Rev. angel Kyodo williams puts it: “Without inner change there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.”

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The media's current Afghan focus makes me wonder and then I contemplate the US invasion( post Russian invasion occupation) that got us here .

This makes me recall the Tao Te Ching.

"A great nation is like a great man when he makes a mistake he realizes it,

Having realized it he admits it

Having admitted it he corrects it

He considers those who point out his faults

as his most benevolent teachers

He thinks of his enemies as the shadows that he himself casts.

If a nation is centered in the Tao

it nourishes its own people,

it does not meddle in the affairs of others,

it will be a light to all nations in the world."

Relationships are living things.

There is always me , whoever I am in a relationship with and the relationship itself.

Love( and attention) is the fuel and food for this being.

I know at this time of polarization it has been especially hard on relationships as people mistake others opinions for who they are. And they also feel totally mind identified and so feel "attacked" if their opinion is threatened. Mind identified people defend their ( *different)opinions like they are defending their very self

One thing I like in the new more conscious activism is some people are now able to listen to people's different/opposing views and opinions and then respond( not react).

" Mind creates the gap the heart finds a way to cross it"

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Lauren Selsky

This one always hits my heart as I learnt too late and my relationship fell apart recently while going through stage 4 cancer. Too much strain and I with held love I felt I was the one needing it more.. I dont feel I have another chance at a initmate relationship because of disease. However miracles do happen so you never know. I still havnt given up on ❤ I havnt been keeping up on what's happening with Afganistan but I have seen some of the News in America saying they have brought back 100k people and more to come. Il stay tuned with the talks this week. Lots of love and Peace to everyone❤🙏✌

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Thank you Marianne, your insight is really apreciated

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Thank you so much for this post, I read it at a perfect time and could feel in me my ego battling with spirit. It was a great reminder, and I will bookmark it so I can re-read it when I start to feel any resistance or discomfort in a relationship.

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Strangely enough before reading your post Marianne, I watched a video on YouTube on friendliness from my coach Brendon Burchard. I personnaly do not want to see more about the suffering in this world. It affects me to much and I'm so lonely today that I try to protect myself. Whatsoever I shared your post with 11 people (ex friends with no loyalty at all) perhaps they will shift their mind and will join you to open their heart. By the way they call them... Buddhists...

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