Jan 14, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Hi Marianne,

Great piece. I particularly like when you wrote: "As long as people are willing to unethically create profit centers based on what they know to be the creation and maintenance of human suffering, we will have a problem on our hands." This applies to most of our so-called acceptable business sectors, like the movie industry (glorifying violence that influences the young), big pharma, big ag, the military industrial complex, Wall Street, etc. Plus, the toxic influence seeps into our educational systems too.

The super challenge to restore sanity, it seems, is based on the core well-being of people and our planet above all other considerations, and it will only happen when people are willing to evolve to construct new whole systems. Meanwhile, we all do our best; yet, we need to quickly scale-up or reach critical mass to turn the Titanic away from hitting the glacier. Your dedicated work, drawing attention to global failures, is significant. I continue to appreciate your endeavors to bring toxic matters into the limelight because the more the masses gain a truthful perspective, well, the quicker we can save existence on Earth. You are definitely an evolutionary motivator! Thank you for all you do for everyone.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Not shocking at all and I recall in my high school psychology class I studied the impact of vanity image magazines and their display of youth and what it did to the respectful honoring of our elders. The big advertisers and whomever was behind them wanted very much to villianize getting old so that everyone would put their attention and money on staying young, looking young and beautiful. Since then, we have moved into an almost absent minded perspective of becoming older, where it is seen as some unspeakable disease. Yes, Shame on Big Tech and any other institution that manipulates people for the bottom Line, the money, the clear profit. We have to remember though, we asked for this lesson. What is it that we are so not wanting to look at in ourselves that we will spend any amount of money and time to divert our attention? We each have to ask ourselves this question. I would imagine the seeker would pick up A Course In Miracles to begin the pathway and the answer will become more clear. We are a world now controlled by Big Tech, so what is the answer? I would imagine Marianne has a good idea since she became very clear on many issues when she ran for president, I will never forget her efforts. We are in the process of creating Heaven on earth, or Heaven within ourselves and that process means going within, go within first to have it expressed outwards. One person at a time. Since we are all connected via God Mind, our individual thoughts are so important to watch and guide, in love.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Absolutely glad to see this going to court - Big Tech should be ashamed and sued totally 👍

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Thank youuu ❤️ it’s insane and sooo painful 😢 to hear of the rise in teenage suicide …. Something must be done…..

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Agree. More like antisocial media.

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So correct.

Now we need to do the same with big pharma, and chem, and ag, and, and, and. Until we get back to working WITH nature instead of trying to control it we will continuously have challenges!

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Thank you Marianne. The prefrontal cortex I understand, does not fully develop until one reaches the age of 24 or 25. If the person has developmental difficulties or is born with a genetic disability the cortex may never fully develop. If individuals begin using alcohol, opiates or other mind altering substances while in their teens or preteens, the process may be delayed indefinitely. The desire to please stockholders, veers into other areas also including food manufactures who employ chemists that identify additives that are addictive, causing serious obesity among our young citizens and the rest of us as well.

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What bugs me about Big Tech is these entities think technology is always a sign of advancement, growth and heading into the future. People often think If technology is involved then it must be better than something less technical, or seen as the best solution when maybe it's not.

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I loved the Sex book. I thought it was beautiful. I always appreciate it when you defend a Kardashian, even though I can’t be bothered with a Kardashian. No one deserves judgment. Madonna is a mother to six beautiful, talented children. And before she birthed/adopted them, she saved me. Had it not been for Madonna, I never would have known Marianne.

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Here! Here! I totally agree and find it sinister and utterly incomprehensible that good, honest, basic human values in some quarters seem to be being abandoned. Here’s to more common sense and the urgent return of Love and good spirits all round. As we give so shall we receive. 🙏

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Well said and much needed. This tragedy is not going away if we don’t take it seriously and act ethically. We are in a crisis with our youth. It has gotten so out of hand, social media trumps parental ethics. Being the mother of a teenager I understand how complicated it is. I’m hoping Seattle gets results.

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Me too!🙏🏻

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They said all the same stuff about my generation and TV!!! New Day New Media. In the 1940's there was no TV to speak of and we had Hitler. Where did he learn his craziness from? And a lot, and i mean a lot of people followed right along. THE PROBLEM IS YOU DON'T TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS. People want prayer in school. Teach your kids to pray at home! I don't want the state deciding which religion is going to pray in school with my kids! TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS AND STOP BLAMING everybody else for YOUR FAILURES

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There are thousands of excellent parents who did everything right, whose children died of fentanyl they ingesting thinking it was something harmless they were ordering from Snapchat. it is absurd to blame those parents. Just absurd.

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Of course we shouldn't blame the parents for that. But the biggest blame of all, aside from the vile drug dealers and traffickers who deliberately poison people with that stuff, goes to the CCP, as most of the fentanyl that comes to the USA, comes from their country. As I like to say, fentanyl is the CCP's *other* weapon of mass destruction. Covid to kill off the elderly and infirm, and fentanyl to kill off the young and healthy.

As for Snapchat, perhaps they deserve some blame, but if one were to make a list of who to blame, they would barely even make the top ten. Just my $0.02.

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Again, as always, thank you Marianne.

I’ve experienced the addictive attraction of the internet and I’m no kid. Such an important piece!

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I remain skeptical when public schools point fingers for the failure of kids. The problems of public education long predate social media. Seattle public schools have been failing poor kids for decades.

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Awesome!!! This inspires me to take action to share this awareness

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