You certainly have my full support! I've never been one to cower or go with the status quo. I am the one to stand up in the face of all odds and work towards what I believe is the best - the outcome that will move us and our country in a new healthy direction. Undoubtedly that is to get you in The White House. :) First - let's get some debates going - where you can show our nation why you are the best candidate. Much love and gratitude to you, Marianne!

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Thank you for all your support, Judi. xo

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Dear Marianne

Your common sense and humanity are a joy to hear. Yes! Change is possible!

I’m with you 100%

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I believe with this interview, we have begun the journey back to democracy.

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Great interview Marianne! You never cease to amaze and inspire me with such consciousness and truth. Yay for the interviewer that gave you the platform to speak in this way on a legacy news channel

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Your straight forward confidence as you speak truths they can not deny... on all the corporate press interviews you did recently ... including the Cavuto one where he was great till he tried to put words in your mouth. And you graciously and firmly asked that he not. WOW!! Incredible job!!! Always LOVE you, Marianne!! xo

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Well said, Marianne. The false hope of Trump is more attractive than no-hope Biden. And the Democratic machine refuses to lose control, and if that means losing this fall, so be it.

In a fair process, you'd be a leading candidate. But it's a rigged game and reformers like you are kept on the outside.

Here's the deal, though, as Biden would say. You'll always have your integrity. And that's everything. Respect!

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Marianne will be chosen by the Democratic machine because she is our only hope to defeat Trump.

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No, Stephen. Marianne won't be chosen by the Democratic machine because defeating Trump is not its only goal. Nor is it the second most important thing for them. Now, try to put two and two together (literally) and figure out what in reality is...

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The Daily Show @TheDailyShow

Is it too late for Dems to change course? Jon Stewart reacts to Joe Biden's defiance over calls to step aside 4:19 min 4M views


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Loved the way you snapped back "I HAVE been challenging him - f or the past year and a half!!"

Keep rocking in the USA!!

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Thanks, Marianne, you continue to have my support as you have since you announced your candidacy.

I am certain that you will be chosen as the Democratic candidate at the Democratic convention. The politicians will realize that you have the best chance to defeat Trump and you will. You will serve for eight years as our President followed by eight years for whomever you choose as your Vice President.

God bless you and God bless the USA with you as her President.

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You know, it's really interesting to listen to this interview and see some of the comments on your blog, then go to your live stream lecture for this week and listen to what you have to say about addressing the Shadow Within.

One of the things you say in that talk is that when a person is lost in ego-minded thinking the problem in any relationship is with the other party. They said this they did that and I am the victim of what they said and what they did.

I'm not all the way through the talk and there are elements of it where I could see some of these things applying to the Democratic Party, let alone the American Democratic Process itself. That when people pray to bring spirituality into their lives they are first confronted with all the darkness they have hidden from themselves.

I know you've been out there telling Americans that in order for us to have a healthier country we first need to allow all these Hidden Shadows to be exposed in the light of our elections.

Anyway, I find it when I listen to you talk about politics the only thing I feel is internal division and agitation. When I listen to you talk about A Course in Miracles those pieces of me that are scattered coalesce, and I feel whole. Sometimes things I am hiding from myself are revealed.

This is why I will also put your teaching on A Course in Miracles well ahead of anything you have to say about politics. I don't want to be torn apart. I want to be knitted together and move in the world as a whole and complete thing.

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You: "The eagle wants you to believe that it's all about them, but really it's all about you." ... "May I only see the innocence in my brother." What would happen if you were actually to conduct a relationship with the Democratic Party by following the principles you have written and spoken about with such intelligence, insight and Grace. What if?

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I'm not familiar with Ms Williamson's take on the Shadow Within, but it's indeed an interesting interview. It's the same debatable talking points, but the delivery is kind of different from what I've seen so far. It looks like she gets really emotional at 7.24. And it doesn't look like a performance. It seems genuine. To be perfectly frank, I've been leaning towards her playing some sort of game all this time. But if she is for real...then I don't understand. If someone truly cares about the cause, the country, its people so deeply and thinks that change is actually possible or is prepared to go against all odds following something like Chris Hedges' "sublime madness" approach, then...DO it. Don't play games. Most definitely, don't play THEIR game. Do the REAL thing...

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Every word of this talk if applied directly to your political campaign could potentially change your entire approach and I wonder if you did that would your vote totals have transcended the tiny below 5% you earned, not because of **who they are but because of **how you went about this.

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some well meaning people have suggested that if I don't vote for Biden, then trump will win. That's how powerful the fear of trump is, that's how some people are swayed to go to the "other" choice because there are only 2 choices. I have made choice to vote with my heart so you are my President.

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Great interview! You have my support!

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It's weird the way Republicans managed to get a few Democrats to believe all of their nonsensical "concerns" about Biden. They are just concerned he beat Trump before and he has a stellar record, averting what was predicted to be a depression equalling that of the 30s, caused by Trump and his unfitness for office. How has that table been turned just because Biden spoke the truth softly while Trump didn't even answer the questions. Trump's cognitive abilities are far more concerning as well as his morals. The Republicans should be the ones talking about removing their candidate. Democrats doing this now are helping the RNC with their campaign.

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How about focusing on deliverance you guys...from your own misgivings in particular! Your best option at this late stage of the game is to give Joe a leg up!!! It's a simply ghastly spectacle for all of us in 'free world' to witness, as you seem hell bent on your own destruction. Joe will try get his act together in spite of you all and you better start saying your prayers that he will win.

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Marianne . Courage . I got and I wear it on my sleeve or aging breasts with honor . For the “silent democrats “ majority on The Hill who hiding and whispering behind closed doors . Time to

Speak up or the dreaded Trump ster will be back in town

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Good informational interview here done by Marianne Williamson about the DNC.

Marianne Williamson interviews former DNC delegate Lawrence Taylor 26:47 min


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Every time you speak - I donate - lol - .and you're dipping into my sexy shoe budget. But - in all seriousness - I could not be more proud to support you Marianne.

As you do - as you did in the AIDS crisis - as you have done as long as I have known you - you show up to offer a path forward that has the potential to elevate us all. You offer "a better way" - in the face of confusion and despair. My hope is that not only will you "right this ship" - but that in this journey - your journey here and now - people will see themselves and all the ways entrenched power will do whatever it can to make us small... all the ways entrenched power, in both our political and personal lives, tries to make us feel powerless to effect change - and that people will begin to refuse, as you have done, to stand down. Look at what you have done by refusing to disappear! I can't help but look back on thought leaders of the past - ancient philosophers and recent civil rights activists - who understood that politics was a representation of a collective spirit - and the power in that - I can't help but think of your lineage - and know they are standing with you - whispering - "yes".

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