May we all understand that anger is a secondary emotion to trauma. May we catch ourselves when we unconsciously allow the frightened person to respond with anything other than love. May we not judge and instead listen with a compassionate ear and a loving heart when someone displays anger that is not intended for us. May we help those people to heal by responding with love.

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What has happened to the listening part of these meditations? They were there at the beginning and actually was the reason I signed up monthly.

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I truly try Love everyday. It is what sets me free from the ego mindset

Thank you Marianne for these fantastic meditations!

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Today and every day.

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I'm committing daily to love and when anger breaks through, I see God in everyone and everything even when I struggle to do so.

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I struggled with anger because I felt victimised and that is triggered often by the ways of this world which trespass on another's rights so much. I love this reminder and will use it. Indeed anger steals my energy and thus is self sabotage. I can pray for help with anger and I can also use a technique called EFT or tapping to release anger. I thank God for your gift of communicating Marianne. These beautiful meditations, given freely by you, inspire me to love myself and my neighbour. Thank you from my ❤.

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