I only disagree with one identification in your letter Marianne. You said something about you being a woman, you are an earth angel. Secondly you are an Ace. For me an ace is someone who contains multiple talents that seem incomprehensible for just one person to possess. You are strong like Winston Churchill rallying his nation, yet sweet and charitable like Mother Teresa. You are spiritual like a mystical mountain sage, yet practical and can be trusted to protect and lead the country like Rosevelt. You are intellectual and incredibly sophisticated like a professor on the top floor of an ivory tower. Yet down to earth, approachable and accessible like a college student with a antiwar sign in the parking lot of that same tower. In my eyes you are as close to perfection a human could possibly attain and remain ‘everyday people’. I just hope someone powerful can recognize you as you are and place you as the head of the department/ministry of peace.

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Beautiful and true words.

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Thank You Marianne. You have opened a crack in the political madness and as a 68 YO who yearns for a better world for her grandchildren, I pray more will see the light of what you have exposed through your 2 presidential pursuits. God bless you.

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I've been poking around with this: "I am posting encouragement for Biden to sit down with Marianne so she can clue him into things he could take on to make him a more attractive candidate. Why not?" Can we create a campaign to get to him?

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Yes! Biden needs Marianne's help and guidance. America needs Marianne's help and guidance.

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he'd have to actually respond to and follow her guidance from his *heart.* .. not just to tell us what he thinks we wanna hear cuz she said it. she's for real... he is not.

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The idea would be to wise him up. What a positive move that could be for the world. And look how many likes this idea has. How to try to get it to happen? How about if Marianne were to write an open letter?

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Can you imagine if she were to edit and become his speech writer? No one is more gifted as a speaker or writer than Marianne. She is an incredible communicator.

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What a move that would be. Headlines around the world. With the billionaire's who are gravitating to Trump because he would make them even richer -- can we believe that venality? -- are there any billionaires on our side to recruit to get some Biden connection to Marianne to happen?

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good luck with that. you have much more faith in him and the system he supports than i do. if Marianne could actually be his veep running mate so we could see that the entire mess might really shift to accommodate 21st century realities ... i *might* consider voting for him. other than that... yeah, no to genocide joe... thank you very much.

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Get real. Biden is for the birds but at least we'd keep flying, where Trump would have us on a path to human extinction.

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maybe. you might be right. or not. i don't think he's any more dangerous to human extinction than what we have now. don't see our current warpath any less threatening... who knows? voting Jill Stein... only real candidate looking for fundamental, peaceful change.

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Trump is a destroyer of our world and it is beyond me how people with principles think are expressing them by helping him to win the election.

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“From donors sending their support, to volunteers spending countless hours trying to rally voters, to staff members who were there for all the right reasons, to advisors and friends who shared the vision, I have memories that live and breathe in my heart and will remain forever.”

I am honored to have been a volunteer in your campaign. My dog, who is in the video, was also honored to be a supportive member. I hope someday to be able to see and hug you again in person … Much Love!

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thank you for your contribution!

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Good is more powerful than evil and the hundredth monkey is still out there.

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You performed a sacred and courageous service. Given the brokenness of the system, it's going to be a longer game but it is essential to grow the number of people challenging the status quo and awakening to the brokenness. A main thrust of my own work is challenging the limitless growth, extractive Capitalism system that is so deeply imbedded. That piece too is tilting at windmills, but as with the broken political party and media system, we need to keep speaking up about it. Thank you for your service and stellar performance.

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Marianne you were and are the very best candidate for president. You spoke truth, told it like it is and laid out plans to lift up the people and make government respond to the will of the people. And you did it with love and truth and grace. It doesn’t have to be this way and we’re going to make a better way with your help and with all the other voices out there echoing the same consciousness.

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Yours/ours was a phenomenal campaign in that you so eloquently and fearlessly articulated with heart-felt conviction the longing of our better angels that we might be transformed to become the people and country we know we can be. Your vision and message will continue to resonate for decades and with generations to come. THANK YOU, MW!!!!!!!!

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Marianne you really did everything you could, the best you could. You opened up the national conversation as much as you possibly could. Something to be very proud of. I am incredibly sad the media and the democrats did not pick up more of you than they did. You are the best “politician” ever and I really hope we have the chance to have you involved in our government in some way soon; and that we have some, at least, of your many wonderful ideas come to fruition in the future, somehow.

Thank you for all you’ve done and will do for us all over the world 🙏

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Grateful to you Marianne for offering inspiration and hopeful possibilities as the chaos of the world circles around us all.

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Courageous of you to try and bring needed changes in Washington by running for POTUS.

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Ty so very much Marianne. You are courageous, an inspiration and a guiding light in this darkness. Shine on, please!

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I’m in awe of your courage, your love, your stand, and your light. Thank you for inspiring us all, creating a beautiful community, and showing us what’s possible. I love you! ❤️🤍💙

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You are a blessing upon is all and an inspiration for each of us to take the reins of love and live in this evolving world with courage! Thank you, Marianne.

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You taught us what love looks like in politics. You created a vision of an evolutionary government with your elaborate and far reaching platform. And you opened the door of connection to many new friends. Namaste.

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