You go Marianne! We need you so much! We know you care about all of us! We are love and that is who we really are and We Will Win!!!

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A volunteer called me yesterday from Florida to tell me that Marianne was going to make her appearance next in Concord New Hampshire. I've seen her in Portsmouth New Hampshire and way back in 2016 in Exeter New Hampshire. Each time she has engaging responses to my questions. I'm sure she is all ready to bring America to the highest level of harmony.

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Looking forward to seeing the ads!

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Brilliant, Brave, Intellectually, economically & Spiritually Savvy . Aligned with the highest purpose

for a thriving humanity, not bogged down by political agendas ready to ravage all our natural resources for big money oil which is the death of our environment as I write this response !! We must transition to environmentally sound transportation or we will set this planet on fire from the heat sooner than we could ever conceive !

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I Support all you said, and I have always loved what you write, say and stand for.. but I do not think $250,000 by 10/156/2026 will make the difference... I wish our country was really interested in all you said in your video... I know I do and you do.. Unfortunately too many just dont get it and have lost faith in any political system....I hope for the best and if you make it to the ballot you have my vote..

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Words of reason said aloud, finally. Does everyone remember how much Bernie raised during his campaign in 2016? By the end of 2015 he had over $70M - the amount comparable with what Clinton 'raised' with all her donors and super PACs. And Biden had over $70M in his war chest three months ago. The first Sanders campaign amassed about $200M overall. What is happening here is a con job...

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blessings to you Marianne. your voice, presence and views need to be heard. I support you energetically and also with some golden coins so that your consciousness is spread throughout the land.

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Hi I live in Australia and want to support you $ but I am unable to do so if I'm not an American citizen is there a way I can do it?

Please let me know

good luck we need you Marianne ❤️

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Marianne my dear sister, global warming is bad science, here is a list of the real issues and some vital solutions that would actually work, lol. Please take 30 minutes to watch this video and give me some feedback on my problem analysis along with solutions to all of the issues we face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjNyLlcCiPE&feature=player_embedded

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3 loves is the way, first we develop discernment from understanding reason, 3 parts to reason, induction, deduction and ethics. Ethics must come first, lead by the notion - "what is good for one, must be good for all, not just a few", Science lead by this principle will only do good. Scientists lead by this principle would not create weapons of mass destruction, we could tranquilize assailants, vs killing them. Scientists would want to solve the world's issues, not make millions per year working for the military industrial complex. Next comes love, love has 3 parts, they also have an order, the first is for Nature, mother earth/ocean and father light creating life, their children in abundance, 2nd comes a love for each other as brother and sister, no need for uncles and aunts, just mother, father, children, brother and sisters, one big happy family playing and creating a world of abundance for all, that will be shared by making sure that all have access to land or a place to live in a city, at no cost, as nature shows us that only men/women need to pay for a place to live, no such idea exists in nature, all just find a place, a burrow, a nest, and live for the most part in peaceful coexistence. Killing of nature is only justified when we need to eat and we can meet most of our needs through farming, fishing and domestication of animals some may wish to consume,...so there is little need to kill for humans to live here in peaceful coexistence. This is our main advantage over other predators, we can control when and what we will consume because we have been given the gift of reason. Last comes romantic love, not first, as is the case today. Its an opportunity to live one's life with a loving, caring partner which also allows for Procreation. 3 reasons, 3 loves and last comes 3 forms of human creation- musings, movement and music. Through human creation, we are allowed to explore and develop our divine uniqueness and get a taste of the infinite flow of creation itself. This is a beautiful and most perfect way of living and this is how most humans live on other planets in the multiverse. This planet is corrupted, most humans have lost their way and I came here to get Creation back on track, to realign our priorities,....lol. Discernment, love and human creation have an order that has the power to create heaven on this planet and others in this Galaxy!

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3 loves is the way, first we develop discernment from understanding reason, 3 parts to reason, induction, deduction and ethics. Ethics must come first, lead by the notion - "what is good for one, must be good for all, not just a few", Science lead by this principle will only do good. Scientists lead by this principle would not create weapons of mass destruction, we could tranquilize assailants, vs killing them. Scientists would want to solve the world's issues, not make millions per year working for the military industrial complex. Next comes love, love has 3 parts, they also have an order, the first is for Nature, mother earth/ocean and father light creating life, their children in abundance, 2nd comes a love for each other as brother and sister, no need for uncles and aunts, just mother, father, children, brother and sisters, one big happy family playing and creating a world of abundance for all, that will be shared by making sure that all have access to land or a place to live in a city, at no cost, as nature shows us that only men/women need to pay for a place to live, no such idea exists in nature, all just find a place, a burrow, a nest, and live for the most part in peaceful coexistence. Killing of nature is only justified when we need to eat and we can meet most of our needs through farming, fishing and domestication of animals some may wish to consume,...so there is little need to kill for humans to live here in peaceful coexistence. This is our main advantage over other predators, we can control when and what we will consume because we have been given the gift of reason. Last comes romantic love, not first, as is the case today. Its an opportunity to live one's life with a loving, caring partner which also allows for Procreation. 3 reasons, 3 loves and last comes 3 forms of human creation- musings, movement and music. Through human creation, we are allowed to explore and develop our divine uniqueness and get a taste of the infinite flow of creation itself. This is a beautiful and most perfect way of living and this is how most humans live on other planets in the multiverse. This planet is corrupted, most humans have lost their way and I came here to get Creation back on track, to realign our priorities,....lol. Discernment, love and human creation have an order that has the power to create heaven on this planet and others in this Galaxy! Blessings to all and I hope Marianne reads this post!

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