Sep 6, 2022Liked by Marianne Williamson

Agreed! I don’t understand why a billionaire would resist with such ferocity. Then again, I don’t understand why anyone would need a billion dollars.

It’s really share holder capitalism that forces the non-union workers to suffer an unlivable wage and lousy benefits. Capitalism with a conscience, as you have said before, is what the whole world needs.

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I live in a right-to-work state. Social change is hard to watch because good people can't understand that it is not a right until a keystone is found and years of oppression collapse. Unions Forever!

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A mindful celebration of labor, indeed. Thank you for this post, Marianne.

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Never forget, the American capitalism model has just one sacred tenet that has to collapse: Deliver the lowest possible quality service or product for the highest possible price. That is the foundational rock of American capitalism, and it needs to dissolve into sand.

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“If Schultz and Bezos were to acquiesce to every demand made by Starbucks and Amazon workers right now, it wouldn’t change their own financial circumstances at all … Were they to do so, in fact, they would be heroes” … Nice writting … and I’m glad you could make it to New York … Wish you the Best!

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Mindful v mindless… our upbringing clearly has everything to do with our perspective on life and how we go on to live our lives. Thank you for your illumination Marianne. I knew little about the origin of Labour day. What a wonderful day to celebrate. The true marriage of the personal and the political.

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As usual thank you Marianne for constantly being able to put things in perspective and give us the historical context of the laborious tasks and life-threatening situation’s people had placed themselves in to create needed change for healthy and whole America that we can truly be.

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Organized Labor, all about the collective, not the individual. Individual, all about greed, selfishness, divisiveness, dog eat dog world.

Ty Marianne for pointing out the love and wisdom of cooperation vs selfish greed.

Sort of like public health.

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And the Union bosses aren’t greedy?

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I appreciate how you lay out the topic and bolster it with history then vision.

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Beautiful as always 🙏💞 Forever & Always 🌈🦋🥰

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

Good point, Susan. Especially since the "vaccines" never did, and never could, stop transmission. Perhaps there may be a situation where, with an honest public health system that was doing everything in their power to develop a safe vaccine, and a highly transmissible pathogen for which there was no other treatment (instead of where the doctors who were treating covid patients by the thousands were ridiculed by the same media and progressive groups who claim to be about fairness and justice), then in that case making rules were only the vaccinated can enter certain spaces while we worked to get the pathogen under control might make sense.

But this situation was painfully obviously not about health. At all. As you say, many lost income because they chose to not take an experimental product based on fraudulent testing and false assurances of "safe and effective". And also many who did comply, some because their work / school was threatened (even some who worked outside or took classes online) - are now in serious medical disasters.

These are several days of testimony by "vaccine" injured Canadians.


All over the world are similar stories.

When the progressive left, who were once about compassion, yet let their compassion be manipulated into what looks like everything the left used to be against, understands what a horrific, coercive, experiment this was ... That will be a healing force.

(And I'd like to make clear, until not that long ago, I thought these "vaccines" were not as safe as claimed, as drug companies often cut corners to make money. I have a high bar for evidence to believe things, and I didn't take seriously the next - level accusations that were more sinister than financial profit. But the coercion, plus that they had evidence of serious harms, like in the Pfizer documents that Pfizer and the FDA wanted to hide for 75 years, plus the effects on fertility and pregnancy while they were claiming safe in pregnancy (the UK is backtracking on that now) ...

There is more to grapple with than not as safe as advertised ... and now these new versions, only tested on mice, and they are conflating one "vaccine" with another that is not the same (and still was hardly tested), And they are conflating these brand new concoctions with how the flu shots are updated every year, when it's a completely different situation -the flu shots have been around for decades, and are licensed products with liability, and some quality control standards.

I hope there is more understanding about what has happened, what we let happen ... how those who are about compassion and protection let those sacred cords of humanity be manipulated ... as investigative journalist Max Blumenthal says, "responsibility to protect" has been used as the pretext for many wars. . .

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We wouldn't need mandates if folks like you stepped up and got the vaccine. Did you not see the million plus deaths we had here in our "developed" country?

It's not vaccine mandates that have caused vacant jobs, folks have just decided $$ can't buy them precious time with family during a pandemic (not epidemic, pandemic). Turn off faux entertainment, you're drinking koolaid propaganda.

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Risk benefit analysis comes out on side of benefit.

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1,000,000 + deaths is no reason

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30,000 deaths from vaccine (questionable in my opinion) but contrast that with 1,000,000 (and counting) deaths from virus. Benefit/risk calculation comes out in favor of vaccine

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Of course it doesn't. NO vaccine does. NO medicine does. Basic tenent of modern medicine, nothing is 100% with zero risk. It's an informed decision to treat or not treat, based on current understanding of a new disease. Weigh benefits vs risks, then try it.

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Wow. Nevermind, you have imbibed too much koolaid.

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