Dearest Marianne

Praying with you and for you to bring this bigger picture not just into the minds and hearts and spirit of America but of leadership everywhere. Thank you for you 💕🤗💕

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Yes to Marianne's entire platform. We can't create this future of the world we know is possible unless we can envision it. The age of scarcity is over. It is so over! The politics and the economics based on scarcity must crumble and rot. We actually live in a world of abundance now. Release that vision in every way we know how. With our way of thinking. With what we purchase. With how we live. With what we create. With what we converse about. With what we love.

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Dearest Marianne,

🪷 I’ve been praying for this!!!

You are going to make the changes and transformation with your strength and truthful words of wisdom guided by the purity of your soul .

🙏🏽I will continue to cover you in prayers for God protection, God purification and God victory in all that is seen and unseen.

God bless you !

Thank you!

In Peace and GraceLight Blessings,

Andrea Marie

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Ms. Williamson,

I guess anyone - regardless of their political affiliation or lack thereof - would agree that American politics and society as a whole are at a critical point. Which determines whether it will become a new beginning or the point of no return. You seem to be genuinely invested in your attempts to contribute to the first option coming into reality. But I think it can happen only if the whole truth is told and accepted...

What you say above is correct. But those are declarations. Let's try to approach this in practical terms. The "money is speech" thing effectively means that elections can be officially bought. Which in turn means that the overwhelming majority of career politicians American political institutions comprise are bought-and-paid-for lobbyists. Under these circumstances, "repealing unfair tax cuts to the very wealthy or corporate subsidies and increasing investment in things that actually support the average person" as a systemic effort is kinda wishfull thinking. I'm sure you realise that. I'm sure you are perfectly sincere in your intent to do everything in your power to get money out of politics starting on your first day in the Oval Office. The only problem is...if...if you are in the Oval Office. But to get there you need to run a very successful campaign. And you're going to have to run this campaign under the current conditions where money is not only very much present, but can probably be considered the most crucial factor. Any ideas in this regard? You're also talking about war and presenting the situation - just like Mr. Sanders before you - as if it would be easily possible to cut the country's military spending without any repercussions for the general public and redirect the resources towards things that increase the wellbeing of the people with immediate benefits for them. I'm afraid it's a bit simplistic presentation that doesn't take into account some fundamentals of the current system. I can elaborate on that but allow me to ask you a question first...

This question might seem to be peripheral. But I think that unless and until this very question is asked in all seriousness and answered in all honesty, your activities will remain to be some kind of anomaly in the Matrix. Or worse - "just another brick in the wall". The question is simple: why do people who have been lied to by all MSM outlets about every single thing of importance over the course of the last two decades still choose to turn to them? Why do people who were screwed over time and again by their politicians in all imaginable ways still choose to vote for the same crooks? And put up with the system? It doesn't make any sense at all, does it? What happened to this "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" thing? The Establishment uses all its resources and every trick at its disposal to manufacture consent, that's beyond any doubt. Propaganda is certainly real and may be effective to an extent. But people aren't idiots. And the last two decades occurred in the age of the Internet. So...what would be the real reason? Answer this question truthfully and use it as your point of departure, then something realistic may start to emerge on the horizon...

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Just wanted to send you blessings, American Zoetroper as your comment helps me process and learn. And though I wouldn't know how to answer I just want to share the sentiment that arises for me in reading you and Marianne's thoughts on this page:

That as we believe in Marianne and her abilities - some of which to my eye are moving and leading people, debating well, staying centered, remaining ever convicted and focused on love - our collective belief is powerful and strong and aligned with all the truths she tells. . .

And so to my understanding infinite intelligence is always after truth, love, abundance, growth, expansion for all beings. . . so to me I feel reminded that it is not just me or potentially you or any of us here or in Marianne's support system who are rooting for Marianne -

I believe the time has come for love and truth to move mountains - or even just some of the right hearts - to support her as well. I would like to believe that all of Earth and Intelligence / God / Spirit itself is ready for Marianne as she has declared herself ready for us. Thank you for allowing me to think out loud and hope you don't mind my reply. Hope you hear from Marianne as well and again blessings to you!

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Thank you for your response, Carla. Which properly touches upon a couple of key points. I certainly agree that reality at large is infinitely more complex than what meets the eye. And sorting out your existential priorities, so to speak, would be critical for approaching your social ones in a meaningful way. I also agree that truth is a very powerful thing. Not necessarily in moral terms, but in the sense that if you act in accordance with the objective laws of reality - and I think that objective reality very much exists - you stand a chance; if you don't, you don't. It's that simple. This is why it's so important to see things as they are and call them by their right name. Hence my question...

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It's the miracle that democracy needs now.

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Marianne is the ONLY candidate running for president who prioritizes putting we, the people at the top of our own list. Not the corporatocracy, which has been running our entire show for at least 40 years. What a concept!

Basically, our so-called 'democratic republic' serves a seriously corrupt corporatocracy. Not us. Plenty of Americans today have known no other America. It doesn't have to be this way. We can't afford it on any level.

Marianne wants to make good on the 'mission statement' as she describes our Constitution. Government's job is to protect our divine right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Wow. Who knew? Exactly what's needed. Marianne is the only candidate willing to authentically stand for that. Politics and economics have become two sides of the same coin. NOT how it is supposed to work. And it's killing us. Literally.

Marianne's vision includes ethics, morals and humanitarian approaches to healing us and turning our ship of state around. No one else seems committed to these principles at all. We need a visionary like Marianne in charge! Can you honestly name any better place to begin to fix our badly ailing nation? LOVE in service of our country shouldn't be that difficult. With Marianne in the White House, we'd have a start. Who else can genuinely offer this?

We, the people are (finally!!!) waking up to the fact that our issues are not Right vs. Left. They're Up vs. Down... the establishment uniparty is owned by and serves the corporatocracy. It's an insidious and unsustainable situation. Thankful for Marianne's commitment to our country and for being willing to stand for what's fair and just for a change. No compromising with the deep-seated corruption tearing us apart. Seems to me that it's the only valid place to begin. Marianne offers it. We need her!!

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Dearest Marianne,

So glad you say things that need to be said - so much. Thanks you, will definitely vote for you!

with love and admiration...

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Why end on a negative ie most probably one term ? I place the future in the hands of God.♡

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I wrote a lengthy comment, but somehow it was accidentally erased!

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It's funny that I run for my health, but you also run for my health. Marianne 2024 and beyond, let's go!

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ACIM lesson 32: [You] have invented this situation as [you] see it.

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We should start calling it "trickle-down inflation" and explain it as the result of moving from a market economy to a monopoly economy.

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Thank you, Marianne, for being brave, willing, and called. Thank you for vocalizing the truth we feel. Thank you for all the self-work you've done in order to be the greatest possible human you could be and to continue to show up stronger and wiser every single time. Cheering you on every moment with love!!

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