On the penultimate page of the Text of A Course in Miracles is this passage: "There is no place for hell within a world whose loveliness can yet be so intense and so inclusive it is but a step from there to Heaven. To your tired eyes I bring a vision of a different world, so new and clean and fresh you will forget the pain and sorrow that you saw before. Yet this a vision is which you must share with everyone you see, for otherwise you will behold it not. To give this gift is how to make it yours. And God ordained, in loving kindness, that it be for you." - Chapter 31, paragraph 8, verses 3-7 😊❀

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Wishing you were our President but thankful you are still caring for and guiding the spirit of the Nation πŸ™

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Marianne, I am not certain "of this we wait." I think we are facing a moment when each of us must deeply examine what is truly important to ourselves and to those around us and not waste a second waiting for any renaissance to eventually emerge when we know not!

We still have companies, like Chevron, and ol' timer Warren Buffett is a major shareholder of it, and it's complicit in destroying our planet. Also, I think of your recent interview with Steven Donziger that prompted me to write President Joe Biden this a.m. and they got it.

We must say in unison: "no more!" to every toxic, misguided institution that's not thrivable, harmonious, and loving! (I am with you full speed ahead! There's no waiting now: it's our time to shine and dismantle what hasn't been working for the sake of life on Earth.)

Marianne, your daily earnest quest to shed light on our days is deeply appreciated, and inspiring as well. Godspeed!

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Again I will try for a deeper dialogue.

Yes, I agree. The world is possibly on the verge of a golden age. But that has been true, this moment has presented, for thousands of years.

I hear Jesus saying the same thing, β€œrepent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. The repentance, the turning, has to be the people turning toward loving one another; treat each other as we would like to be treated. If we would all do this, the world would be paradise next week.

However, as the song says, we must not get fooled again. When I see your assertion that we are transitioning from an economic society to a humanitarian one, my ears perk up. Sounds like you are advocating for an end to private enterprise, or capitalism as it is called.

The great problem is that goal can be accomplished only with a very powerful centralized government.

The chronic flaw in human society is elitism, not capitalism. Marx was wrong. Capitalism can be elitist, and in our current society is. But capitalism can also be petite, a nation of small farmers and shopkeepers as Jefferson envisioned.

More to the point, big government is also a vehicle for elitism. When we resort to big government to counter big capital we fall anew into the devil’s trap.

The way to proceed to achieve this promised golden age, IMHO, is by decentralizing both government and capitalism (ending corporate personhood) and then focusing on individual and community spiritual and consciousness growth.

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What if, everything was already perfect? What if the Kingdom of Divine Universal Love was already here in every single one of us? What if it is the unbelief of this Truth that is the problem and further exploration from the point of perspective that assumes a problem is the great mistake? What if, we all now actually do already care deeply for one another and have forgotten that we viscerally agree on right and wrong?

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At the risk of sounding pessimistic, humans never have and never will 'fix' their issues. We must resort to a power higher than ourselves.

The world is suffering from the dis-information age or the age of ubiquitous lies indistinguishable from Truth. A lie will more than kill us, it will destroy us. Destruction is more than the total annihilation of life - it is to end the very existence of something so as to preclude its return and make it so as if it had never been in existence. That is a fate worse than death. That is where we are and we got here by allowing lies to rule. We got here by winking at small existential threats along the way. We got here by allowing ourselves to be gas-lighted. And, what we need is the book you already wrote, A Return to Love.

We can not solve problems with the same mind set that created them. (Einstein) We need a salvation from a dimension greater than our own. No more pretending we have or can achieve answers. I do not doubt our ability to live in Peace, I just know that we do not arrive at Peace on our own.

If you gave me all the parts necessary to building an airplane desperately needed, and even gave me an instruction manual, I would not be able to build an airplane. Certainly not one that I would trust to fly anywhere.

We need God. Like in AA, we must admit this.

But first, we admit WE are problem and we are addicted to the problem.

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I truly feel each day I am consciously rising above frustration and doubt and fear.

I am watching some friends and family around me who are giving in to lower energies; always fighting someone or something and some even feeling depressed. They feel they can’t rise above and then they usually tell me they never felt a connection with God or a Higher Power.

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Spot on!

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That is a most optimistic and realistic outlook and is much appreciated. Thank you, Marianne.

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Thank you ❀️

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Lures are used to tempt, & fool, fish to catch them 🎣 Christ was tempted (lured) ✝️ why can’t we just be instead of feeling we must become more (greater… & greater; when does it end?) ⁉️ just be*

*b.e.’ing (balancing energy/beyond existence) ©️

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Thank you Marianne for the beautiful view! Respect!

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I presume you don't believe in Yin Yang. There will never be peace in this world. Even if we were to come close, evil would still lurk and resume power. It has always been and will forever be. That is the nature of the universe.

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Our moment has arrived. A commentary for your considerstion...


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