Marianne, your second paragraph describes 'the ego.' On this subject of learning through wisdom or pain I am immediately reminded of something you wrote in 'Tears to Triumph'. You will never know how much this and other things you wrote helped me in a very bleak period back in 2020. Thank you so much -

“Your tears, your hopelessness, your fear, your anger, your guilt, your resentment, your remorse, your terror – none of these will be papered over or denied. You will not dissolve them by keeping them in the dark, but by exposing them to the light. And as you do, you will actually bless the journey of your suffering, for it led you to yourself and to the meaning of your life. Spiritual healing doesn’t lie in denying your pain, but in feeling it fully and surrendering it to God… And then the miracles begin.”

MW Tears to Triumph xii

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Dear God, all things are possible with You. Send your Light into our hearts and minds, that we may be ready for Marianne. We love her and trust that her wise leadership can bring renewal and healing to our country. May it be so.

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Yes 😢. What a pity❤️

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It truly is a pity. And that is, unfortunately for our world, a drastic understatement. Thank you for your persistence.

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Agree, what a pity 😢 humanity requires a wise leader at the helm, always, and your are that.

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The country may be more ready for you than you think. People may fall for a charlatan, like Donald Trump, or a delusional overthinker, like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., or they may stay the course with Joe Biden. Then again, as the Two Stooges and the Grand Old Man keep on with their half-measures and missteps, the awakened (not "woke", awakened) will come to the conclusion that you would have been the best choice for the presidency.

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Unfortunately, America has not evolved enough to be ready for you as president Marianne. Or any woman, for that matter. I agree we are going to learn the slow, hard way when it could have been much less painful. And we may not be here to see all the good that comes. I’m learning to surrender my impatience and frustration. And so grateful to you for being out there, holding the light.

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Love you Marianne, and so appreciate hearing your voice in the morning meditations each day. It certainly looks like we’ll have to learn the hard way.

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Well I'm ready and I will temper my fear and rage with the LOVE you share with us. There is global chaos but we'll listen to your gentle and wise guidance to strengthen our resolve not to be bitter. We're just walking each other home.

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“So often over the last year people would say to me, ‘The country is just not ready for you yet.’ And I would think to myself, ‘What a pity.’”

There are consequences to belief … What we believe creates reality in our lives, our relationships and in our world … If you want to see change, believe not only that change is possible … but that it has already happened …

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Yes, I too thought that the world (not just the US) wasn't ready for you. And I could't agree more with you: what a pity:( Such a wonderful opportunity. Thank you for everything!

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It is a pity - but you are right on every count.

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Marianne, this level of communicating on consciousness and natural, cultural reality about what is and will be taking place is, in my opinion, your deepest call, gift and contribution to the American experience at this time. Wind to your fire.

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So often over the last year people would say to me, “The country is just not ready for you yet.” And I would think to myself, “What a pity.” Yes, Marianne, it is a pity that this country is not yet ready for you yet, but it will be. You will persevere and become our next president, God willing.

God bless you.

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I am so grateful for you speaking out and your courage to publicly speak the message of the return to love. I know I’m not alone in saying that message literally changed my life in miraculous ways, particularly when I thought all was lost to me. So too when the terror that democracy may be lost - I find hope when I listen to you. Thank you so much Marianne.

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So often over the last year people would say to me,

“The country is just not ready for you yet.” And I would think to myself, “What a pity.”

So. I guess I'm breaking my fast of silence with you. At least for now.

I am glad to see that Phil Mason has found such solace in your public writing. I have too. <3

But the above statement from you? Sigh. Please. Most Americans just don't see you as their POTUS.

That does NOT mean your opinions, your talents and your spiritual work have no value in our country.

I am still contemplating something I heard you say on your most recent Tuesday Live Stream.

"Have you meditated today, and who have you not forgiven?"

I'm working harder on the meditate part. Really.

The forgiving will take more work, as you well know.

Forgiveness is never easy, but it is the only path out of chronic interpersonal suffering.

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