Thank you Marianne for your deep insight and introspection. I look forward to your posts because they are always woven with a unique blend of spiritual truth and political reality. That is your gift - and I thank you for it - it give me hope. Many blessings.

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Thank you, as always, Marianne for shedding light on a very precarious situation. I have been praying fervently for a peaceful resolution. I am finding it difficult to see Vladmir Putin as an innocent child of God, and so I submit to the power of the Holy Spirit to assist me. I am certainly doing everything I can to hold space for the people of Ukraine and Russia. We all need to be the presence of the alternative. God bless you and thank you for your voice.

Jerome - Palm Springs, CA

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Dear Marianne, Thank you for being a very clear voice of reason. You express my thoughts exactly. Love you!

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Hi Marianne,

Foremost, you said: "here’s a central debate at the core of this struggle, and which side wins the debate could have repercussions for the entire next century." Well, that's assuming there will be a "next" century since we haven't collaborated enough regarding the real threatening elephant in the room: our climate emergency--growing more grave each day. Yet, I am seeing even some flickers of progress on that topic. But back to the present crisis.

You naturally write of a "conundrum" about our presently horrid situation in Ukraine. Yet, I see hope in our globalized society, unlike during WWII, since we are quickly addressing this matter instead of waiting around; i.e. former PM of England Neville Chamberlain and others, during the late 1930s, gave Hitler way too much space and opportunity to do damage. Thus, today, in part, gives me great comfort.

Additionally, thanks to the Internet, many of our world's populous is watching this story play out. And no sane person wants to die due to a nuclear war. So, the people are coming together, and that's really, really good. It reflects the new science and spiritual premise that we are truly one--connected to a multiuniversal force of energy.

Finally, Marianne, I gladly see you endorsed Ervin Laszlo's new book, "The Upshift". Indeed, therein is the answer: The fastforwarding-collaborative coming together to educate one another on how we are joined as one; thus, there's no reason for fear, battles or even competition. We can toss aside Newton's outdated ideas of everything being separate that has caused strife for centuries and embrace what is true. We can join together in a great upshift or self destruct with a downshift. I think we will do the former!

Peace to you. Take heart! I believe all will get better. The peoples' collective energy still matters.

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Enlightening and straight up as always ! GOD BE WITH YOU

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Always grateful for your level-headed clarity & thoughtful analysis—you’re one of the “sanest” voices out there & appreciate your free-thinking sincerity. There are a lot of “weird” (& loud!) agendas out there on social media & msm panels—finding trusted sources can be a challenge. Your voice is a critical & trustworthy addition to the mix.

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The word that means a lot to me from your article is "Deescalate". Vladimir Putin took the first step by invading Ukraine will he be able to make the move to leave Ukraine. Will President Putin deescalate to save innocent lives? Let it be a 'Yes'.

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“There’s a central debate at the core of this struggle, and which side wins the debate could have repercussions for the entire next century.” … Out of this debate there could emerge a new world … A new focus on Climate Change … Global Peace … Poverty … etc!

Out of the Ashes rises the Phoenix!

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Thank you Marianne for looking at both sides of this drama. I have read some of the comments others have made and I want to add that ' the new world order' that some depraved trillionaire families want to impose on us, is not able to own the world, till they destroy Russias independence from their banking cartel. Once they do this, we will all be at the mercy of their total control. Which means we would live as slaves, with no mercy.

However, as Joan Halgren points out in her comment, the people of this planet are waking up to our oneness, or as buddhism prefers to name it, our interbeing. Once a person experiences this non separation from the whole, their consciousness is permanently changed. It's happening now, as we unite in our love for each other, our compassion for the massive suffering all around us. I would add that each of us remains a unique idea of Source/God/Life even in our union and uniting. Each of us has a unique gift to give to this time and place. So let us use those gifts now. Now Now Now is the time and place to bring forward the Love and Wisdom of the One in whom we all reside. We have the answers, we can lift this world to a higher octave. Live without fear, trust your Source, self and others.

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Thank you for the insightful and balanced post. So difficult to decide what to do. We need to de-escalate. I pray for Ukraine, for Russian soldiers and their families (those that don't want to fight) and for all of us. (As a separate, but not entirely unrelated matter, why didn't we seize oligarchs' assets much sooner instead of allowing them to buy real estate in London, NY etc. under fictitious names?).

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Thank you Marianne for clarifying the unimaginable and inviting with me God in♥️🙏♥️ When 2 or more are gathering in my name miracles ( Love) is welcome in 🙏

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I feel that as well as this buffer zone issue that Ukraine is a valuable country in terms of natural resources. If times get tougher (climate, scarcity) then I think countries will seize what they want to acquire without any compunction. I also want to point out the silent invasion of the world by the Chinese who fund struggling countries and then own them when they default on the loans- ownership of valuable natural resources is the true focus. No one mentions the Silk Road that wends it’s way from China via Pakistan and through Europe.(From what I can gather towards Russia and with the agreement of Russia) there’s a bigger plan out there in this early aggressive action that we are not aware of. Some of this is conjecture so apologies if not accurate but I do think this kind of attack without concern for international trysts is a precursor for other such attacks going forward. Good bless us all.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

Yes … I am praying for you Marianne as I feel from your writing you are overwhelmed and frustrated. There are way too many things outside of your control. I mean this with only the intent of Love.

I pray that you allow love and peace to be in and around your body and mind.

I pray that you realize too God/Universe is on this too. 🙏🏼

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Morning Meditation 172 such perfect timing for this and anything else that is happening in the world.

“I will not be swayed today by the appearances of the world. I will not be tempted into despair. The suffering of the world is a product of our collective madness, and God has promised to heal us. I surrender my mind for healing today, that I might be part of the mass awakening now lifting all of us out of our nightmares.“

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Least we forget after WW2 there were many factors and situations that came into play that threw the world off blance to this day. Arms race, Korean conflect, invation of Hungery by USSR, Berlin blockaid, Vietnam War( Comflict) Space race,Cuban crisis, Crimir invation, Both Afganistain Conflicts. In each one I have mentioned the USSR ( Russia and the USA have been parties in each one. Political idiology has played a great role, Economics as well, Influence in the middle east We didn't arm Iraq or Iran. The Russians did. It's like two bullies on the block trying to show who is stronger and controls more. Now we have the Ukraine. We starteded nothing, They invaded Ukraine. They Ukraine wants into NATO. Nato did want them in for the very reason that Putin is using now. And our former President demostrating a weakness in our resolve in NATO and with the EU and know you have him saying he saved all this from becoming worst. It became worst because he showed weakness trying to join the big boys club of Autocrates. I would say at least half of what yo say is true to am extent, and the other opinion. But thats ok we all need other peoples opinions inor to formulate our own. Thanks for the article

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thanks for letting me comment. ACIM is my backbone and how I know Marianne. I've read your books and followed your bid for president. What we need in the world is leaders who are anchored in Unity. I feel we have enough macho violence out there and what you have had was something True and New to bring to the table...and you were Willing. What I'm reading here is more of the same drum beat. Please let's meditate and collectively SEE and BE the Peace in the world. Inspire us from the well of LOVE. Heal our wounds of discontent.

Don't take the bait from the ones who feed off the ego's love of pain, fear, violence. You have so much to share that will help us Rise in beauty and Peace.

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