May 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

You're a much needed voice in our society.

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God bless you Maryanne for standing up. As a Canadian, rather a citizen of the Earth, I pray everyday for a resolution to this mess we all find ourselves in.

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So right on. Ban military riffle, shame the NRA, shame the lobbying they are doing and those who profit from it. Denounce the vocal violence on social media, denounce it when our politicians use it. Denounce relentlessly the vocal violence of our politicians whichever board they are from.

We need to shame the violence on games, making our children an adult immune to the effects of violence.

So right on Marianne.

Denounce publicly, daily, calmly, relentlessly the violence in the words of our politicians, and ask at grass root levels from everyone a return to courtesy and respect of the other one.

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Marianne, I have been a CIM student since 1995, listening to you every Tuesday as well. I am 70 and a Democrat. This week I heard myself say, to my daughters one being for Trump the other Biden, that I was voting for you for president and making no apologies for it, so to speak. I told my daughters I raised them 'with spiritual ideas' and they knew the difference between right and wrong. No one had to convince them, and I would not be the first to try. They just looked at me. Perhaps, that is all that I needed to say. Thank you Marianne for your Souls Knowing that too is mine. May you stay well...love to you and all your efforts. As you have said 'Angels to your left, Angels to your right, Angels above you and below, in in front and behind. May they watch over you and all....Namaste...Lygia

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Movies, TV, and video games advertise Killing. Obvious as Hell. How does a kid Learn killing? See above. Anyone denying that has their head in the sand.

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So true. Restorative justice, restorative practices, restorative world. Let Love reign. Let's stop the haters...

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Marianne; well said, I’ve thought for a very long time that we need to come and understanding that we can’t talk out of both sides of our mouths and come to a set agreement. The gratuitous violence that is shown in our motion picture industry that is for no real value other than to make a buck needs to be addressed. Also Video games that occupies so much of our younger generations time, it’s like a breeding ground in the mind for this violence, mindless violence , with no repercussions. I fear some cannot tell the difference from that to real life. As a nation we need a reset on common decency and civility.

Truth be told our greatest problem is fear, which is a total lack of love.

Changing one thing will not solve our problems, we need to change our hearts and do what is right regardless of its popularity. Thank you were in your corner hoping that this turns around and we will be able to call you “Madame President.” When you are on the Ballot in 2024 it will be the first time in “60 years I’ll vote as a democrat

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Marianne, thank you for your boldness and integrity...I share your belief that we all need to go further much further dot remedy our addiction to violence on all levels! I taught Conflict Resolution for over 10 years as a High School English teacher in NYC and then this highly effective program was defunded at the start of the 2001 school year on Sept. 4 ...coincidence? I wonder. I taught Dr. King's Beloved Community as a part of the program I created. It takes every ounce of hope for me to not become a cynic. Thank you for your continued resolve and inspiration!

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Marianne, I support almost everything you say. Love is the way. People's hearts need transforming. Current governments around the world are corrupt and cannot be trusted, driven by money, power, exploitation and greed, and with this in mind, while I believe in non-violence, I don't believe we should disarm the public. If people in governments did their jobs better, the public would experience less pressure and internal dissonance (fear). Already the public are "thrown under the bus", brainwashed and bullied and disempowered by fear thanks to corporate and government agendas, and their mass marketing and media. Only heart-shifting love can set each individual free. Non-violence is a natural "byproduct" of a change of heart. As the public we need to hold government and their systems accountable. We cannot keep accepting what we are told and cornered into. We have to question everything, learn, think, be accountable for ourselves and our choices, and take appropriate action. Power is with the massses, the public. We have forgotten this. It is in the interests of those in government and the growing financial elite to create divisiveness in the masses they seek to continue to control and exploit. Living in South Africa we are crippled by centuries of corruption at the highest levels, which has filtered down and broken the fabric of society. There are few role models of love and integrity. People are challenged by daily survival and this leads us to forget we can be the change, with heart. We need to evolve heartfully or we, and Earth our beautiful home, may have no future. The time is now. May Great Love and Great Wisdom guide us.

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I wish to add one more reflection, shaming wounded dysfunctional people never gets us anywhere, other than more violence. Do unto others. Isn't shaming a form of violence?

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Janet: I like your phrase: Only heart-shifting love can set each individual free...

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Thank you Marcia. Love is a "medicine". In my experience it transforms me from the inside out, from violent mannerisms and ways of living to increasingly non-violent being. Sitting in regular stillness practice gives me the spaciousness to allow my heart to blossom and open (releasing constriction and expanding into unitive experience of heart-open love). Some might know sitting in stillness as "Be Still and know that I Am God". All the traditions have stillness teachings. We rest in Love (God IS Love - something to really let sink in :) even though we hear it so often... God IS Love! ) and this recalibrates us. (I prefer not to name "God", as we tend to make God in our own images and so perpetuate the ego battles...). So we can rest in God/Love's Presence regularly. This transforms us. We are always in Love's Presence, our busy minds just don't allow us to percieve that we are always "on holy ground". Life is a miracle. Each of us and our beautiful planet. Either everything is sacred or nothing is sacred - Einstein I think said that. Much love and thank you for engaging.

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Beautiful commentary, and since you are South African, I just wanted to mention the

other profound work on the transformative power of love and forgiveness by the Archbishop of Capetown, Rev. Desmond Tutu (I think he wrote it with his daughter -- also Rev. Tutu) There's a book about his visit to the US, where he hung out with His Holiness, The Dalai Lama (also one of my favorite people) with many fabulous photos. Aptly named, "The Book of Joy" it shows these two venerable elders dancing together, laughing and bumping hips...priceless really! Marcia Bedard PhD

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Thank you Marcia, I am familiar with The Book of Joy, and also have seen the documentary that was made a few times, called Mission Joy. Hope you have seen it too! Warmly Jan

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

I am always turned off by these discussions that try to ascribe the actions of one, or a small number of individuals, to our entire society. This is usually done by saying such things as "WE are a violent society", etc. Not everyone in our society is violent (although obviously there are a few who are). I think this is to try to lay a guilt trip on as many people as possible who had nothing to do with whatever the violent incident is that triggered that type of comment. I think that people who do this (including Marianne) are usually capable of much clearer thinking than this, and would do well to work on it.

If you are concerned about reducing these kinds of incidents, study how the Israelis provide security in their school system. Something like Uvalde would be very unlikely to happen there.

I will add that I do find most of Marianne's teachings to be very spiritually valuable and excellent. But she is way off target here.

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You think the ubiquitous violence in America today is just the action of a few deranged people and not an epidemic of horror?

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It is the action(s) of the people who are doing it, and not the rest of us.

I think it is always instructive when one of these incidents gets started and there is some "good guy" with a gun who who happens to be there and stops it very quickly. You don't hear as much about them in the news media because the news media has an agenda of trying to put a negative slant on gun ownership. Most of them would not want you to have the capability of using a gun to defend yourself or anyone else.

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Edwin...now you sound really paranoid, like someone who's been reading too much NRA propaganda. When Hilary Clinton was running for President, I have a friend who said he wasn't going to vote for her, because she wanted to take his right to have a gun away. At that point, his wife (they have been married since college) said: "Don't be absurd, YOU DON'T EVEN OWN A GUN." He smiled sheepishly, then said she was right. After this embarrassing moment, when we were all having coffee together, my friend said he suddenly realized he had been completely, and unknowingly of course, brainwashed by NRA propaganda. (A true story) Marcia Bedard PhD

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

Whether you, yourself, act out in violent ways or not, this society is perfused with violence. Putting aside gun violence, for the moment, our rates of non-gun assault, domestic violence, child abuse and bullying are astronomical. Marianne is quite correct in linking it to both socio-economic factors and to a sick penchant for violent retribution. She describes the latter as an absence of transcendent love. What more cogent explanation could there be? If we practice and feel love then we will not pull the trigger or throw the punch.

BTW, I own a gun but would gladly surrender it if we could be as gun free as the UK or the Nordic countries. Meanwhile, let's begin with eliminating military style assault weapons.

It's ironic you parrot the "good guy with a gun" argument in response to the Marianne's message about Uvalde. The good guys in blue stood around and did nothing.

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I would not describe the guys in blue, who stood around and did nothing at Uvalde, as "good guy[s] with a gun". If they had been, they would have done something. What I am referring to is incidents where a regular citizen was present at some incident like this, and had a gun with him, and as soon a the SHTF, he or she pulled it out and used it and stopped the perpetrator right on the spot. I can think of one such incident a couple of years ago at a church in Texas somewhere. There have been others. You have to admit that when this happens, it does not get near the publicity in the news media as when one of these psychos manages to kill a large number of people.

I agree that there is a lot of violent influences in our society, but the blame for that goes only to the people who actually created them. I am not one of them and I am not going to let anybody imply that I had anything to do with it. You probably didn't, either.

How would you propose to eliminate "military style assault weapons"? First of all, the term "assault weapon" is a creation of anti-gun propaganda. What is actually in military terms is an "assault weapon" is a fully automatic select fire capable machine gun. These have been strictly regulated since 1934 and requires fingerprinting and a thorough background check and payment of a $200 tax to get one, in the states where you can have them according to state law, and the prices of them are through the roof. The least expensive one you can legally get will cost you at least $7,000-8,000 or so (I have not checked recently). Mechanically they are not much different from the semi-automatic versions of the same guns - maybe a few dollars worth of different parts. You can look up the "National Firearms Act" to find out more about that. (I used to own a few myself.) Here's the web site of one of the dealers of these types of guns: https://www.atfmachinegun.com/ (I have not dealt with them personally, so I can't comment from personal experience, but I would not be afraid to if I was in the market to buy another one.)

But assuming you are talking about the semi-automatic versions (i.e. one shot per trigger pull), millions of which are out there, how would you propose to do that? Do you think all the people who own them would just roll over and hand them in if the government passed a law that said they had to? Maybe a few of them would, but not many. Yeah, they might have pulled it off in England or Australia, but they did not have the benefit of a constitutional provision that guaranteed the people's right to keep and bear arms. If they tried that in the U.S., they would have a war on their hands. Just like when the British government tried it on April 19, 1775.

I would suggest you get hold of a copy of a book called "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross, and read it. It will give you a real education about the gun control issue. If you don't want to spend the money on it, there is a copy somewhere on the internet that you can download (although I am sure the author would prefer that you just bought one).

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Edwin dear: You missed the point, or did not (thoughtfully) read Marianne's post, and she is not off target. The WE applies to American SOCIETY, no need to personalize it unless it applies to you personally! Marianne is not trying to lay a guilt trip on anyone; but trying to point out that the violence in any society (especially ours) harms EVERYONE/all of us...My take on the article was an invitation to think more clearly, and more deeply, about the nature of the pervasive violence ranging from Twitterfeeds and other social media to classrooms in Uvalde and elsewhere.

Marcia Bedard PhD

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Thank you.

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Fail, more laws will not change anything. It's a people problem, not a tool problem.

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Thankyou Marianne. Wise words as always.

Am I being too picky, thinking of you as President and not wanting to see your cleavage?

It may be today's style (I'm your age) but to me, just not classy.

Thank you Marianne for keeping it as you always did, classy.

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Seriously??!! tsk tsk tsk

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This is our next President, provided we are smart enough to vote for her. We aren’t on a collective level yet. We must become so immediately. 💝 Please support her and vote for her. Marianne is the only one with the massive intellect, foresight, spiritual discernment and heart led inclinations to help us save our species to the capacity that we need. The exception to the fallow political field we endure is Bernie. Marianne must align with Bernie to win 2024. I’ve communicated as much to her. She’ll win in 2028 without him should she choose to run again. But that will be too late. While I sound fatalistic, I’m intuitively gauging the tipping point and have been for some time. We don’t have 5 years to lose because we must begin restorative measures immediately regarding our Mother Earth, our habitat. The damage done in the interim, especially regarding environmental issues like the Willow Project in Alaska will have us in dire straits as humans seek to survive the catastrophic floods, fires, earthquakes, ozone depletion, water pollution, etc.

I am sending out unconditional

Love, which is holy light, to each who sees this post. Have a wonderful weekend, full of all good things. 💝🙏🏻✝️🤗

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These are for me. These are my babies. Mine.

I may not support her politics but that one stop me from admiring her for being the intelligent, love full person that she is.

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You give Joe Biden too much credit. He has done nothing in his decades long political career to help this.

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