Looking forward to hearing you speak on this Marianne. I shared my concerns when you entered the race - not out of concern for you - you can hold your own and then some - but of a systemic pattern of marginalization that I see play out on the national stage - that then bleeds into the power systems in our daily lives.

Entrenched power wants only to insure its survival - and will go to any lengths to do so.

Any lengths to do so.

This election cycle - and your treatment within it - and the shamelessness with which your attempted erasure was executed - are the bold-face examples.

The hope is - you were not erased.

You refused to be erased.

You refused to leave the stage.

I know you take no joy in “having been right” - but will help us construct a path forward - as you do.

In these moments it can be too easy to become distracted by the shiny object - this isn’t about Tulsi Gabbard - or about what Joe Biden has or hasn’t done as President - it’s about the dangers of entrenched power structures within the Democratic Party - the DNC - and the ways they limit and restrict who gets to be heard - the lengths to which they go to silence ideas that may threaten their power and status. Ideas and visions that may in fact lead to a better America for the very people they purport to serve. That’s what this is about - and Marianne Williamson is uniquely suited to have that conversation.

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You may think that unions are a wonderful voice for the worker but this that you call "entrenched power" is exactly what I experienced in them. Faced with the possibility of losing, the union decisions were all about their own survival. They threw workers to the wolves.

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"Entrenched power wants only to insure its survival - and will go to any lengths to do so."

Exactly. It's especially true now, since the overall situation is getting progressively worse and maintaining one's grip on power becomes precisely a matter of survival. So they'll never give up the "wheel". It can only be *taken*. And that is not done through parlor conversations..

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… “so many people are recognizing the codependent trance by which millions of voters deferred to a political and media elite who were anything but responsible guardians of our rights and privileges in the democratic process.”

It’s time to wake up … realize you’ve been scammed … and get behind a Democratic candidate that’s smart, progressive and can actually beat Trump … Marianne Williamson …

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Yep! I am voting for Marianne! 💯🌟

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In every poll out there, Biden cannot beat Trump. His ‘active’ passivity in the face of the genocide in Gaza brought too many people to their feet in disbelief. He was failing before the debate. The people who will vote for him now are just voting in fear to try to prevent Trump from getting in. Any vote for Biden is a wasted vote now. If you look at who’s actually leading and who could actually win, it’s RFKJr. While the DNC and the media have actively shut him out and prevented him from being in the debate this week (proving exactly what you & Tulsi have said), and denied him Secret Service protection, his voice is being heard. He has been at nearly every college, speaking to the young people and addressing all the issues that the Republican and Democratic parties will not address. Never in the history of our country has everyone been as disgusted with the corruption of both parties as they are right now. If he survives (and they don’t take him out first), he would make an intelligent, compassionate, & ethical choice who has a vast background in environmental law. Trump and Biden, both are terrified of him.

Marianne, despite your obvious qualifications (and my heart), the Democrats will not ask you to step in. You’re in the same category as RFK, Jr., you were never “political” enough nor would you sell your passion & vision. They’ll ask Gavin Newsom who’s a no account pretty boy. Call RFK, Jr! Join him. Project 2025 is looming and they’re preparing and changing laws now like they know something we don’t! We can DO this! The fat lady has not sung yet!

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I disagree, Marianne, not anyone else, is the candidate that we should support. She is just political enough to win against evil Trump.

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My concern is for the people of this nation who need financial, emotional and spiritual intervention. It’s impossible to over emphasize how critical our situation is. While I love and support Marianne and know she was just what this country needed, you cannot support a candidate who isn’t running, She needs to abandon the corrupt Democratic Party and truly stand up for her beliefs by supporting an independent who’s on the ballots. This is the only way the Democratic Party can get the message that the people are the ones who do the electing.

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If Marianne were given the microphone - the media coverage she deserves - she could win, indeed.

If not, and the choices end up being Biden, Trump, and Kennedy on the ballots… then by November, I would put my money on Kennedy. After that, Trump. Biden will come in third.

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Tulsi sucks

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Tulsi doesn’t suck, she’s telling the truth. As is Marianne. Sometimes the truth is hard to hear.

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Tulsi is an opportunistic homophobe. Some of her criticisms are valid. Her character is pure shit.

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RemovedJun 30
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Being a transphobe is the feminist position?

Nah, on the last day of pride, you've shown your true colors as a white supremacist. I know Marianne can do better than praise right-wing white nationalists like Tulsi. 😊🚨

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Um, you're the one calling names. As a Second Wave Feminist, I do not want men in female spaces. You're the one who's defining that stance as transphobia, which it isn't.

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Trans women are women. I'm non-binary.

You sound like an idiot.

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RemovedJun 30
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Wow. You're a real white nationalist. I didn't know they followed Marianne like that. Good to know.

Non-binary and trans identities have existed for all eternity.

Wake up. Facts matter. 🥲

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Namaste. 🪬

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I hate to say it, but looking at Biden right now, reminds me of my dad In the early stages of Alzheimer’s when we had to get him to stop driving, and he wasn’t having any part of it. But everybody could see that that’s what needed to happen. God help us!

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Agreed. My dad is 84, and when he is rested he can carry on a conversation. When he is tired, well, he gets confused. I think dad could have won the debate over Biden.

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Jun 30·edited Jul 1

I've been thinking a lot about you. Your words have been echoing in my ears you predicted all this. I hope your prediction that Trump is could win does not come true.

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Perhaps you should consider that Joe Biden's accomplishments for the citizens of the US should not go unnoticed or unappreciated. We have record low unemployment, millions of jobs created via the chips act and the infrastructure bill, insulin capped at $35 per month for seniors, Medicare will begin negotiating drug prices with Big Pharma next year and the stock market is at an all time high. Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes in 2020 and just because he had some problems in the debate, we should just find somebody else? Please tell me who you suggest could beat Trump? All of those in line to run for POTUS in 2028 poll well behind Trump. Please do a reality check.

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I have never taken away from the President's accomplishments or shown him personal disrespect.

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I respect that you speak your mind, Marianne! Instead of being controlled by the status quo of a system that has been broken for quite some time. I actually find it refreshing that you did not fall in line and start parroting what you are told to say.

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You just did, Marianne, when you wrote your original post. I have liked you and what you stand for but I am so disappointed that you chose now to speak your mind. And to invoke comments by Tulsi Gabbord is a bridge too far.

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Marianne has always spoken her mind, and the truth. I’m not sure what part of this was hard for you to hear, but most of what she said was not new to me.

If you listen to mainstream media, you’ve probably been convinced that the Democrats are the good guys, the Republicans are the bad guys, Trump is pure evil and Joe Biden is our only hope.

I don’t want to be mean when I say this but, maybe turn off the TV. There’s a reason why they call it TV programming.

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You make many assumptions about me when you have no idea who I am or what I stand for. Please stop.

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Ok. Fair enough. My apologies.

I’m not sure then why Marianne’s post here bothered you. I’d be interested though.

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I have no desire to engage with you further. Please stop responding to me.

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I hardly believe this is true. If you think Joe Biden, four years later will do the same?. when the republican party has brainwashed so many new voters against him, against the democrat party. I think a reality check should be in place with anyone that thinks Biden will leave Trump in the dust. We do need a new candidate. Biden is a good president in my book, but NO ones wants another four years of either.

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And who would that new candidate be? You do realize it's only 130 days until the election? How does anyone mount a viable campaign in that period of time? I never said Biden would leave Trump in the dust, but I do still believe he can beat Trump.

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He can’t beat Trump according to the polls. He was losing before the debate.

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I also believe that Biden will win.(my faith is in humans) the party or parties have both heard the cry for younger candidates four years ago...what did we think this would look like four years later.

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I agree with much of your post, but the debate was the icing on a cake that's been out of the oven for months. Biden will not win, and our nation cannot afford the loss. I appreciate all of the things you listed that he accomplished, but it's time for him to hang up his hat.

Potential candidates:

Sheldon Whitehouse

Roy Cooper

Mark Warner

Chris Murphy

Josh Shapiro

Chris Van Hollen

It's a shame the DNC gutted Al Franken. Otherwise, he could've handled this.

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One… I may be clueless, but I have no idea who any of these people are. What about the 2 candidates who actually did the work, and ran a campaign in the primaries?? Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips. Period.

Two… NO!! Do not accept the DNC choosing a candidate and bypassing the voting process!!

Don’t you see??

This was probably the plan all along. If we give up our constitutional right to vote, and allow these “authorities” to select a new leader, that sets a horrible authoritarian precedent.

Just another chipping away at our rights and freedoms. This cannot be condoned.

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Why is Mariane Williamson not on your list?

It should be!

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None of these people you include have enough name recognition to be a viable candidate. I love Sheldon Whitehouse and how he has taken on the Supreme Court but even he isn't a household name.

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One of them, or someone like them, needs to become a household name. I like Sheldon and I like Ro Khanna. I didn't put Khanna in my list because: He's a California liberal, he isn't white enough, and he has an exotic name. I love Khanna, but grabbing up moderate non-MAGA Republicans, independents, moderate Democrats, and liberals isn't about me. It's about those voting groups.

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RemovedJun 30
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The average must know nothing on economics. Maybe think of ways to educate our fellow man?

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You appear to be the one who is unhinged. Please do take a Valium and lie down.

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Thank you Marianne for everything you've done up til now...

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I was wondering when we we’re going to hear from you. Biden goes, you are the only other running democratic candidate, first off, secondly I believe the only candidate in the Democratic Party that can win or spark ⚡️ the trust of the people🧐

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Right on. If the Dem powerbrokers close to the POTUS do not rally and try to convince Biden to step aside for the good of the country and field another candidat -and all indications are they will not- then they are fully complicit in the brokenness of Democracy in the US.

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Please keep explicitly rolling out your platform, what you will create, what you stand for, what you will change. Please keep publicly explaining yourself rather than trying to go against anyone or trying to fix the system from the outside - it is too well defended for that. When people have pie in their face, they are open to new solutions. You are the new solution Marianne Williamson! Go! Bravo!

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Neither Trump nor Biden should remain candidates for president in 2024; the people made this clear from the very beginning. Specifically as to Biden, it is time he retire and trust the American people to choose their next commander-in-chief. This decision isn't his nor should he cling to power under the guise of protecting democracy; he has done more damage by doing so. We need to exercise our political due process and have the presidential candidates debate him/them, if democracy is to prevail. Let's have debates!!!

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Tulsi is not a person to look for in terms of direction, of a voice that consistently aligns herself with democratic and truthful ideals. Let's keep that in mind and not let a person who occasionally says the right thing is not worthy of being followed.

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Can Joe give you his delegates? That would be the wise thing to do and then you debate Trump! OMG, I would love to see that! Sending you lots of love...I still believe in miracles! Sigi

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Me too, the miracle in which Marianne becomes our next President!

Marianne would demolish Trump in a debate.

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Some friends advised me regarding the seriousness of your policies, so I gave it a chance, and checked you out. I was very favorably impressed. Tulsi Gabbard went from being a Democrat, to an independent, to a Trumper. Trump is corrupt, immoral, criminal, and a fascist. I no longer consider you a serious candidate, and yes, I hate the DNC.

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