Dec 28, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Perfect ! ❤️

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And so it is....

Thank you Marianne for you wisdom and keeping us awake and moving forward towards our true nobility. May Peace prevail and so it shall be "these fruitless strife's, these ruinous wars shall pass away and the Most Great Peace shall come" Baha'u'llah

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Such a balm for my hurting heart. Your vision of the Louvre being bombed out is one that my brain will be keeping. Give peace a chance military-industrial complex, make your money making people's lives better.

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Knowing that the seeing of a warless world is truly the only way to peace or more aptly seeing a peaceful world and holding that image as within in the realm of possibility is the only way it will happen. Thank you Marianne. Thank you.

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It will be good to get the "Ship of State" to begin to tack towards Peace.

Your idea of a U.S. Peace Deparment is both original and doable.

After the word gets out, and they start calling you "naive", among other things, I hope that your counterarguments will corner them into stating "WHY PEACE IS NAIVE" .

By the way, if they are able to give any form of a sound counterargument to this, then why are U.S. CITIZENS always led to believe that our current wars are fought for FREEDOM and PEACE!

I do believe that it is an unfortunate TRUTH that a significant percentage of GNP is DEPENDENT on the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, and OUR LIVELIHOODS HAVE BECOME COMPLETELY ENGROSSED THEREIN (baked in the cake).




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And we deserve miracles! ♥️

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But miracles Katherine require a shift of perception by the masses....where are they--too concerned about their own situations even if living in luxury.

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Charles Morrow, apparently, we cannot get rid of war until it lands on the doorstep of privileged Americans--maybe! Meanwhile, us Homo sapiens have the capacity to evolve but we are too egoic to change course...we'll see or not. I see little outcry from folks who easily view atrocities and then go back to Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok for their jollies. It's our undoing.

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I think that is why I am supporting MW!

Her campaign is energizing the people with your understandings, and might just nudge enough of the others to the REALIZATION that the


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Thank you again and again and again and a gain Marianne for staying the course and leading us. I am so in awe of your continued REMARKABLENESS. Your leadership and guidance is SPOT ON. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Love, Rachel

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War is in our faces so what is there to do about that at the same time as war is unacceptable? Good war? Makes me shudder. Any calculation of dealing with war that doesn't point to changing the zeitgeist as the vital consideration is just moving those deck chairs. Picture a future where we survived. We would had to have moved past war as an unthinkable thing for a successful civilization to engage in. How to change humanity's mind is a first and foremost question.

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Your correct Suzanne Taylor. The key challenge is how we truly consider other options than war to resolve differences. I oppose it completely as a failure of our spirits. But I do think establishing a Department of Peace to address the failures of war would be a good start to resolving millenia of cave-like actions!

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As people think, so they act. I'd tune people into original blissing and not original sin. It's a sacred universe we are evolving in as one humanity, not a dead Earth here for us oppositional creatures to exploit.

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Darkness is the absence of light. Let’s all focus now on the goodness that’s seems to be eclipsed by the darkness, so that we can better help those in need - and turn this ship around. 🙏🙏🙏

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“In the meantime, the wisest thing we can do is to imagine a planet at peace and reverse engineer from there.” I double-like this sentence.

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"This is the day of peace. You rest in God, and while the world is torn by winds of hate your rest remains completely undisturbed. Yours is the rest of truth. Appearances cannot intrude on you. You call to all to join you in your rest, and they will hear and come to you because you rest in God. They will not hear another voice than yours because you gave your voice to God, and now you rest in Him and let Him speak through you." Miracles Lesson 109:4

I pray Marianne that yours will be the voice to which everyone will choose to listen. Yours is the voice of truth, yours is the voice of peace, yours is the voice the world is crying out for. Thank you for giving your voice to God. He speaks through you and His Voice is loud and clear ✨😊✨

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I like the idea of scrapping defense dept and making a dept of peace.

All this is a collective fear- (buying into a narrative of us vs them /or pick a side =its an attack dialog)which then in this world manifests as war .

Fear= Perpetual attack thinking = perpetual war.

I use to blame the central banksters, their govt and their Halliburton corp that profit off war . But the media spread fear + sells the war propaganda ( and it is absurd, like one man= Bush's friend Saddam in the desert is a threat to the USA a lie used as the excuse to invade another nation!. Bottom line is though we believe in something other than Love( when only love is real) the separateness

As our inner state is " as above so below"

Lets all start by discovering our own dept of peace within.

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Thank goodness for unwaveringly sane thinking, as ever, Marianne. Yes, I too pray that goodness will prevail and that the Ministry for Peace comes to pass. It has to. Can we not start it right here, right now? 🙏❤️

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I am so grateful for you. Thank you.

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Pacifists are People too ...

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Love this lady!

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Wow! Marianne really covered a lot in this one! I plan to share it with several people who need to hear her strong stance on war and peace! Eloquently said!!

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