In order to permanently solve pretty much any problem in a 340M population country still holding a prominent position in this globalized world one should address root causes. Otherwise, it's a futile exercise at best. And the root cause of almost any fundamental problem in today's America has directly to do with the country essentially being an oligarchy. Its political system is the political system of an oligarchy. Its decision-making process is the desiison-making process of an oligarchy. And such a structure cannot be reformed from within or fixed through introducing incremental changes. Anybody who chooses to dance around this fact and pretend that it's possible is effectively carrying water for it. And doing exactly that -- performing some "theatre" on the brink of an abyss...

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Abso-f#%king-lutely, Marianne. I can't tell you how much I admire your commitment to being the voice of justice, day in and day out, despite anything and everything else trying to beat you down, break your spirits, and/or get you to tune out.

You are a deeply strong person, and I appreciate you sharing whatever wisdom you can with anyone willing to listen. Much love and solidarity, sister.

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I have lived in Austin where I worked at.the State Legislature. I gladly left Texas as I realized how the culture is callous if you step out of Travis County. The beggars on the highways and highest uninsured children's rate in our nation tells the story of morals there. Dubya's "you are either for me or again me," said it all.

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Marianne, I often agree with your point of view. But not this time. If you did your research, you would know that there has been a concerted effort by many global organizations to promote and facilitate this mass migration into our country ILLEGALLY. The Biden administration on Day One lifted all the measures that President Trump had put in place to either curb or dissuade people from making this arduous journey. If there is blood on anyone's hands, it is on the hands of Biden, Harris, Myorkas and all of the other left leaning idealists, who have opened our border like a flood gate, with no regard for our national security or the hardship these people would endure on the journey. And mind you, it is these same people who have unleashed lawlessness across our country, in cities where crime was once manageable, that have now been turned into war zones. The very people that you and others like you, with your rhetoric, are denigrating these communities and the people within . These are the same people that you have bleeding hearts for, that have been held in bondage for decades. With, "VOTE FOR ME"and I promise you a better future, these politicians have been nothing but wolves, in sheep's clothing. HOPE AND CHANGE is a wonderful message but let's get real. There's a reason at Duck Pond's, that signs say, DON'T FEED THE DUCKS! Because once you start feeding the ducks, they will no longer no how to feed themselves......

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Carefully evaluating refuge applicants and letting those, who do not pose a security threat, enter the country is a valid plan, regardless of the revulsion some Americans feel towards the poor or towards people of colour in general. There will always be those who are not mature enough to accept differences. Killing people, either intentionally or by indifference, should not remain an option. No one with a conscience would ignore Greg Abbott, if the power went out on his wheelchair. Nor should he, RFK,Jr. or anyone else be talking and acting out of ignorance.

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Biden is funding the migrants..

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agree with all that you've said here...we must do better and with love in our hearts

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When our president is holding the boarder open, allowing million to cross illegally, then providing aid in the form of welfare to all in what seems like a way to get the votes needed to stay in office...sorry I'm on Gov. Abbots side in this mess.

When my Wife's family came to this country, to escape the horrors of WW-ll, they needed a sponsor, and $100 in their pocket to enter America. So they went to South America first and worked there for a year, saved and did this the right way. I see no reason why now should be any different. I know this is cruel to many, but enough is enough. Get in line and follow the rules.

This situation starts in the countries of origin, that is where this needs to be corrected; a lot of bad operators are taking advantage of this flaw in the system resulting in an influx of all sorts of undesirables entering our country and we have no idea where they are or what they are up to.

We must be careful that we do no let our big hearts end the dream that so many are coming to be a part of. Its time we act with some common sense.

Until the mastermind financing these human caravans is stopped, razor wire will have to be the answer. Yes as Americans we have big hearts, but that should not bring us to the point of being pushed aside, overrun trampled in the dirt or others ambitions.

Rev. Wilber L Jeffcoat

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The book Power vs. Force by David R Hawkins is foundational for resolving the insanity that goes on in our government.

I am of the same mindset on resolving the border issue. The issue at the border starts in the country they came from.

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Amen Marianne.

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No one has a right to allow others to die because they don't belong to a state.......NO ONE~

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I basically agree with your expressed sentiments however, there is much more to this tragedy than "...innocent desperate people...". Michael Yon has released videos showing how certain "innocent desperate people" are clearly being assisted by external agents such that Chinese mainland citizens (who fly to Quito where there are no visa requirements) and take well planned short cut routes between "Chinese only " camps, can be in New York with a taxi license only 10 days after leaving China. Being an Australian citizen I am required to show a Covid vaccination certificate on arrival at LAX as a tourist! Currently there are no effective health checks on the 6+ million "refugees" crossing the Southern border. Also, how is it that President Biden can allocate billions of dollars to overseas military campaigns but can't finance an effective Border Force around US territory?

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trying to LIVE! Republicans enjoy watching the people die, especially if they are not white! Despicable deranged douche bags the whole lot of them.

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You are right if we stand by and let even a criminal die we are no better than what we say they are! Let us not lower our standards to those of criminals but say no you can't enter but not add to there suffering and become murderers and not respond to our higher humanitarian values we become monsters similar to the Naziz's of Hitler's regime of hate crimes not just Jews but all humanity is what he aimed at! There again is the underlying factor of the fascist groups of the South! Trump is fascist he uses people's prejudices to get voted into power!

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