Thank you Marianne!

As he holds his cigar & pours a drink, “I see people living their best lives”, Yeah okay. He probably doesn’t leave his gated community.

🙄 Ignorance …

Definition of “outta sight outta mind”

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Yeah… that was hard to stomach!

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Oh got it, you were talking about Bill Maher (usually can't stand the man).

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That night she’s talking about with teenagers on skid row… I was there with her. One of the most heartbreaking + eye opening experiences of my life. Amidst all the struggles these kids are going through, she gave them hope! ❤️❤️❤️

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That was very good of her.

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To me, from my perspective, I think you have the best ideas for the change and improvement that would serve the society in positive ways, no question. But we are in a numbers game. It seems the big question is... will the Democrate Party decide to change horses, then the next question would be, who would get the nod?

As much as I align with your ideas, the issue is, what does the DNC and whoever has the influence think?

And while I think the fact that you have not been a career politician is beneficial, the people making the decision about who the replacement will be, are long time politicians.

While I don't currently see a "how", I am open to the possibility that you can become the new Democratic candidate.

Who can you contact that has influence, to let know you are serious about being considered if they are going to make a change?

I don't think we can ignore how important it is for the Democratic candidate to be able to draw the number of votes to win over Trump. I would rather see us with another "business as usual" president than the divisive, autocratic, project 2025, candidate.

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I could see Taylor Swift being Marianne’s ticket. As I stew over how if politics weren’t being played and everyone just evaluated all the contenders from how they present themselves, Marianne would win hands down. If I think that, Taylor Swift could , too, and it's for the survival of democracy let alone humanity, so maybe it isn’t so far fetched.!

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Oh Suzanne, Taylor Swift is busy being herself. She's a *musician dating one of the most famous footballers in the US. And having the time of her life. Let's let her be her.

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I hope that you have not given up on Marianne becoming our next President.

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Please got forgive me for judging him as he smokes, and drinks and thinks that "everyone is living their best lives" ... perhaps in his world. Take off the glasses and see that there are many people struggling. Bless him God. Bless you Marianne for being the voice that needs to ring out into the world...for peace, justice, and abundance for all! Sending love and light to all!

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Focus on what we love.

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There is a sad river of despair in America today, and Democrats will win in November by addressing that despair, not ignoring it.

Thanks, Marrianne, for becoming a President that will address the sad river of despair in America today and turn that despair into hope for a better future.

God bless you now and forever and especially when you become our next President for eight years.

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Amazing job!

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Bill Maher illustrates the lack of awareness and compassion that has allowed entitled elitists to shape false narratives. Unconscious primates rule the world. Marianne sheds light on the challenges we face and offers wise and attainable solutions. Nothing is more destructive than the hopelessness and fear that consumes untold millions around the world. We must reclaim our sovereignty as children of God.

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Thanks, Julie, for liking my comment.

God bless you and all those you love now and forever.

Let's vote for Marianne and convince others to do the same so that she will become President for eight years. She will address the sad river of despair in America today and turn that despair into hope for a better future.

Be still and be you.

Be still and know.

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Thanks, Anne, for liking my comment.

God bless you and all those you love now and forever.

Let's vote for Marianne and convince others to do the same. Then she will be our President for eight years and she will address the sad river of despair in America today and turn that despair into hope for a better future.

Be still and be you.

Be still and know.

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You are so amazingly, brilliant, intelligent, wise, loving, caring , and thousends of more words!! Marianne you are beyond words. Anyway I love you!! and would vote for you in a heartbeat!!!

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Thank you Marianne

Marianne of the north

Your friendly neighbour to the north, very concerned for our neighbours to the south with 7 grandchildren.

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Thank You Marianne...for your courage and keen insight and compassion and the resilience to never give up in telling it like it is...avoiding culture wars and getting to the heart of the matter!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

A little while ago I promised you 40 Days of Prayer, matching them each with the first 40 Lessons of A Course in Miracles starting at Lesson One on July 1st. I've been doing that faithfully, and I've expanded my commitment to 80 Days, applying the first 80 Lessons of A Course in Miracles. This includes the all-important Lessons from 61 to 70.

In addition to my commitment to the Course and my prayers for you, which are sincere, I am praying for the President of the United States. He has the most challenging job on earth, and honestly speaking he is juggling some very heavy balls right now. I pray for his safety and success and I pray for the safety and success of the United States.


When I seek additional prayers I have always turned to your book Illuminata. I highly recommend it to everyone who is reading this blog. Start at the beginning. Read every essay. Memorize the prayers that work for you. And live them.

That is how I choose to embrace my long history with Marianne Williamson's profoundly impactful work in my life.

It began with The Course. The magic of that book runs through it all like a life giving stream, and when all is done it will end with A Course in Miracles.... That I will know God, and hear God's Voice throughout the day, and I will know that if you are sincere in your practice of the Course you are listening to God and doing your best to let that voice speak through you.

I wish you love, without grievances.

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Hilarious (& disheartening) that someone of your intellect, ability & humanity, then, targets Donald Trump as more responsible for this malaise (which is world wide)....more than the increasingly absurd antics of the deep state-influenced democrats

Clinton (especially Killary), Obama (clever snake) Bush (both!).....have all created wars where they have no business to be, have hideous foreign "policies"....care not a jot for ordinary Americans, the constitution, democracy.... even rig elections

Trump has glaring personality flaws (many do) & is in the wealthy capitalist class....but there's a REASON vast swathes of people respond to him....he connects with them & genuinely care about the Republic more than the ruling establishment...who the founding Fathers warned of

I'm not "pro Trump" (I not even American) but I prefer grown up understanding of the world (as do you)....So hating one side of the absurd political charade, when the other is clearly appalling....does your great messages no credit?

Go to the cause as you say.....the cause is far from just "Trump"

Picking sides is part of the infantalization process

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If you think that Trump connects with them & genuinely cares about the Republic more than the ruling establishment, you must be from Mars.

Trump only cares about himself.

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Rich People Don’t Create Jobs.¨ Billionaire Nick Hanauer 5:49 min

Nick Hanauer on inequality



Nick Hanauer - TEDSalon NY2014

Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming 20:12 min


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I see it as a sign of her great tolerance that Marianne Williamson allows you to continue to post this stuff on her blog.

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