May 26Liked by Marianne Williamson

Beautiful! Very helpful as I review my 70 years and feel a fair amount of grief. I am motivated to go deeper and wiser! thank you!

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May 26Liked by Marianne Williamson

This was very beautiful. It gives me so much (comfort? I’m not sure) to know that after all you’ve been doing, after all you’ve been fighting for, you can still communicate such insights so poignantly. ❤️

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I agree with what Marianne's father said, "When you’re old, you don’t feel old.” I'm 75 now and when I'm looking at the world around me I feel to be in my late 40's or 50's and in a healthy fit body - and then when I see myself in the mirror I say, "who is that old lady?" It's such a shock for who I feel myself to be.

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I am 75 years old as well and not in the best health. I am sure that when you look in the mirror you see a beautiful 75-year-old woman looking back at you. I pray that you live many decades longer before the Grim Reaper arrives. God bless you now and forever.

Be still and be you.

Be still and know.

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May 26Liked by Marianne Williamson

So very beautiful and heartfelt, insight and wisdom. I shall share this with the residents in the long-term care facility where I work . I often ask them, while they are exercising" "what age do you feel today" , I receive very interesting and funny, at times, responses.

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At 81, I guess I'm in the fourth chapter. Yet the paradox of how free my heart has become and full to overflowing to others, yet my body gets tired out so easily....plum tuckered out sorts of days now and then. Yet the desire to share the love that has been freed up due to inner work and God's grace, is so very strong and sure. Thank you Marianne, for speaking of these late in life truths!! <3

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May 26Liked by Marianne Williamson

I'm glad that you are the wise and brave woman to make a run for president and then land on your feet. Mature women are often ignored or taken for granted except when the young, the self satisfied, or their people realize they need them.

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Such a beautiful picture of aging - I have always thought of those women with their cauldron’s brew as being so powerful that they are kept on the outskirts of town. They. Know. Too. Much. They are actually powerful beyond measure … as your words always flow through my mind. And they also hold this magical quality … maybe a bit like the woman from the Magic Shop (loved your interview with Dr D and loved that book!)… not the OWNER of the magic shop but the mother of the owner. One step removed yet in possession of the only true magic. And I hear Don Henley singing “Ooo - Hoooo witchy woman … she’s got the moon in her eye”

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i really love this post Marianne, what a beautiful way to explain the power, vigor, understanding, wisdom and changing beauty of aging women 💕 thank you

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From a last-phase vantage point, I see an absurdity where people who have creature comforts live in misery, like my worldly successful ex, who is 92 and still in therapy. Although life isn't a piece of cake and traumas go deep, still I wish I could encourage everyone to get a grip -- that life is a brief adventure where if you dedicate yourself to serving your world it can be a self-fulfilling instead of a self-indulgent ride to be on.

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In a couple of weeks, I'll be 73 and I concur with your father's observation. I have a similar ageless experience normally. When just going about my day, I only need acknowledge my age when my body shows me it's no longer twenty-something - like when loading heavy purchases at the garden center. Thirty pounds is so much heavier now than it was just a few years ago.

I think I may have more years in this existence, and I wonder what--if anything--may show up as future purpose. I believe the ancient wisdom that insists we are here, in this human form, to learn and teach. I am certain there's much more for me to learn...

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Nice MW…….so good to read something non-political.

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Beautiful reflection and writing. There's a lot to stir in the cauldron of the life you've been living to be sure. You certainly haven't just sat back and not cared.

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This went straight to the heart, Marianne. Thank you.❤️

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Thank you Marianne




My mother,

Keeps talking about death,

As if age has just dawned,

On her suddenly.

It feels like she must,

Hate me,



My mother,

Eludes to her sunset,

And moving on,

Right in front of me.

She just turns to dust,

On me,


Doesn't Mama know,

She's got to live till 110?

Doesn't Mama know,

Her light cannot end?

I'm being childish,

I need to grow up.

I'm being selfish,


Just shut up.


My mother,

Keeps sighing "God-willing,"

As if God's got plans,


(I shudder)

To get in on the killing,

With His own hands,



My mother,

Sings, laughing like before,

Without caring,


Some other,

Stares, toward the door,

With me glaring,


Doesn't Mama know,

That she is killing me?

Doesn't Mama know,

Her end is ending me?

I'm being childish,

I need to grow up.

I'm being selfish,


Just shut up.


My mother,

Keeps talking about death,

As if age has just dawned,

On her suddenly.

It feels like she must,

Hate me,



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Somehow, I too thought I would feel different as I age, but my essence remains the same only richer, more radiant and intricate in detail… It seems so ironic that the outside is what seems to be different. I want to celebrate my wrinkles, purposely, allowing any culture imposed judgment of age to pass by… some days, more easily, and quickly than others🦋 I love it when a Cheshire grin comes across my face as I hope it allows others to catch a glimpse of the beauty that I have honed that is beneath the surface that they see💕 if only to Inspire them …as they eventually may bask in a similar moment as they age. I hope they too smile.🤗

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This is incredibly lovely, thank you so much Marianne

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