A fascinating synopsis of the beginning of the end of the unfettered free press. You might also be interested to know there was a failed effort to forestall the domination of partisan newspapers. This was referred to as a Joint Operation Agreement, where the failing newspaper (subscription rates) would continue to operate a newsroom and its competitor would physically print the newspaper. I was in the business at that time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspaper_Preservation_Act_of_1970

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Yes! Well said. Can you imagine a world where there is independent media and America sees its place in that. Thanks for all you do to help raise the frequency!

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Thank you for this absolutely excellent report on this centrally important problem. Americans need to learn we are ruled by a financial oligarchy of criminals. Think "monopoly". They cheat, defraud, and lie. Strategically, it is just as important for them to control the major internet outlets, such as YouTube and Google, as it is to control the mainstream news media. This is essential for them to hide their crimes, and hide their manipulations of the justice system.

It's important to face the plain fact that these criminals are mass murderers. The multi-trillion dollar war in Aghanistan, the multi-billion dollar opiode epidemic, and the multi-million water scam in Flint are all crimes of pure predatory evil. The mainstream media lies are obviously highly coordinated, with each other and with the military-political complex. Therefore there is a coordinating group at the center of all this coordinated corruption and crime, of this coordinated, controlled demolition of democracy.

Another excellent statement on this by Marianne, and discussion of it, is here.

"Marianne Willamson, Andrew Yang Debate 3rd Party Vs Primary |Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWjQEE_EnY0

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What can be done? Maybe if enough of us spread the word , support Marianne and take ACIM- we can all ‘be the change we want to see’ 🙏🏽

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