In the "out there" where we control nothing, influence little and witness with sadness and dread what we think is going on in our country and in the world, despair is present. We must make manageable the sadness, fear and the feeling of being powerless. In response, I look at what I can do. I vote, I volunteer, I give to charity and hold everyone in a place of love and compassion. The lessons about trusting God and the divine spark within me, looking with soft, caring eyes at everyone and everything, I recycle, repurpose, and support those efforts is what I can do. I listen to people who speak with passion about loving one another, I model those actions that uphold the best in me and others and I forgive myself when I forget and find myself being consumed by outrage or actual rage, when I forget that we are all one with each other and all being on the earth, and all the blessing of nature which we forget to respect. Thank you Marianne.

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Wait, are you a writer? You should be!

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This is an exquisite statement. It's suffused with the spirituality of the Course in Miracles (if you follow it, or even if you don't) AND it's marked with a solid, practical understanding of the manifest world, and what it means to put love into action on an everyday basis. Thank you.

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Aug 26Liked by Marianne Williamson

As usual, Marianne has a brilliant take on what is going on. SHE should have been a choice for our next President! It is a horrible shame that her thoughts and recommendations are aired in the margins! Hopefully, this will change in the VERY NEAR future!

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No, "nothing will change [...] until we the people retrieve our honor and courage, so gaslit out of us, so worn down over time."

It's basically true. The system is indeed Machiavellian. It's also - most importantly - unsustainable. So it will "implode" in this or that way and with equally disastrous consequences. But two things should be clearly stated. First, the system was hijacked by the oligarchy due to the complacency and acquiescence of the masses. Second, the system will concede absolutely nothing by itself. So it's probably time to start thinking about ways in which this problem can actually be addressed under the current circumstances. Running in fake primaries has evidently very little to do with it...

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I agree, moving forward... decentralize, build community governing bodies, as long as we continue to insist that the current Government have the people's best interests at heart or it can be transformed we are been duped.

Minster Buky Fuller "You never change things by fighting the existing reality, to change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete"

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Agreed on both these critical points. Decentralization is key. And the only way to deal with *reactionary* structures is to build new *progressive* ones through grassroots efforts. So that the latter naturally replace the former. And yes, it'd take embracing the fact that the present arrangement is FUBAR. Unfortunately, these two complementary - and theoretically impeccable - strategies seem to be in direct contradiction with the basic feature of human nature. It's not like it's totally unrealistic to pull it off, but... In any case, it'd require a wave of new community and union leaders and organisers as well as campaigns focused on issues and very concrete "local" initiatives instead of high--profile politicians trying to pose as saviors...

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Sorry, I made a big miswrite in the children’s community news post! It is written precisely not to frighten them but also to convey the real issues involved in a way that makes sense to them.

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Yes, I agree! A good recent model I like is the community Substack that the “three Sonorans” put out in Arizona as their local government paper! It is so rich, it starts with their news - written especially for the children, to keep them informed but fightened or bewildered - then for the general public - last for the intensely interested or involved! Check it out ! It’s a model for running a county or city or state keeping people informed and included!

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We live in a throw away society. When something breaks we buy a new item to replace it. Too bad we don't practice this with the broken political system. It's time to replace these parasites with something new and completely different.

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Aug 26Liked by Marianne Williamson

Excellent piece. Thank you for writing this.

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Spot on. It is transformations in our individual hearts and souls before the external impacts will transformative of our culture and systems. Thank you, Marianne, for your faithfulness and potent messages!

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What is the point of this post? Starting to sound like Trump whining. Why do you NEVER call out patriarchy and the need to inject Divine Feminine Energy into the world to help turn around and transform our systems/institutions. You experienced misogyny (a WOMAN, not to be taken seriously, not capable), Hillary Clinton experienced it, and now Kamala Harris will experience it. Let's rise up and inject feminine energy into the public sphere to bring balance and equanimity into our collective life.

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Sure, if the world has more Madeleine Albrights and Hillary Clintons - both of whom belong in the Nuremberg trial - it'll certainly become a better place. More corrupt to the bone crooks like Pelosi or Feinstein are exactly what politics and the country need. What does it have to do with gender?

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Excuse me! I’m usually the asshole, but not tonight.

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deletedAug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Lauren Selsky
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Nope. Sending you love and wishing you the best in getting over your personal disappointment so you can move on and continue your good work

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Oh dear, that is so judgmental. It's very distasteful.

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Oh. If this is a "snowflake" group that can't handle authentic comment, I'll unsubscribe. Thanks for feedback.

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Marilyn thinks the problem is the patriarchy. lol. Have you been outside in the last thirty years. Everyone is gay and trans. We are swimming in estrogen. The matriarchy is already self destructing.

What the world needs is strong confident men and strong confident women. People strong enough to discern and speak truth and to allow others to speak and to function in their callings. MW is a strong confident woman rejected not by patriarchy but by weak devolved liars. Reducing the criminality of the democrat oligarchy to “gender” is truly idiotic.

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Snowflakes are very interesting. Each with a unique crystalline structure and very strong softly , silently building a wonderland with no two patterns alike ! Nothing there to distain.

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I am with you, don't unscribe, your voice also needs to be heard, do not lett some simple comments tick you off❣

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Really Marianne? Is this the best comment you have to share on the topic this woman brings up?I think you can do better than that. Although the tone could use some refinement, it is a legitimate question Marilyn asks. It does not need a sneer and that sneer tells me something about you that makes me sad. Rise above it, it doesn't suit you at all.

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I don’t agree with your assessment, but clearly my comment came off offensively to you so I deleted it. To say that I never called out patriarchy… I don’t know how to give a serious answer to that. Beginning with my book “A Woman’s Worth,” then so much of the work that I’ve done for the last 40 years, plus how I was treated in the presidential campaign - and yes, by other women as well I’m afraid, in ways that I absolutely do not think would’ve occurred had I been a man - I feel that I have both taken on the wrath of the patriarchy and responded to it as best I could. When I would point out that I was being treated unfairly because I was a woman, people started yelling at me that I was “playing the woman card.” I hope more women will start coming to the defense of a woman who’s being burned at the stake. Without Sisterhood we won’t make it. We should not be silent when another woman has been trashed in front of them! The woman being attacked is likely to be attacked even more if she complains. Misogyny is alive and well in American politics, I can tell you that, and what’s horrifying is that it remains so unchallenged.

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I was at your talk at the Parliament of World Religions in 2015. You called out the patriarchy as it’s “not been good to women” with clarity and conviction. I trust your stand is CLEAR in this regard. Love a link to that talk if you have one.

Anyone who speaks out against the current media orthodoxy gets burned at the stake - regardless of their gender. However, if you are a woman, you’ll get treated with time tested smears that have worked to cut down women for decades - as you have.

Those who believe in the orthodoxy/narrative - and forget about basic human values - do the burning.

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Found it - Parliament of World Religions 2015 - https://youtu.be/6QsqSURXHE0

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Thank you this sounds more like it 😁and more like you

With love Felice

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My goddess... you are a powerhouse for soul-filled service.

Yes - those who control the narrative - control perception - control the world. And as you've experienced, there is a coordination among all liberal mainstream media outlets to run masses of free ads for some politicians and masses of lies and smear campaigns on others. But politics is not the only narrative that's being handled in this highly biased way.

Despite the rise of MANY alternative media channels and the many who have exited mainstream media in order to speak their truth rather than the narrative demanded upon them by their bosses, we still are very reliant on social media hubs to get any information out where it has a chance of being heard, seen, and acted upon. The FBI-backed threats against Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media channels starting in 2021 was the beginning of the major push to control the narrative. With the founder of Telegram now in jail, the owners of all non-compliant channels know they are at risk as well. Substack is under scrutiny and could be attacked too for allowing voices that question the liberal-elite orthodoxy.

How is it that such a vast network of liberal media channels are so well-coordinated as to silence some voices and news, and highlight and promote their chosen candidates?

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Of course. The system and those in control of it will protect themselves. In the same way Israel is presently "defending" itself. Did you expect anything different? Anyone who could pose an actual threat to the system by challenging it in a meaningful way will be seen by it as its mortal enemy. So these expectations that it is going to promote any such challenger or give them "fair" time etc. are irrational. But that's not the main problem. Not in the age of the Internet, at any rate. All one needs to know is really out there. And Ms Williamson was able to make her case. But no one seems to care...

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Did I expect anything different? No. However it’s worse than my expectations allowed me to pre-conceive.

And, MANY people DO care, but they are practically blocked from hearing Marianne and others needed voices. The system tells them what to think and who to vote for.

My question is this - is there any path to change that system in support of humanity and the planet? Or is it bound to implode as Marianne asserts it will should it fail to course correct?

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How are they "blocked"? Information - especially worthy bits - may not be served on a silver platter at all times (nor should it be, frankly), but it's still unbelievably available. To be more precise, as never before. You correctly point out that media outlets don't report facts anymore. They do wall-to-wall propaganda and PR for the Establishment through offering manufactured narratives. By the way, most "new media" ones play their own games that have mainly to do with audience capture. But it doesn't take an Einstein to see through all this stuff and get your own research done...provided one is willing to see things as they are. But very few would be. It has nothing to do with the system, however. The problem is considerably more serious and fundamental...

The current arrangement is headed for its systemic collapse. But people may be advised to be very careful with these "let it burn" attitudes. Because this "implosion" is going to spell very different things for the elites and the masses. Is there any way out? Let's talk about the U.S. specifically. Technically - yes (although I think there is only one realistic path forward here). Will it happen? I don't think so. If you want more detailed answers, you can refer to the single Note on my page for the "way out" scenario and to the essay on the problem of choice to delve into why it's unlikely to be realised...

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Marianne, If you haven’t already please read “Prequel” by Rachel Maddow

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You won't be sorry, I promise you that.

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Why aren’t you still running for U S President, Marianne? So the Democrats won’t nominate you! Run as an Independent, to heck with the Dems!

Bill Matthews

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Or maybe endorse Trump?? Lolllll

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Marianne I supported you when you first ran for President. I saw how the media made fun of you and refused to take you seriously . I support a Department of Peace. The forever wars this country continues to be part of has not helped the citizens of this country. It only helps the military industrial complex and leads to the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. We need to take back the country from the few billionaires and corporations that control it and the media.

As you stated, the system has a way of dealing with those who would challenge it. The DNC dealt with you and RFK Jr. in a way to make it impossible to be the nominee for the Democratic Party. They had already chosen their puppet Joe Biden. And when it became obvious to the entire nation that he is not mentally competent they installed Kamala Harris, a person who did not receive one vote in the primaries. How they can pretend that they support democracy is beyond me.

You clearly recognize the media lies about people in order to get them out of the game. As you stated, it’s not that hard in America today to make someone radioactive. I think you would agree that the media has been doing that to RFK Jr. for years.

I saw your recent video where you commented about his recent speech and the fact that he’s withdrawing his name from the ballots in the battleground states and is supporting Donald Trump. He said they have had discussions about him playing an important role in the Trump administration. He said that he agrees with Trump on three issues including reversing chronic illness in children, ending the war in Ukraine and stopping the censorship in social media by the government. If Kamala Harris, or any democrat chosen by the DNC, is the next president you can count on none of these issues being addressed.

I understand that you don’t trust Trump to keep his word to RFK Jr., but this time he made this promise in front of 50,000 of his supporters who obviously support Kennedy being part of the Trump administration.

I don’t fully trust Trump either but I do trust RFK Jr.’s judgement. He obviously believes that Trump will appoint him to an important position so that he can help the health of the American children.

I voted against Trump twice but what I’ve seen happen to this country in the past four years makes it impossible for me to continue to support the democrats.

I’ve come to see that when the mainstream media tries to demonize someone, that person must be trying to do something right for the country.

You are right that the system has a way of keeping people in line. In my opinion the only way to change it is to vote against anyone the mainstream media supports. I think the only way to try to save this country is to elect Trump as president. The democrats have proven they are no longer the party of the working people or the party against wars or the party that believes in freedom of speech. They are the establishment party who will be the puppets of their rich donors.Thank you for reading this comment.🙏

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You got it right honey, and you got a lot of guts

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I deeply appreciate your voice and was and am glad to see it amplified as a result of your campaign. I am sorry it was not as resonant as it should have been because of the machinations of the Bidenites, et al. You might find this effort to reimagine from first principles speaks to you (at least I hope that it will): https://dissidentvoice.org/2024/03/reimagining-nationalism-and-democracy-with-the-view-from-the-shore/

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What is it we can do ?how can each of us help this shift?

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You paint a perfect picture of he'll, the ego's world. When I was 31, after 5 years of art school, and 6 years of philosophy and psychology courses, I realized the world is, and always will be what it is, and so I decided to become an RN, a path I found to be largely devoid of ego trippers. It was me interacting with a patient, intervening on the patient's behalf, advocating for him in a positive act of support. Let the world implode, Marianne. It needs to do so. And trust God to provide a soft landing.

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So, how do we transform a “Soulless Public System“ into a system that “Has a Soul”? By supporting liberal candidates? By supporting Progressive Candidates? By supporting candidates that are Independently wealthy?

No matter which group you belong to, if you get elected to public office, in order to wield power, you must advance within this Soulless Public System. Which means you must slowly become part of the Soulless Public System you were Fighting Against.

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I don’t think we “must.”

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How do you advance within a system (including fundraising) without becoming part of that system? It seems like Every Progressive including Bernie and AOC has bent a knee to the system. I suppose you could just serve for one term and then leave.

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Yes transform the system, and how do we do that with so many people afraid to act couregeously? You did, Marianne, by running for President, and the mainstream media did NOT give you the airtime to make your message more widespread.

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Agreed. Thank you Marianna for your interesting analysis. I would just add 'transformation in unison'.

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