Aug 23, 2021Liked by Lauren Selsky, Marianne Williamson

It calms and empowers me to hear Marianne's way of expressing her ideas during tough times. So glad to support this new subscription!

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

I got off a call less than an hour ago with a confidant. We were sharing about how hard it is right now and those helpless feelings that descend and how we want to do more than just throw money at "stuff" hoping it will fall into the hands of people wiser than us who can buy the bandaids and apply them where they deem necessary. I said, "I need some direction, someone who can help articulate these mixed-up feelings!" Right after I got off the call, Marianne's post about this showed up on my IG notices. Coincidence? I think not. Thank you and so much love to you from Seattle Marianne.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

I am a Student/Teacher of ACIM for 29 years and I’m more than ready to help people create a more loving world and putting an end to making a fear-based world. The time is NOW and I am 100 percent in!

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Thank you Marianne from France. I share.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

You're so right, Marianne! We need to step up and use our power for the greater good with LOVE leading the way.

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Aug 26, 2021Liked by Lauren Selsky

So well written. Thank you for adding the quote by Hemingway! Profound metaphor.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

So excited to join! Thank you for creating this channel to self actualize our abilities to move the world forward. Go time! Thank you, Marianne. You are the one to ignite us.

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My sense is that most people are not oblivious to the many crises that confront us today, and quite simply feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. Too many are teetering between slim hope and utter despair. Like you, many of us have contributed to righteous causes, supported progressive candidates, and yet see little in the way of real transformation. It’s so tempting to just give up. But as the father of two grown sons trying to make their way in the world, and as a retired teacher who always felt his students were entitled to wild-eyed optimism, I can’t really surrender to cynicism. As you so aptly point out, that way lies human suffering on a scale that defies comprehension. Better, then, to redouble our efforts for a more humane and equitable world. And to take good care of ourselves—both physically and spiritually—so that we are up to the task.

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As an ocean experiencing itself in this world, trust your depth.. you are more than the depth you are in form. The collapse of your thinking is how we all break free. Your feelings matter as they are made up from matter no thought will tell you that. Thinking will never connect you to how you feel. Your feelings will tell you that. We are taught to think, when were you taught to feel? All true transformation requires you inside your pain not away from it. This was beautiful dear soul! Your words cut through layers!

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It’s hard to convince people of your point of view. Uncomfortable facts make them defensive, and the natural response for many is to go into absolutism mode because the ego works best when opponents are dehumanized. When faced with this, we need to rehumanize ourselves in their eyes. We need to find a moment to listen rather than meet their force with our own. Find some shred of common ground like saying, “I know, my life is hard right now too. But I put the blame on corporations and their control of governmental policy, not on groups of people who themselves are being exploited for profit.” And if you still face a confrontational mindset, then it’s time to, as I say, #GetYerGandhiOn. Don’t push any easily pressed buttons and show compassion in any way you can, particularly if you’re able to change the subject. Ask about their kids, talk sports, music, whatever. You can rehumanize yourself by conjuring up past connections.

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Long-distance-Hello, dear Marianne. I appreciate your thoughts and efforts so deeply. I absolutely hear you. I urgently need to share what I have come to find. For the first time in our human journey we are finally! in the position to truthfully adress what has been accompanying us all along our concious (nerve based, learning from actively experimenting, thinking mind) human journey on earth and what you address as „some impenetrable force (that) seems more and more resistant to fundamental change“.

The „funamental change“ that is crucial is a change of heart via truthful, biological, mind soothing, heart aligning understanding of our spiecies and what it means to live under the #HumanCondition (the impenetrable force of us being loving/hateful. peacful/revenge seeking, caring/selfish, depressed/joyful, connected/separeted, etc) and, by understanding it, overcoming it! It's us collectively living under the duress of the Human Condition that „causes all sorts of collective problems“. As we drift farther and farther away and detach from our original nurturing, loving instincts with the goal of serving our confused and insecure minds with its desperate search for knowledge and ultimately self-understanding!, we approach terminal levels of alienation, feed and try to soothe our currupted, fallen, egocentric state with our ever growing thirst for reinforcement and materialism in what ever form. The Human Condition has been bravely approached by denial free thinkers throughout history, but we just could not truthfully, scientifically explain it until recently. As long as anything-dogma is part of the game our human minds and hearts won't come to lasting peace and the „impenetrable force“ will perpetuate.

It's about Self-discovery vs. Self-destruction – that's were we've repeatedly been stuck all along the way. The pain is incredibly real for those who can still connect, for those less alieneted from soul. I love the picture from Edvard Munch you selected to emphasize the abnormality, the craziness of the wold we live in. This tremendous yet silent, terrified cry while facing the naked madness of our human world, our way of being.

The understandings about the true journey of life on earth and ourselves, about having to live in denial while not being able to truthfully, scientifically explain the original nature of our upset, egocentric state, our Human Condition, are brought tu us by Australian biologist #JeremyGriffith and provide the long awaited peace of heart AND mind to all corners of the world which inherently posses the power to lead us out of our mess at any level. One person at a time. No matter where you're comming from, this is for ALL people.

Truthful understanding brings the change of heart needed to change the „impenetrable force“ of the Human Condition humancondition.com from within. These understandings mean an unbelievable paradigm shift in our way of thinking and perceiving, thus (with reference to you quoting Albert Einstein) putting us in the position to solve the problems of the world from a level of thinking and understanding that has never been here before! Our thoughts can now well up from an uncontaminated, healthy, loving spring – so will our actions.

Self-understanding and change of heart vs. Terminal levels of alienation and Self-destruction: understanding is the key for us as knowledge seeking species. No more living in the the dark cave of denial, but in beautifully illuminating sunlight.

Thank you so much, Marianne Williamson, for facing and pointing at the perpetuating wrongness and madness of our human world. Let's bring an end to people either having to silently scream in horror or having to submit to denial.

The competitive, selfish, egocentric, ego reinforcing behavior is one by one comming to an end. The prevalent „scientific“ savage-animal-instincts-excuse for our maladaptive behaviour is being unveiled and obsolete. With the truthful biological, first principle science understandings about our loving nurturing instincts we can overcome the sense of separation and enter a bright human world of loving oneness. A new paradigm is on it's rise which serves all the goodness and love we have hoped for.

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If only YOU had won the Presidency!!!! This world would be in such a better place!!!!!!!!!! <3

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“We’re wounded people living in a wounded world, projecting our wounds onto the world and constantly being wounded again in turn.“ Amen! Truth is spoken & that is why We have to Transcend🙌🏼Even further than Transform🌀cuz we are re~creating the same wound over & over and expecting different results🤪Transcend the wound


We Are All One💛💚❤️🦋💛💚❤️

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Im grateful to be part of this group to make the change we want to see together. Agree with everything Marianne has said and know love will find a way to bring us all home to a safe just and caring enviroment not ruled by money and what "I" can get..all I see is no time for others living in a fast paced world and not slowing down enough to breath and care about each other especially in some work environments. Everybody run ragged all because of task we have to complete. I'd love to be part of a group that says No more. Stop and look at what's happening. Then make a stand to change it. Im new to this and only started getting into Nov Dec last year. Thankyou Marianne for your wisdom and knowledge so people like myself can learn about what really going on. I'm doing ACIM only up to lesson 90 which I loved today.

Let me recognise the problem so it can be solved.

Let me recognise my problems have been solved.

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I have been a student of ACIM since1988, 33 years, and you, Marianne, have been my guiding star throughout that time. I am 70 years old, and I am tired. Bewildered and tired, actually. I read Paul Ehrlich in the '70's, and made sure to have only one child. I went to school, and learned to think. I became a healthcare provider, and learned to pray for others. I have made many, many mistakes in my life, and yet I know that I have been forgiven. So, why am I so tired and bewildered? This world is not our home, and I have finally come to dwell in that fact. That said, I have still decided to become a paying member of this group, because I think I owe you that much Marianne. Thank you for your continued presence in my life.

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I just finished a guided meditation where I planned to meet a spiritual guide... I wanted to share my feelings of fear and the confused state of feeling helpless. I asked, if we are bound to extinction, then is the world just simply on its path? Annoying scenes of apocalyptic media popped up in my head. So I asked, How can I help steer the outcome to avoid disaster? Am I really helpless or is that a lazy excuse? The guide reminded me to focus on the opportunities in front of me because they are going to be tools for me to create my dreams and make the bigger impact in the way I envision. The guide's message was to accept the circumstances of today which are truly out of my control, and trust that what's been thrown at me is for my own good. After I read this email and felt so relieved... because I don't feel alone.

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