For the sake of democracy and our country, we need to pull together behind Joe and make sure Trump is not able to divide and conquer at our expense. Joe won the primary. He has been and is doing the job extremely well. He beat Trump in the last election and in the previous two debates before the 2020 election. It matters that he's the incumbent running on a brilliant record. We are harming ourselves and causing glee among Republicans when we give them reason to feel as if their misinformation campaigns about Joe's fitness as a candidate had any merit. They didn't before that one poorly moderated debate, and they still don't.

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Primary was handed to Biden. An open convention is the way to go to get people excited about the upcoming election.

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People voted in the primary election. I voted for Biden. I don't want my vote overridden. Other candidates had a chance, they just weren't chosen to be the Democratic candidate, even though I'm sure Marianne would have made a good president. It's just given the way Americans vote, she would not have beaten Trump. Sexism is a thing in this country. That's why there hasn't been a woman president yet, but at least we have Vice President Harris on the ticket.

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Jean, that wasn't the way it happened I'm afraid. I don't want to go back and litigate that question - I only bring it up because it's so relevent to how and why this disaster happened. The bigger point now is that people voted for Biden before they saw his debate performance and subsequent interviews etc. It is reasonable to want to open up the convention. We must not be in denial about Biden's current chances of winning in November

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I don't believe Biden's performance in the debate proved he was unfit, just that he had a cold and was in a room with draining toxic energy and with moderators who did not do their job. They tried to make Trump look as if he is a normal candidate instead of stopping him and questioning each lie or demanding that he stick to answering their questions. Don't forget Biden won two debates against Trump in 2020, would have won three, but Trump backed out because he had COVID and refused to appear remotely. The very next day, Biden was on his feet and rocked it at that rally. He is fit for the job, he's doing the job and he is the only Democrat who actually beat Trump. That does matter and all of these attacks on him, which are undeserved, undermine our chances to remain in the white house in 2025. A chaotic convention will only hurt us.

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Where is Biden's website to reply to all your comments?

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Love your reply. I'm borrowing it, if okay with you. Stay blessed and thank you!

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getting people exited is a great idea. Throwing out the vote a bad one.

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But that would depend on what one considers their main goal, wouldn't it? If it's "the country should be saved from Trump at any cost", that's one thing. But if it's, say, "at this point, the most important thing is to contribute to breaking the Duopoly's grip on power", that's quite another. Also, even if one decides to go with this extremely dubious strategy of choosing the lesser of two evils, it's highly debatable which one of these two candidates qualifies. It may come as a surprise, but some people see Trump as their less unacceptable option. And it may come even as a greater surprise, but there are former lifelong Democrats among those...

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Biden was handed the primary without a vote. That's not democracy and as much as want Biden to win he WILL NOT because he has Parkinson's and he supports genocide.

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Biden doesn't have Parkinson's. There are troops who are seen by doctors at the white house, and the specialists rumored to have been there for Biden were there while he was traveling. I voted for Biden in the primary, so yes, he did get votes. And supporting Palestine against Israel is a big mistake. Hamas is to blame for every single death in this war, and many, many more Palestinian civilians have died at the hands of Hamas than because of anything Israel did to defend itself from rockets launched into Israel from heavily populated areas. Palestine isn't a democracy and denies human rights. Israel is a democracy and women and gay people have equal rights. In fact Israel has over 2 million Arab citizens, equal rights as well. There are many Arab countries with zero Jews in their population and that's not an accident. 22 Arab countries, vast, wealthy lands. Only one tiny country is the Jewish homeland, about the size of New Jersey. It's not asking too much to let them live in peace, but one Arab terrorist group after another has attacked them. Israel is not the bully, they have been victimized so long that they had to learn to fight for themselves in order to survive.

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Elder abuse , this is what it is.

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And trump is a better choice.

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Marianne Williamson is a better choice!

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Sarcasm noted.

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I understand that you have just received a phone call from your boss at the DNC to never say that : ¨Trump is a better choice.¨

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No. I just don't have an incredibly short memory and my news sources tend to be accurate.

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It is clear that you are here to only make trouble.

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¨The previous two before the 2020 election?

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Yes. Biden won the two debates before the 2020 election. There had been a third planned, but Trump had COVID and refused to participate from a remote location so it was canceled. (The debates took place September 29 and October 22 the one scheduled for October 15 was canceled).

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The quote you shared...should be used to back our President...

Never, ever ever ever ever give up. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us. You create your own universe as you go along.

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You JoAnne Ellis create your own universe!

The actor George Clooney, who had been among President Joe Biden’s biggest supporters and donors in Hollywood, called on Biden to bow out of the presidential race on Wednesday, just weeks after he headlined a major fundraiser for his reelection campaign.


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Also...let's not forget what Joe Biden said himself, after the debate...he said that it wasn't his best debate...but at least he didn't LIE throughout the entire debate, he said that he TOLD THE TRUTH...Do we want INTEGRITY or everyone's definition of a "perfect debater?"

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I understand. But I am tired to hear this without any historic evidence that such a step is less risky than letting the only candidate who ever beat trump proceed. I understand also the longing for new energy. But he was voted the nominee with a democratic vote. If there is no more serious reason to take him off other than he is low energy and old, such a step at this point is undemocratic indeed. May peace and unity prevail.

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I have written extensively about how the voices of other candidates - I know, because I was one - were suppressed during the primaries. This was NOT a fair and democratic election. The reason this is significant is because if there had been one, this would not be happening. As others have pointed out, according to the polls Trump is now in place to win by a landslide. People who voted for Biden did so before the debate, and have every reason now to be concerned

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Marianne, I am so sorry to hear this. I honor you for your spiritual writings. But here you go wrong. I have lived through times with no "fair and democratic elections" under the East German regime. That looks a bit different I can assure you. Also we speak about running against a candidate who made the same claims, unfounded. So I am confused here where you are coming from and how it could help overcome the divide. I understand that you wish there would be another process of discussion and that people could decide anew. I disagree that it is a winning strategy come November.

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Does Biden has a Substack page or site where I could go to write few comments?

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Hi, Mario. I'm curious to hear what you would say.

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Hi Tala. The same as here... and more like abuse of older people. No matter what, he was vice president from 2009 to 2017 under President Barack Obama and before he represented Delaware in the United States Senate from 1973 to 2009. So he served his country. It is time now to enjoy life with is family.

What is the problem with Jill Biden? Why is she pushing him to continue?

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Dear Marianne thank you for being such a strong starlight with power from divine realms you remind me of HIldegard of Bingen she was striving and fighting for justice with brilliance just like you. Thank you so much from Sweden. ACIM is a mean I love and cherish. Please go on and shine.

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Polls and debates do not determine elections. Hillary Clinton won all three debates and all the polls said she was going to win by a landslide and we all know what happened there. The only thing that determines outcomes are elections. This election will be a binary choice between Trump's Project 2025 world without a democracy or Biden's world of saving our democracy and I believe the people will make the right choice.

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Have you seen the most recent polls? Trump's fans overwhelmingly support him and Biden's are down to somewhere like 30%. Biden CAN NOT WIN.

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Then his fans should get back behind him, don’t you think? It’s about time.

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I don't know what polls you are watching. However, there are a lot of them that are cherry picked and skewed to meet a certain narrative. And keep in mind November is a long way away

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Not with division. Look at France. This puts trump in office.

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? Who did they put?

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¨But he was voted the nominee with a democratic vote.¨ This is not true. This is the point.

Biden was not voted the nominee. He was crowned the nomine by the DNC and the others were keep aside.

Where were you the all last year? Marianne Williamson is talking about that mostly every week.

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Then I must not understand what primaries are.

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There were no primaries.

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Ups, you made me indeed look it up. AP thinks there were: https://apnews.com/article/biden-democrats-nomination-president-delegate-34a06d45d909c077fbeed17014f92986

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The CIA and the Media

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey

Source of CIA Director William J. Casey's Disinformation Program Quote


Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974


Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program


OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD: How The CIA Took Over The Mainstream Media

MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Corporate Media By The CIA


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Yes, the undemocratic DNC orchestrated the mess we're currently in, but people voted before the June debate. Personally speaking, Marianne is the best candidate this nation has had in decades, since FDR. No other comes close.

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¨People voted before the June debate?¨ What do you mean by that? Are you telling me that you no noting about the fact that there were no primaries?

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Vote for trump. Sick

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George Clooney, who just helped with a record-setting June fundraiser for President Biden, calls on the 81-year-old to end his reelection bid because of his age.


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Trump I guess age vs evil

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Someone called it the evil vs the feeble.

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Hey Judith.Green - Get out of here. You are not welcome.

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The Democratic Party is giving us mixed messages: party leaders are saying they’re privately trying to convince the President to release his delegates, while the DNC is actually trying to lock in President Biden’s nomination as soon as possible. In fact, they’re having a Rules and Bylaws meeting this Friday in order to create a virtual roll call to nominate the President as early as next week.

We must not let that happen.

You are correct, Marianne, we must not this happen because you are the candidate that the USA needs to be our next President for eight years.

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Use this to help our cause: "Where to from here?/Take heart in how good this turmoil could be": https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/where-to-from-here. Scroll down for Marianne. "...if we didn’t know any of the candidates and judged from what they offered she would win hands down."

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As if you're actually going to see or read this - the problem I have is with the SPM. Since 1964 those to The Left of the Democratic-republican Single Party Monolith hyphen : have done Zero, to reverse or correct "The New Federalism" revolution led by Rehnquist legal advisor to Goldwater and his cult following which became fedsoc and all of the talk about Russia and China purportedly destroying civil society ther is nothing more effective in that regard as The New Federalism viz., Qui non prohibet quod prohibere potest, assentire videtur - and if you know that then you ought to admit it because all of the people you're drumming up support from are going to suffer through another 4 years regardless of who the US President shall be as we all have - In My Lifetime - since 1964. What the United States of America needs is a 2d party not another version of the SPM.

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Now Biden has gone you must be the front runner after correctly suggesting he stand down and running in all the primaries. Harris is clearly a bit of a stooge and we need someone with vision and backbone. Good luck

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¨DNC to Court: We Are a Private Corporation With No Obligation to Follow Our Rules.¨

So this is what I believe they want to do. Their strategy is to impose the candidate of their choice. President Biden cannot be remove now because this will mean an Open Convention in August.

So he has to remain there as long as possible until probably September or October, than he will be sicked.

Guess what will be next. They will slide in Vice President Harris. I wrote something about that here few monts ago.


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I voted Democrat for 50 years, but it's been clear since 2016 (with "superdelegates" that could ignore the vote of the people) that the Democratic Party is corrupt to the core. Biden was senile in 2020 and whoever is in charge is unknown. If that's the best that the DNC has to offer us, in a country with 300 million people, and with hundreds of Democrats in Congress, they are not worthy of my vote and the Party does not represent my values. Democrats vote unanimously for spending money overseas while doing nothing to fix the problems here in the U.S. They pass legislation that transfers wealth from the middle class (taxpayers) into the pockets of billionaire CEOs who own our defense contractors, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies. Also, the campaigning is all about mudslinging and fear-mongering rather than about how to solve the huge economic problems facing our country, our $4.3T/year spending on health care with very poor health outcomes, and so forth. In my opinion, it's a sinking ship that needs to be abandoned and re-built. Only 25% of voters identify at Democrats today, and I'm one of the defectors who won't come back until they totally clean up their act and start passing legislation that makes sense.

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Have a lovely evening Mario...

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sigh...give it up buddy

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DNC to Court: We Are a Private Corporation With No Obligation to Follow Our Rules

¨In the transcript for last week's hearing in Wilding, et. al. v. DNC Services, d/b/a DNC and Deborah “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz, released Friday, DNC attorneys assert that the party has every right to favor one candidate or another, despite their party rules that state otherwise because, after all, they are a private corporation and they can change their rules if they want...

In this case, a group of Bernie Sanders supporters filed a class action lawsuit against the DNC and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz because, they argue, they were denied a fair and impartial election and had given money to a campaign on the belief that it was fair and impartial.¨ Read More https://ivn.us/posts/dnc-to-court-we-are-a-private-corporation-with-no-obligation-to-follow-our-rules

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So which part of OPEN THE CONVENTION you don't understand?

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Um...wow Mario...I wonder if Ms Williamson is reading this thread of comments...and I wonder if she recognizes that there is dissension among her own ranks? Yes...Biden is my pick over anyone, to include Marianne...and very proud of it. Perhaps you should have a talk with Marianne and see if she thinks what you are doing is "spiritually-based."

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The title of this Marianne Williamson's Substack is OPEN THE CONVENTION! Did you read it?

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and your "point" is, Mario??

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Are you working for the Biden's Team? It looks like.

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