Miraculous Marianne! Thank you for sharing this intelligent and inspiring wake up call. I love the way you see this world, I bow to your integrity, and I wish you were our president!!! Keep shining your brilliant light. With gratitude, WendiπŸ™πŸ’œ

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Marianne Williamson

Thank you for reminding us that we have been given the function of lighting up the world. God bless you

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So great to awaken my day with your voice, heart and intent to heal and transform our world for true beautiful good! To be an active participant with you and others in re-making this world out of Love, universal truth and common sense. The wish and intent, the grace heaven bent wherever a heart is forlorn, may I forever join you wherever I am in this great work and play of consciously choosing life, love, liberty and light over the ignorance and delusion of acting out of separateness, anger, hate. May a great planetary love and truth be renewed, reborn, in each of us. May I be used in this Truth; compassion, highest love, and the art of human awareness holds us all! God bless you Marianne, may we each be a forever spark!

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How wonderful to hear from you, Robert. Sending all my love

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Thank you.

I miss interacting with you.

Thus it was great to hear your

close up talk. I send you all my best plus more. Love you and all you are attempting, doing. I’m finally free again and doing my version here! Perhaps we will meet again to share and converse. Hope yr travels fun too, you sound great, real and true!

Heartwise blessings,

robert of mayflower

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So incredibly soothing listening to you and your wisdom.

It is absolutely true about people's reactions to you if you send them love beforehand. I have a practice recommended by Deepak Chopra of saying in my mind his mantra ("braham") to whoever I meet. This simple word (I salute you in Sanskrit) is a message to the person's souls. A message of peace, respect, equality and ultimate love. Works miracles from day one.

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Great practice. I also use Marianne's simple one before any meeting or situation where I feel on shaky ground. I remember to enter with the idea of the 'holy instant'. It works!

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Great talk! I agree with everything but I worry that sociopaths are never self-limiting, and someday we will need to stand up to them directly. All the inner work in the world won’t save the world until the progressives grow a pair….

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Unfortunately the progressives have been infiltrated by sociopaths as well

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You caused the first smile on my face today after hearing both external and personal sad news. I did chuckle. Thanks for presenting a wholistic view of reality!

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Indeed, courage with love is required now!

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As long as we’re at it, let’s envision a forested planet; β€˜that serves and is served by everyone.

β€˜Create your own vision of it and tuck it away in the Tabernacle of your Heart.

Re-envision it daily and every time you are confronted with our current reality; check in with your vision, re-choose it (refine it if you are moved to do so) and take your next step in that direction.

Observe; those elements in the world around you that are moving in the same direction.

Allow that which is inconsistent with the vision dissolve without taking away the energy you simply focus on the world you would have. Allow yourself to be refined and remolded into the individual who would be fittest in such a world.

β€œIt is your Father’s Good Pleasure to Give you the β€œKingdom.”

Choose to receive and embrace the love within you. πŸ•Š

β€˜Had to get that out there, as a part of my Vision of a Forested World. Looking forward to seeing you there.πŸŒπŸŒ³πŸ•Š

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β€˜Should you so choose.🎭

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Frank, your view is truly on target! It works, and it's backed by the new paradigm crediting consciousnes as the source of energy and creation of the universe both local and nonlocal. So we are never alone but all interconnected. Cheers!

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Baha'u'llah wrote, in the mid-Nineteenth Century, "Soon will the present day order be rolled up and a new one spread out in its stead". You have expanded on this theme beautifully, Marianne! May you have a blessed and fruitful week ahead, wherever you happen to be.

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Divine words. Thank you- you give to us even from afar. You’re always hitting the nail on the head and I think we may be close enough to desperation to listen, now. Just like the baby chick, hearing the tap, of Mama!

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Marc, I hope most folks are hearing the tap too! Marianne is extraordinarily gifted and helps thousands--she does amazing work aided by the digital world.

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Thank you, Master Marianne!

My soul loves your soul!

I am grateful for your messages; Daily Meditations; and books!

I wrote down a quote yesterday (adding a bit to it to personalize it for myself) from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book The Power of Intention: β€œI intend to feel good, I intend to return to my Source, and I refuse to allow any thoughts of negativity about myself or others, dis-order or dis-ease in.” I share this as my mantra / meditation. It’s what I am working on today. Tomorrow I might discover another area of focus but right now this is what is showing up. I’m making a minute by minute contribution to the evolution of bringing conscious awareness into this world. Thanks be to God. Amen.

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Marianne, I read and listen to your messages everyday. They set my mindset to be in the moment and for me to do my best in that moment that is truly all we have control of.

I believe that all the scabs are coming off the US. It is ugly and painful and raw but necessary to heal again. The very divine values that the US was built on has had its temptations and the ego centered have run amuck. The news seems so grim, trying to get at the truth is maddening. Discerning our errors and acknowledging them is essential for repair and renewal . I’m grateful to live in a country that can verbalize, be vulnerable, yet show strong resolve. Steady mindfulness is the cure! Divine time and our time are not usually satisfactory to our human existence .

We are like a tree in need of pruning. Once the pruning is complete we can grow fresh new healthy branches.

Faith in the collective mindfulness mindset and applying our individual gifts is the fertilizer this tree needs for peace.

My faith is in the seeds of all seeking a better moment. This moment is all we have and we choose where we go with that fear or Love!

Thank you for this space to share my truth in this moment✨

Laurie Gatlin

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β€œThe only choices now, really, are to either give up or to look up. To take the route of pathology or the route of enlightenment” … Nicely written … From the photos it appears that everyone loves you … how could they not … stay safe and I wish you the best!

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Thank YOU so much. What a hopeful message!❀️

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What an inspiring leader you are Marianne. Hugely appreciated your message today. Yes, don't give up. We need you. Like Carol said. Thank you.

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Wow, don't give up. We need you.

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When did Marianne say that she is going to give up?

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She won't give up. She's a woman on fire!

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Marianne -- With legislators serving their donors instead of their constituencies, how about what we the people could do? Ideas are in short supply but I have some. Like, you start an ad hoc Wisdom Council. You pick one, the two of you pick the third, the three the fourth, until you get a group of the wisest, most respected people. If you deliberated on what you'd do if you ran the country, everyone would listen. First thing I'd put into a Suggestion Box for the Council would be UBI -- level the playing field so we're not imploded in survival that's paramount for so many. We can do this. You can do this!

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Well said! The process of recreation isn’t pretty, but it’s a natural evolution. Despite how dire it looks some days, I’m hopeful we will get through. We are far more resilient than we give ourselves credit for. πŸ¦‹πŸ’«

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