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Hi marianne, i finished my manuscript, check it out, i like it, but kinda rushed, had to hurry; whole portions go missing

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Is there ever a link for the recording? I would have loved to have been available for this offering. Thank you. 🙏🏼

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I have read one of Robert Perry's books and if I had the opportunity I would love to ask him how the Big Bang fits in with ACIM. I am aware that ACIM teaches that we made the physical world and not God; and I have a vague understanding of how our senses give us the perception of a physical world. Is the Big Bang symbolism for the separation that occurs between our ego self and our Real Self, in our minds? Is it that the Big Bang actually occurred at the moment of separation? Is it that we created the physical world by causing the separation and hence the Big Bang? But then, the separation never actually occurred so how did we create the physical world and what is the Big Bang? I wonder if Marianne or other teachers/students of A Course in Miracles could share their ideas/knowledge. Thanks 😊

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What I am asking is how did we create the physical world and is the 'big bang' the physical result of the separation??? Sometimes if people bounce their ideas off one another the answers form😊

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