Beautiful article, beautifully written. Crying, and praying, with you.

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I offered words but I forgot to offer

🙏 ❤ 🙏

Please let me rectify that today,

on October 8th 2024.

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Thank You - again and again... The insight you have shared over the years is prescient and ancient at the same time. Staying constant throughout all the episodes you have traversed most always 'in the lead.' Definitely 'Ahead of Your Times' you get up again and again to do it again.... So grateful for your tirelessness rebounding with the same love and enthusiasm as you take on the next challenge in our tumultuous world. I carry with me much of the wisdom gained in reading and studying your wisdom of the ages. So thank you personally for helping me understand crazy and enabling me to carry on with forgiveness and compassion and as much generosity as I'm able. Love You. Appreciate your tears...

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If you read nothing else today, 10/07/24, read this

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You have brought such honesty and heartfelt love and understanding to a tragic situation. We are all one under the skin, beyond these bodies. Our task today is to forgive and to love one another.

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So VERY eloquently and precisely expressed. Compassion, prayers and tears for ALL. My gratitude to you Marianne for your work & inspiration.

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We can cry…then we can visualize through this meditation…and cry….visualize. Stay in our hearts. Thank you for this posting. ~Grandmother of 2 Israel precious grandchildren, dear friend particularly of one precious Palestinian poet.

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God bless you for speaking on this.

Over the years I've known your work, and I have known your work for a very long time, I have never known you to speak with such nuance and boldness of heart as when you do on this topic.

I'm so glad that somebody is talking about this because I feel like what happened to those innocent kids who just went to a music festival at the end of the spring holiday -- as well as all the innocent people who lived in kibbutz (sp?) around them. -- has dissolved into silence, as the noise of the coming, confusing American election swallows the News Cycle of the whole world.

Please continue to use your crystalline voice to speak on this matter. I pray that you ask your Higher Power if you have a role to play in resolving this conflict.

I don't know if you have that destiny, but sometimes in my dreaming heart I imagine you forming a Peace Academy and doing things in this part of the world that no politician could achieve.

I'm sending you all my love and all my faith in your goodness.

And I thank you, again, for this beautiful essay.

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I need to make a slight Amendment to the above statement because I didn't realize I misspoke and I can't edit my posts here.

Sukkot is the end of the harvest season in israel, not the end of the spring season. It's the Israeli equivalent of Halloween.

Not with references to those who have passed on but with reference to the end of the Harvest, and the beginning of the cold season.

The actual date for Sukkot this year is near to the full moon on October 17th. I fully expect there to be developments in the Middle East conflict around that time.

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Thanks Marianne! I too do not wish to let this day pass without expressing my solidarity with those who suffered so horribly a year ago today, as well as those who continue to suffer, as a result of Hamas’ genocidal attack on Israel and Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza. My thoughts from a few months ago on a possible way out of this horror remain essentially unchanged (see below). I think Americans are obliged to seek to avoid self righteousness. One way to do so is to keep in mind the horrors we inflicted on others as a result of our reaction to 9-11, the horrors we inflicted on Japan at the end of WWII, the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow which were committed without the slightest provocation, and the genocides and other outrages we have inflicted on the peoples of the Native Nations—also without the slightest provocation and in violation of our constitutional law (properly construed)—beginning with the Trail of Tears and continuing with the boarding schools and contemporary assaults such as what is threatened at Oak Flat).


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What in the name of spiritual bypassing is this? MW, you had my vote in 2020 the political evolution you slap on signs needs to happen within the psyches of the ‘white liberal,’ ‘progressive’ masses who are numbed out by capitalism’s creature comforts on offer within the imperial core. Self included. Visualizing everybody as ‘fully human’ divine light doesn’t bdo the political work of putting our bodies on the line in the streets for Palestinian bodies being genocided, a conveniently omitted fact. And it’s obvious who’s ’full humanity’ you see by who has flaming red hair and who’s hair isn’t mentioned.

And the wildest bit: anyone trying to speak truth to power is in a catch-22. Either speak it in a sufficiently timid veiled way that it can be smiled away or dare to speak it in a way that demands confrontation. The empowered one in the interaction decides where that line is and changes it as they see fit. Also the empowered one’s anger is righteous and defensive while the oppressed begging for/demanding equity makes us either feel good for being such a good friend to the downtrodden/or is a threat that must be silenced.

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Looking for the Grace and looking for the Love.

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She doesn't understand what you wrote, but I know you see the goodness in her in spite of that.

Props to you.

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No, Ms Donnelly. "She", Ms Love that is, seems to be pretty much the only one here with enough mind to actually understand what is written above and enough heart to call things by their right name. But the worst thing is that you perfectly understand everything too. But instead of choosing the truth, you opt for this charade that makes you -- and the rest of the target audience -- feel good about yourself and your *spirituality* while you are effectively voting for the slaughter to continue...

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Thank you for your thoughts. I'm happy with the word I spoke and I'm glad that other people seem to be happy with them as well. You take care.

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That's the whole problem. You're not ignorant, "brainwashed" or anything. You are making a deliberate choice. You know exactly what you are doing. Just like our host here. Where you are seriously mistaken, however, is your thinking that perpetuating such a system through exercising this level of pathological hypocrisy puts you in a safe position within it. So that it's gonna always be someone else on the receiving end of its homicidal ways. And when the "normies" realise that they are just as expendable for the oligarchy as those over whom they used to perform their little handwringing pantomime and shed crocodile tears, it may be a bit too late. So, yes, take care...

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate that you took the time to do so.

Sending you blessings.

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Forgive them for they are unconscious ❤️

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Looking for the honesty and looking for the substance. Have been for 12 months. But totally in vain...

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I think you may want to read Marianne‘s essay again. This is a day of great sorrow not a day of attack

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You are correct. The above is yet another portion of flannel. Offering which in the current circumstances amounts to carrying water for the perpetrators and enablers of the deliberate massacre of innocent people. The hypocrisy of this posing is abhorrent. It's literally murderous, too...

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Well-written Ms Williamson...good for you...both are right and both are wrong. God bless and keep you.

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As always, Marianne, you have articulated the feelings of so many of us perfectly. I hope this tragedy comes to an end soon. 🙏 I pray for peace. 🕊️

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Thank you! Praying for them all

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I pray for us all.. We are all Israeli and Palestinians.. Help us love..

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Last year I went to Tarnow in Poland and went to a forest where there are several mass graves where Jews ended up after being executed. One grave was for several hundred orphans who were thrown in the pit and killed with grenades. Maybe some of my relatives are in those graves. Today as ever there's a serious danger to the survival of Israel and the Jewish community at large. War is a habit for men and the victims are too many to count. The Hamas charter includes the eradication of Israel and all Jews, doesn't say anything about building resilient and successful enterprises for the Palestinian people. Hezbollah doesn't care about Lebanon and Iran has it's own agenda. Ordinary Israelis want peace for all. Demonizing people you don't like is not the answer. The knowledge that we are ALL with the Creator requires love and faith

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Chris Hedges most recent Substack regarding the situation is eye opening and heartbreaking. I have wept long and hard over the ongoing tragedy and I weep on today's one-year anniversary. God help us all.

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My study of the Course of Miracles for 40+years have given me the strength of hold both the possibility of peace and the horrors of war. Thank you for this post. Thomas Hubl in his recent book "Attuned" helped me to strengthen my ability to hold the pain and sorrow without turning away. His declaration that if 15% of us can authentically feel the suffering of others we can transform it. Thank you for being a life-long teacher of mine and inspiring me to be part of the 15%.

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