I enjoyed Rayner's article on how Marianne is fueled by Eris. What a beautiful intuitive discernment ✨️💜

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Lauren Selsky

Just donated to the campaign <3

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Lauren Selsky

Marianne, great news from your campaign trail. Plus, I relished reading the deeply moving essay by Liu! Plus, kudos for being interviewed by MarketWatch--they actually did a good job of being on-point and factual too. Hooray for progress with more ahead! Joan

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So bummed to miss you in NY . Sounds like an exciting weekend ! Sharing this with friends 💜

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Next time!

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Lauren Selsky

Can’t wait to see you in New York again! 💕

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Lauren Selsky

Thank you!!! <3

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Workers for Peace

In our workplaces and poverty lines across our world, plutocrats and fake union bureaucrats collude to persuade us to see other workers as competitors and enemies. We are pushed by powerful, corrupt Big Labor sellouts to believe that it is now the business of trade unionism to put our brothers and sisters out of work. We see how this dog eat dog attitude towards all workers, with whom we have everything in common, is on the same evil, competitive continuum as war.

War is the ultimate, evil competition.

We say that war is the eventual outcome of dog eat dog competition.

We see that competition against other workers diminishes those workers in our eyes.

We see that in war, soldiers - the production workers of war - lose not only their jobs but also their lives while the rich profit.

We call on workers everywhere to stop the competition between us and to fight for a world based in solidarity.

Everyone can at least talk and we ask that our talk include what we can all do to make the world a safe and happy place.

We call on workers to simply talk about returning to the traditional dire tools of the labor movement.

We call for an international conversation about redeveloping our traditional weapons - slowdowns, sitdowns, work to rule, and strikes - to bring down those who kill our work, injure and kill us and ship our jobs to slaves.

We want to protect our work, equalize wages and working conditions at the highest possible level throughout the world.

If we must fight, let us fight against those who constantly divide us and play us against each other for their own profit even to the point of forcing us to kill each other.

If we must fight a war let it be a war against selfishness and poverty. Let us fight to unite all workers against the warmongering, dictatorial greedy and to see that those who have the least everywhere in our world, gain equality in wages, health care and education and the right to a happy life. Let our war begin with the peaceful exchange of words and ideas. A simple conversation started amongst workers who believe in the working class values of solidarity, equality and democracy can change the world.

Let's talk about that.

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I hear, wow I’m sounding like you know who, it’s Mariannemania on Tik Tok! I love it!!

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I would suggest you speak slower in your campaign speeches. You make perfect sense, but the average voter/listener well you should recognize they are largely not on par with your educational level. Be a little dull..for the general AMERICAN listeners…savvy?

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I plan to see you today and tomorrow in NH!

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Kit, I liked your piece, however, I am not as pessimistic in terms of outcomes when you wrote: "Personally, I hope her campaign continues to grow. With these factors against it however, it remains to be seen whether it will." Marianne does have these factors in her favor: Generation Z likes her, and they can influence their parents (who have the higher voting age participation) and their grandparents too. Plus, presidential elections bring more voter turnout. Finally, as the days unfold, Marianne's message is taking root with her decision to get into the race sooner and her repeat visits to states, like NH and SC, etc. I think the American public is truly tired of the old political ways, and the more they hear a positive alternative, well, I think they will be pleased.

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Thanks for reading Joan, I appreciate it. I hope you're right! Marianne has such a powerful and important voice.

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