My prayer is that when the Dem establishment stops benefiting from sidelining you, it’ll start listening to you. So many are. I ran for state rep 6 years ago and am still recovering lol; I hope you can take a beat, rest, enjoy your granddaughter, and answer the phone when wise people solicit your insight. 🙏❤️

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My prayer is that Marianne can come to a better understanding of what *actually happened as she ran for this office, and come to terms with a better way to make her voice heard and her influence to be felt. She has a TON to offer the country - and the world.

And plenty to offer her family too. Like you, I wish her more "granny gazing" time now. <3

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Thank you so much for absolutely everything you have accomplished for us. The impact of your campaign is immense, don’t ever doubt it❤️.

Your friend from Reno,


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I have felt inspired, encouraged and energized by working with you in your campaign these past few years - so much so that I am running for NH state Rep. I, like you and all who supported your vision and mission and campaign, will continue to work towards a better world - in whatever ways we can. This has been an eye-opening journey - one from which I will never close my eyes to or become complacent to! With unbounded admiration, profound gratitude and unending love to you - thank you, Marianne - for bearing this torch of divine Love and Light!

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I am *very glad to see this. In my opinion, you learned the right lesson from this exercise in democracy. Develop a vision, run for something - anything - and carry your vision into an office that you can actually *get into, and use your vision for the good of your community.

Best of luck with your campaign. I hope you win in November. <3

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Mad respect for you, your message, your willingness to put yourself out there. It does matter and it has shifted the narrative. As for me, I'll be all in making sure Trump is out and I'll continue doing what I can to reform and evolve our broken systems including the extraction economy and our political parties and two party system. Thanks so much Marianne.

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Thank you for shedding light on places where people thought they didn’t belong. 🌌

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. What an achievement. To speak out so clearly, lovingly and passionately, when it wasn't easy. (at all). I'm in awe. And inspired. And with you. Love in my heart.

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I will always support you, no matter what.

Thanks for continuing to give us all hope.

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You are an inspiration for me Marianne. Thank you!

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Thank you

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It’s without a doubt that I say, this has been the absolute best experience of my life & the worst.

The worst... This journey has shown me the dark & evil side of humanity. The lack of empathy, compassion and regard for unity, peace, minorities, and the underserved. I’ve been shown that all men are NOT created equal, and that in America money matters more than people, more than the planet & our animals. I always knew politics was corrupt, but I never imagined it was this deep & widespread. I’m extremely sad to see how many people are either totally oblivious or just don’t care. I’ve always been a patriot but at this point I can’t & won’t support or participate in any of this disgraceful behavior and corrupt political action.

The best…

Every day that I spent with the Marianne2024 team, and all the amazing volunteers/supporters will never ever be forgotten. It’s one of the most important things I’ve ever done in my life. The foundation of this campaign, the ethical principles by which we stood, and all the people who poured out infinite love & intention have forever marked my heart. I’ve felt at home through our activism, standing for justice, decency, and basic human rights for all. I love, respect & appreciate you Marianne, and everyone else who believed & continues to believe that one day, Love Will Win.

It’s been the highest of honor,


🩵 Kiki Penn

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I'm glad you had such a lovely experience. Truly. I am glad for you.

If you refrain from voting now, then in my opinion you learned the wrong lesson from this.

Write in who you want when you vote in November, but vote, if for no other reason than to honor the women who suffered (*Suffragettes) so you can have a chance to do so.

Vote for the sake of Susan B Anthony, and all her sisters. And brothers.

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This is not the time to not Vote. America needs every vote to stop the beast.

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I understand completely and share your sentiments, as well, Kiki. And like you, I believe one day Love Will Win.

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Marianne, you have long been a beacon of hope and a champion of change. Your dedication to envisioning a better path forward has illuminated the way for many. Despite facing significant opposition, deceit, and manipulation, you have steadfastly adhered to your principles and advocated for a comprehensive slate of issues aimed at benefiting everyday Americans.

Your perseverance in the face of adversity and your unwavering commitment to this progressive vision reflect your deep belief in the potential for positive transformation. Through your resilience and dedication, you have not only navigated the challenges of misinformation and suppression but have also inspired countless others to strive for a brighter, more just future. I will always hold deep admiration and gratitude for the incredible achievements you have made through your campaigns and your work as a teacher. As you embark on this new chapter, I eagerly anticipate the continued influence and transformative impact of your remarkable efforts.

Thank you Marianne Williamson.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Marianne, thank YOU for being a voice of reason, vision of hope, light of truth, and an inspiration for so many over the years and especially through our treacherous political landscape When I first heard you speak over the July 4th holiday weekend in 2019, I thought you were unlike any candidate I had ever encountered before. I felt compelled to drive from CT to NH to one of your campaign stops, and what I heard and felt that day inspired me to support you and share your vision and message however and wherever I could. Five years later I remain as convinced as ever that your humanitarian agenda is exactly what this country needs to help shift our government back to being in service to those it is meant to represent. And I still believe that you embody the right mix of courage, compassion, and conviction to repair America and return her to the highest principles upon which she was founded. So I extend my deepest thanks to you for opening my mind and heart to that vision. You didn't have to put yourself out there and could have played it safe. With much gratitude always,


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I've always appreciated your love for and dedication to Marianne.

I hope there is more light in your days, and more restful sleep in your nights.

Much love sent your way, Cindy. <3

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You did a phenomenal job and you should have been the nominee. So proud.

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"A more beautiful world" is indeed our job. The way forward is not what/how many of us envisioned, but I agree it's clear that was cannot let the Republican ticket prevail this election. Too much is at stake and at least we have a fighting chance to gain some time and space for our more beautiful world. Thank you for always being your authentic self.

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Thank you.


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♥️Well done!. A tremendous effort. It certainly was not in vain. 🙏🌱

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