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Congratulations! You will be one of the sanest of the candidates, and in social terms will be a fantastic president!

We have a paradox. On the one hand, it is important that the mega-wealthy are defanged, and ordinary people have a decent life. On the other hand, is critical that ordinary people and influential decision-makers recognize that reducing industrial production is critical to stopping the worst of climate change and other ecological disasters. This means slowing the economy, not growing it.

I would not suggest that you campaign on this, but simply take it into consideration in your thinking at this point. Richard Heinberg’s The End of Growth masterfully goes into the detail.

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Powerful! Compelling! Stirs the blood like a good stump speech should!

But I disagree with the 3rd party idea. That can be a spoiler, like Ralph Nader, in Gore vs Bush; and risk siphoning votes away from Dems to the advantage of the GOP. Please folks, review the history of the 2000 election so we don't make that mistake again.

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Sending Love and luck. Here we go.

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Yesss!!! Marianne your words are so wise and true. I believe in you for our president. The Democratic Party has been flailing post Obama, with none of the candidates we have seen being a voice of the people or inspiring anyone.

Except you. You are inspiring. You understand the most important thing in American history- that it isn’t over, that we are still fighting.

The rich have been trying to keep labor costs low since slavery by convincing all of us that regulation is not in our favor. Convincing Americans that the government CANNOT work for them. Using the stories of European fascism and the world wars to “prove” to Americans that we cannot depend on the government.

The kicker being that the countries that lived in fascism have governments that work for the people.

I believe in you, with so many others. Please be a voice for the American people. Be the voice we need and advocate for us. We need it now more than ever.

The DNC cannot depend on “we aren’t Trump” forever, guilting people into voting for a Democrat candidate that we don’t even believe in because otherwise we are considered complicit.

It’s not our fault that the DNC has produced no candidates that inspire or even have vision for the country at all.

I hope that even if you lose the democratic candidacy you will run third party. We need your vision and your inspired point of view.


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Marianne, your speech moved me to tears of joy on Saturday: your honest voice being so powerful for the people. I look forward to learning more about your specific policy ideas in the weeks ahead, and I pray you get the opportunity to be front and center during upcoming debates! Keep healthy brave one. Blessings to you! Joan

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In the words of Roy Kent: FUCK YES!

Congratulations, Marianne. I witnessed you speak in Vancouver last year. I knew this was coming. Excellent essay, btw. God bless.

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Marianne, I read this eloquent and factual letter about your announcement to run for President and about all the broken things and about hope for change.

Your going to be a politician? In the highest office in the country? With all the , yes, power to make decisions but also all the constraints all all the piranhas eating you alive.

To me you are a hero. Like Martin Luther King jr. He was never President, nor did he reach high political office. He changed the world because he had in him the same love -the very same, that you have in you.

Lead all of us who know and understand the need for real change and what that change must be as you’ve outlined here.

Lead us in the biggest grassroots the world has ever seen.

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Good luck - you are sorely needed! Although I shudder to think of the forces that will be arrayed against you. My prayers are with you

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

I loved your announcement on Saturday and the interview on ABC. Challenging the system is truly enough, because it wakes people up. I have lived near poverty and I have also made a lot money in my lifetime..and I have seen the difference in how people are treated in both situations. There are a lot of good people out there who need help and have great vision and work ethics but no money or not many chances to see their visions through fruition bc of the system. I have also taken care of both parents for 15 years...in and out of the hospital until they passed. I did see in my experiences that people are hungry for understanding and just some enlightening conversation..often, if I treated people with kindness and matter of fact statements (as you do - but better IMO :)), you could see them ponder, for example, when my mom was sick and they said they could not figure out what was wrong with her, I said, "she is genetically modified and medicine probably won't fix it, but the farmers can if they have better soil" and while the doctors laughed they and the nurses stopped talking and asked me what I do for living because they were interested for more (not all of them, but at least 1 or 2)... If during your run here you can at least wake up another good chunk of people which you will, then we will see change... Peoples needs need to be met for them to even function right as well...had people not helped me along the way on all levels and believed in me, I would not be where I am today. It's true for so many, give them a life where they are not in survival and people heal themselves and their relationships, etc...and soar in life - and sometimes. they don't however, at least there is an energetic shift in consciousness.

People who are told have a long shot, while as we know that is rigged in your case, do win!! You are doing great, and I will vote for you...mercy dear one! ps., you are fair, kind, bold, intelligent, and you don't badmouth, however you point out facts in a fair way...that is class and it's an example that helps bc the current examples are not well-functioning for our minds to mirror...which is part of attachment theory! :). what we see we become...I know you know this anyhow, I am keeping you in high thought and prayer as you go forward...thank you! I will help where I can...love 2 u & your team

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You have my total support and I hope and pray that you win. If you win the world wins.

Thank You for transforming my life. I Love You.

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Glad to hear that you are running for president.

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When we resign inflation to the dust bin of history with a 50% Discount policy at retail sale it will enable us to put the pedal to the metal on both the fiscal and private mega projects necessary to handle climate change like the under planeting and off planeting of the worst carbon emitting means of production.

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Congratulations Marianne! A powerful letter and intention! Rise up people.

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It may well be out turn now. We're certainly overdue to take our country and culture back, misappropriated by heartless corporations and their directors. As Noam Chomsky recently noted, it's hard to find substantive change in our history that wasn't led by folks rising up. May be time to get busy rising up, a concept not a lot of Americans are comfortable with yet. Might be just the turn we need. xoxo

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My prayers are with you, god bless you Marianne. You got this, you got this

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