Actually, it's almost shocking to realize that so many have strayed or misplaced this deeper truth! So it isn't surprising why things aren't going too well on our planet. In the daily madness of life, it seems the Great Creator is mostly forgotten! I praise Marianne for publicly reminding the world of who we truly are--her beautiful comments bring peace, joy and the anticipation for a better world ahead when we join together as one with our true Source. I remain steadfast, and I sincerely appreciate the words written and spoken herein.

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Marianne, I really needed to hear that today so thank you for helping us function from a place of vulnerability and love. From this place there is really nothing to fear. Thank you

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Mmmmmmmmm a balm to my soul, salve to my spirit <3

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Thank you ⭐️

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From a grateful gal in Chicago, "God's Love is Da Balm!" Thank you, Marianne, for helping me grow in Truth!

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Marianne, I find that you are an elegant woman which is not common nowadays, but you accept what is just different without trying to manipulate people which is what they are trying to impose upon myself here ❤️

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It is just another time of our actually quite insignificant lives, I tried to help others and got out of this attained but alive and I am ready for new beginnings, but far away from the Vatican, that part of me does not exist anymore ❤️

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Beautiful. Thank you for your heartwarming reminder.

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