"For it is only in seeing others as innocent that I can be at peace...Today I bestow peace on others, that I might be at peace. I withhold my judgment, that I not be judged. I extend my love, that love might be forever mine."

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I prefer to say whatever I lend to others I am lending to God, and he repays multiple times whatever I could do on my own. Everything any of us need to know and principles to live by for a peaceful and happy life are in his word, The Bible.

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Speak, I am eager to listen!

Fr Harry J Bury

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To judge someone I don't truly know does not bring about justice. For true justice in this world I leave judgement to the Holy God. I read Psalm 9 as a prayer, and I have read it recently.

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One of the reasons for so much violence is that we assume that some people are evil (Bad folks). In my mind that justifies punishment which is assumed to motivate these evil people to be good and it doesn't work. Rather assume everyone is good and intends to do good but actually do evil because they do not know any better. Our challenge is to help them see that doing good is in their self interest by using positive reinforcement.

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