Today I am remembering the kindness expressed at your Warren church and Detroit lectures years ago . I took notes. In Spirit so many magical practitioners who loved trees and helped the other feel better esp at Halloween. Thank you for guiding us all back then to recreate the truth and replace illusions with love and peace.

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Your morning meditations are wonderful. Keeps me on the right track. I must tell you that I am 87 years old, living on SS. Many bills from surgery, dental, etc. I wish I could donate or o to a paid program but at the present time every penny has to be accounted for. Thank u for the wonderful, energy that you provide.

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"We can choose to be sane." Or as I like to say it. I'm holding onto and living with my loving, peaceful, compassionate heart, no matter what. Another good reminder.

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I recall reading once about a man who encounters Buddha in his path. He is bewildered and frightened. He asks Buddha - "what are you, are you a God, a mystic, a magician"? Buddha simply replies "No, I'm Awake".

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Thanks Diana X

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Delusions aren't US!

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The experience of being marginalized, being told you're unrealistic, and caring too much seem to be part of waking up, and it's not easy. But totally worth it!!

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You are truly a gift, Marianne. Supporting our better inner light. I am very much a senior who admits only to 33, and recently fell and sliced open my left eye globe! Emergency surgery and hospitalization followed where I learned to make a lot of lemonade! Finally got into a semi private room and my roommate was a devout Muslim from Liberia now living in the US near me. I am Jewish like you (we are now soul sisters) and a student of a course in miracles for five years which doesn’t seem like a lot compared to some but it’s in my heart. 365 daily lessons five times now and they get more and more beautiful as I grow. It’s unclear whether I will regain my perception, but with the support Of ACIM and a wonderful music community online, and friends from many years, through different “doings” , who tho now called virtual, are truly Real, and my Vision is getting stronger. As you say, “I am not an enlightened master yet” definitely have my “off” days…but feeling the path, and so grateful for mighty companions and seeing light in everyone. Again thank you for you. And this.

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