"Not every lesson feels fun while it’s happening, and at times I have resisted growth fiercely. But I remain open today to the miracle of transformation. I know that as I move forward into a new realm of being, Love itself will aid me in my progress."

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Right on timing! I am holding fast to my commitment to growth today with this meditation leading the way. Right. On. Time. Namaste dear lady. <3

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

Great Meditation Marianne. I think this ties back to "Our Greatest Fear"- a most poweful and profound piece from "A Return To Love". Growth means absolute acceptance of the immense power that lies within me. I read a very compelling argument from Mike Dillard, a man I greatly admire for his persistence and refusal to allow anything to prevent his path to truth. He has overcome some collossal challenges in his life -one which almost took his life. He writes with viable reference material, that our brains have not evolved in keeping with our accelerating progress. Instictively we are pulled back to the primitive mind, when we only had two primary instincts, survival and procreation. Our underdeveloped brains run on a range of reactions releasing chemical/hormones which can control our lives. Dopamine,Endorphins, Seratonin, Oxytocin. -these are the "feel god" chemicals the brain releases either by an emtion or to create an emotion. On the other side of the equation we have Cortisol which is there to make us move away from things and causes stress and anxiety. Adrenalin is an amplifier of all these chemicals. We have no control ove these agents which produce emotion and make us take action. Where we are now is akin to us having entered a time machine taking us forward, possibly a hundred thousand years or more, but hasn't changed our core programming. Once we are aware of these physiological facts we can take steps to shift and evolve. There's a great book called "Habits of a Happy Brain" which dives much deeper into this. Empowered with this knowledge we truly can grow. I would add a caveat that our Spiritual identity transcends all of this, and can move us forward at a much faster rate.Nonetheless, armed with the knowlege that we are instinctively driven by feelings and "needs" that are a result of our primitive past we can overcome them, by standing back from our feelings and looking at their cause. Marrianne and ACIM refer to these human elements from a different and very advanced perspective allowing us to dramatically accelerate our growth and move on a path that overcomes our primitive selves, which naturally lead to addiction. "Retail Therapy" being a phrase that simply means we seek pleasure chemicals and that's what addiction is!!

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Less resisting and more willingness to let go and let God. Thank you and Amen!

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