"Today I will be still, knowing every answer, every healing, and every solution is on its way...May my mind be a conduit of love and faith, that my problems may be solved."

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'I place my anxious mind in your care and pray for the calm in which to receive your answers!' THANK YOU, Marianne, as these meditations are such GREAT medicine! With love & blessings to you and to all......

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"The Universe is self-correcting and I am a child of the Universe. Miracles occur in response to every problem, yet it is my faith and compassion that bring them forth."

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"Miracles occur in response to every problem, yet it is my faith and compassion that bring them forth."

True, and where the work pays off.

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So calming and sincere and possible so I must remember that the ego is busy trying to block my faith to the perfect solution to all my problems. Thank you Marianne.

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