Today in ACIM we have lesson 252 corroborate this meditation:

The Son of God is my identity.

Blessings to all whose eyes sweep this message. May you easily remember that you are a child of God, all day long. ~ Namaste ~

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“And this is the Truth”!!!

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A truly wonderful reminder ❤️

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I am so moved by the heart-felt truth and profound power of this affirmation Marianne. While it is a universally and personally applicable meditation ( I know I'm so attached consciously and unconsciously to people thinking well of me), your naming it and sharing it as you encounter negative opinions on the scale of running as a Presidential candidate ...is so immensely moving. We know of prophetic women and men, ancestors and spiritual beings through time who have encountered similar derision, ignominy and hate. Your fierce courage and hard won spiritual strength is part of that lineage.

Here is a deep YES to your declaration of freedom, truth and wisdom in what must feel like at times "the belly of the beast." Here is an endless affirmation of the clarity and truth of every word of your meditation and prayer.

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