"All problems from the subtle to the immense, derive from someone who has lost connection to the love within their hearts"

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So poetically beautiful! Thank you with love!

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"As I align my thoughts and actions with love, I experience my greater good."

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" All problems in the world – from the subtle to the immense - derive from someone having lost connection to the love within their hearts."

Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely 🌿🌿💕

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Yes, indeed. <3 <3 <3

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

Beautiful Marianne. I have complete unwavering Faith in absolute of Love. As you have pointed out many times Love,as the indestructible, incorruptible, un-hackable-LOL-Absoute Truth. Then it can have no opposite. There are "0pposites" in the mind of people who live in Fear. Fear doesn't exist except in the ego-mind. It is simply an absence of love. I smile when I raise this topic and I'm often hit with a barrage of negatives-Hate being the predominant one. I'm honestly amazed why people find it so hard to accept one Truth and One reality. I believe a lot of that resistance is the conditioning we receive as children,and as life goes on, it becomes cemented. In simple terms people are AFRAID to surrender all those False Teachings. I can understand that, and wherever I go and whomever I meet I greet with trust and Love. This actually works, because so few of us have the courage to disagree with the massively misguided majority. It's not their fault and all I can do is my bit to help them see new perspectives, awesome hope and opportunity, none of which can be realised until the soul is set free. There's a wonderful book "The Untethered Soul" written by Michael Singer which I've listened to many times and everytime I have a new realisation.

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7.7.17. The Universe had 3 words for my birthday. "I choose love". I Love reminders like this. 🌹

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This is SO SOOTHING, isn't it? Just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

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