Thank you Marianne. This really hit home today -- after doing an EMDR session yesterday to work on some lingering unforgiveness in my life. Yes, I agree with you and Rachel below. "Today I am open to a life reborn, arisen from the ashes of my wounded self and any limits born of circumstances that are no more. I am willing to be renewed and repaired by the spirit of God’s love. I am willing to forgive." Thank you Spirit for leading the way. Gratefully, Kathleen

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"Today I am open to a life reborn, arisen from the ashes of my wounded self and any limits born of circumstances that are no more. I am willing to be renewed and repaired by the spirit of God’s love. I am willing to forgive."

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I forgive myself from going against the thought system I have been taught growing up and will no longer take on perceiving others blame when I choose to live my truth. Thank you Marianne - I love this one☺️🙏🏼

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Great Marianne! I;m reminded of a Bible passage that says we should die and be reborn every day. There is no doubt whatsover if I walk in Faith I simply have to decide a direction-consult with the Holy Spirit- and off I go. XO

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There is so much bliss to be found when forgiving oneself ( which we find so hard so often ) and others. Thank you Marianne, so much gratitude indeed. 💕🌿

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<3 <3 <3

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