TRANSFORM with Marianne Williamson
Morning Meditations
Morning Meditation

Morning Meditation

I am willing to endure the discomfort of self-discovery in order that I be healed
Xuanyu Han

I am willing to endure the discomfort of self-discovery in order that I be healed

As I ask God to heal my life, He shines a light on everything I need to look at. I see things about myself that perhaps I'd rather not see. Like everyone, I have armor that has accumulated in front of my heart often masquerading as something else.

I am willing to face the truth about myself and all the games I play. I know God’s will is not to punish but to heal me. I am willing to endure the sharp pains of self-discovery, for otherwise the dull pain of unconsciousness would last for the rest of my life.

Dear God,
I surrender to You
My fear and resistance
to finding out who I really am. 
I am willing to understand myself
that I might serve You more.
Please send Your angels to accompany me 
As I journey through the jungle of my fears
To the meadows of peace beyond.

I am willing to endure the discomfort of self-discovery in order that I be healed.

TRANSFORM with Marianne Williamson
Morning Meditations
Meditations by Marianne Williamson