And take a giant step outside your mind.

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Dear God,

Overcome the fear that would keep me bound and deliver me to the highest heights.

I am ready and willing to forge ahead. I know that You alone can unbind my feet.

Thank you, God.


Thanks, Marianne for this wonderful prayer that God can and will lead me to the highest heights.

God bless you now and forever.

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You are awesome! You deserve support and to feel great! So you simply must re-phrase the meditations and drop the words 'not, don't, won't, etc.' They have the opposite effect.. :D

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powerful prayer thank you and blessings and amen

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Thanks, Paula, for liking my comment. God bless you and all those you love forever.

Certainly, God can and will lead you to the highest heights.

Be still and be you.

Be still and know.

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