So awesome. Thank you for sharing this mans' work, Mr. Doty. The heart has brain cells in it. Which is really amazing to know. I love this field of neuroplasticity and how it can help abused women. No question.

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Mind Magic. Thanks for the words regarding it. I'll have my library hold it for me, as I'm not

budgeted to buy books anymore.

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And ET does course on Manifestation. You dont always get what you want, the universe always knows what is best to grow your consciousness/ be enlightened ( wake you up)

I like the truth of trusting your feelings , your feelings never lie.

Emotions are the body's reaction to thoughts. And we get into cycles where the thinking makes the emotion and the emotion is fed by the thinking= a vicious cycle if its neg(fear)

And the Course( haha yeah im gonna quote it) tells you there is only love or fear.

If you are not at peace(or in joy) then you are thinking fearful thoughts =not present( anxious which is not normal yet almost the whole planet seems to be in that state -perpetual fear)

The neurosurgeon sounds more onto it than others.

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I bought this book after hearing your interview. Great read! Implementing the practices have been challenging but I will keep at it.

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I just bought this book today and will start it this evening. I’m so grateful for the age we live in, that ordinary folks can learn how to steer these marvelous minds/bodies that we live in.

Two summers ago in London you told us about Dr. Doty “going vertical” when under the timepress of a child bleeding out on an operating table. During the intermission of your workshop, a fellow Ukraine aid volunteer (who was in Africa) messaged me (in London) for help for 2 young Ukrainian soldiers whose vehicle was running out of fuel as they frantically drove their injured friend toward Kharkhiv hospital with Russian artillery only 4 km behind.

As I starting looking around in all directions, placing in my mind where in the huge country of Ukraine were any people I could send to help refuel or retrieve those boys, I realized I was doing the terrified horizontal search of resources that you’d described Dr. Doty doing during the child’s surgical emergency… and that there wasn’t time for it, with me in London while Maks and the boys were in Kharkhiv trying to get to the hospital.

So I did what you had described from Jim Doty’s situation, calmed down and put every energy into “vertically” revealing the solution to an excruciatingly material emergency. Less than 3 minutes later, I had the answer, had sent a message to someone I’d never met, and that person was already sending multiple vehicles from multiple directions to intercept and aid Maks and the other two soldiers.

Their relief and jubilation as they carried their injured friend into the hospital in Kharkhiv is a moment none of us will ever forget. Thank you for teaching! It matters so much that you know, and Jim Doty knows, that real people are learning these principles and using this instruction to solve both the mundane and the harrowing surprises of life.

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I really appreciated your points about sexism and respectfully I felt myself blanch at your guest’s use of the word “starlet” to describe women he dated at an earlier point in his life, unconscious misogyny and objectification at work. In the context of your more nuanced conversation overall I thought it worth sharing this moment of pain from outdated language and the bias it represents while still appreciating the work overall thank you!

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Norah, I share your sentiments. I am reading Doty's book and he does reveal his weak side in a transparent way--decades of education focusing on the greatness of men has brought us here. Yet, Doty's work is evolutionary, and I forgive him for his lack of insight regarding equanimity when it comes to gender! His book is transformational for me to date. Joan

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Gorgeous conversation thank you

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