Marianne. Many things are happening everywhere,

either ugly, beautiful, troublesome, amazing and what ever the case they are a call for transformation.

We are so Blessed to have your guidance. I am so thankful to know about you and to be able to attend and awake in every way possible.

Love you for who you are and for what you do for humanity. Thank you. ♥️♥️🙏🏻🌈

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I met you many years ago when I attended one of your ACIM talks on Christmas Eve. We were both much younger then, but I still remember the metaphoric methods you used in your talk. I walked away from that talk with a completely different viewpoint of the Course thanks to this wise Jewish girl.

Love Mike

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“Faith is not blind, but visionary”. That’s going to stay with me. Thank you.

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We will emerge whole from these times because that is how nature operates. Faith is not blind, but visionary. The only thing dying here is the caterpillar, whose ending spells nothing but a new beginning - and of something far more beautiful. We will not be the same people we were before, or the same country we were before, or the same world we were before.

Thanks, Marrianne, for this wonderful assertion that we will emerge whole from these times because that is how nature operates. Faith is not blind, but visionary. The only thing dying here is the caterpillar, whose ending spells nothing but a new beginning - and of something far more beautiful. We will not be the same people we were before, or the same country we were before, or the same world we were before. We will be something far more beautiful.

God bless you now and forever.

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Thank you Marianne !....this will help my despair I feel.

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Thank you always 🙏🏼🐛✨🦋✨💗

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Thank you for such calming words, which easily touches so many. You are the beautiful transformation we are all needing you to lead with 🙏

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Thank you, Marianne!

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Right on time, as always.

Thank you.

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This is so helpful - many thanks! 🙏

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Thank you, Amylouise, for liking my comment.

God bless you now and forever.

Surely you would agree that the only thing dying here is the caterpillar, whose ending spells nothing but a new beginning - and of something far more beautiful. We will not be the same people we were before, or the same country we were before, or the same world we were before. We will be something far more beautiful.

Be still and be you.

Be still and know.

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This is so sweet, thank you for a lovely, inspiring, uplifting story.

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I really needed to read this, this evening. Thank you for your wings🙏✨🦋

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Bless you for your insights, your ability to comfort us, and with your love we can all be the community we wish to live in.

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Stunning, soul stirring, and most importantly, soothing. Love you, bless you, Mille Grazie sister.

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That is such beautiful and meaningful imagery. It is what to bear in mind. We have to stay open to how good it can be and put all efforts towards that.

But, it is not the be-all-end-all to describe this time when we have gotten so far off the natural track where challenges lead to breakthroughs and your imagery would prevail. We’re too capable of destroying ourselves now, and too unconscious not to do that, to trust all will be well left to natural evolution.

Part Two of this would be what to do about that.

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