Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

This brought a tear to my eye... I am so very grateful for your courage and commitment and your love of America.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

It is so interesting to me, as a psychotherapist, the ways in which those who fear change create a narrative to minimize those who seek change…. and all the ways in our lives - attempts are made to make us small. What is inspirational about Marianne is her refusal to allow anyone to “define her narrative” and her courage and commitment to follow her truth.

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Thank you so much for this article, Joe. I’d love to find ways to amplify it. Deeply grateful.

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Thank you for sharing the link to your insightful article.

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Good one, Joe.

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This is an excellent statement about Marianne's second run.

Thank you for posting it. Much to think about.

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Joe - thank you for this. Very thoughtful and well presented.

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Look to your home page, Joe. I just posted what I put on my FB page in response to this thoughtful, heartfelt message. Thank you so much for it.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

With you 100%. You are not alone. EVERYBODY knows that something fundamentally needs to change & voicing that clearly & competently is the 1st step; and there’s nobody better suited to that than you.

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That’s what I was gonna say.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

You will be sadly misunderstood, but America needs to hear how dysfunctional it is. And I support you in saying it ! The opposite ol LOVE is fear. God is LOVE. America operates on fear. Tell them. We need to hear it !

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Your candidacy makes me very, very happy. Thank you for doing this. I truly believe you are the person for our time. (Just FYI, you are having a Jupiter return.)

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I am the spouse of an orthopedic surgeon who spent many years treating wounded soldiers and civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, the US Military hospital where the wounded from various conflicts on the European continent are treated. I have heard gruesome stories about battlefield casualties, and I live with a tortured soul who continues to suffer from severe PTSD. As General Smedley Butler wrote in his book: War is a Racket, war is a giant transfer of wealth to the elites of our world and a horrific crime against humanity. We need a transformation of consciousness, as the current mindset is on a collision course with disaster. Marianne is a beacon of hope, I am grateful for her courage in championing a new course for America. Marianne, you might reach out to a veterans' organization called The War Horse https://thewarhorse.org/ to share your important message. I will support you in any way that I am able.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Marianne, I think the Great Creator is calling you deep within your soul. And regarding a skill set for President, the status quo is no longer relevant as we have all witnessed for decades. Your skill set is needed now in governance because you are particularly gifted with a deep, intuitive insight that is rare; plus, equally important, you are sensitive to the true needs of people so they can thrive. You are not just a revolutionary but an evolutionary catalyst for transformative change reflected when you wrote: "Because if you have a clue how to change one heart, then you’re the one with a clue what would change the world." You seek your higher heart and it makes a difference to all around you.

Finally, I think it would be beneficial for you to contact and speak with Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, who as you may know, has been writing the Future Humans trilogy with Dr. Jean Houston. Smitsman has also drafted the EARTHwise Centre Planetary Constitution with great principles to be acted upon: she's starting to get traction on this. Plus, she has brilliant practiced approaches on how to confront barriers to creating a thrivable world--from one-on-one encounters to systems change. I encourage you two to meetup. Please enjoy your weekend! Peace to you, Joan

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Lovely, encouraging and supportive comments.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

You have my support, my prayers, my love, and assurance that I will speak your truth to everyone I encounter, be they friend, family, or stranger. I will take this journey with you and together we will say what needs to be said and do what must be done. I am excited, hopeful and i feel charged to do my part to transform my self and this country.

Thank you for your love, wisdom and bravery.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

May the fire of Love in the Heart of Truth weave through all of us to arise in your support. Your words and thoughts so true. And, I know you know, you don’t have to always answer your critics. In creating, co-creating the new, the old will be composted. Love your heart mind sunshine on the situation. Your experience will be a great experience for us all. Love your forward motion, creative straight forward practicality, and truth. Love on!

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My ‘Love On’ Song , presently a finalist in detroit Music Awards.


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I will absolutely support to my fullest ability your decision - either way. You certainly can provide the leadership we need now to move forward in a peaceful direction.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Your courage and conviction inspires me. I'm a former elected statewide public official. God calls on us to do and say courageous things. It's your turn. You will regret not doing so. You are not a person of regret. You understand God's love. You understand that God is LOVE.

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So I need to continue. I am faced with a daunting and fearful task in my state. The odds on favorite for our governor MUST NOT WIN. He, unfortunately, knows only fear. He is a member of my "party". Not only MUST I oppose him, but I MUST support a member of the opposite party ( and philosophy ) who is not of my race. I HAVE to at whatever cost to me. I know better and NOT to speak would not be GOD'S will. I am frightened and hesitant. YOU give me hope and courage.

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This is a very important message, I'm glad you shared it.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Shake um up, little sister! Our Love is our power.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

"What they are qualified to do is to perpetuate a system; what I am qualified to do is to transform it. In my heart I feel I’ve had exactly the kinds of experiences one needs to have had in order to make sense of these times."

EXACTLY, I support you from The Netherlands as the world/planet needs people like you!

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Brave. Intelligent. Wise. Your experience is actually the one needed, not just in this country but in the world. We need more Jacindas, Bukeles and Mariannes.

Thank you for answering the call one more time!!

In whatever area you, your team, us and even the opponents may have failed in your previous candidacy, this time we ask God to put the perfect words, thoughts, time and actions in you, in your team, in everyone following and supporting you but also in those opposing (in any way) your candidacy.

May you and everyone lovingly focused on the real solutions, may easily find peace, healing and rest throughout the entire candidacy and election process.

We ask God to surround you and everyone involved with all his angels, his favor and his promises and bring you up to lead this nation with your particular skills, specially prepared by Him, for this specific times.

And so it is. Amen. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Thank you Marianne. God is with you and so are we. 🙏🏻🌈♥️

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

It makes me so sad - and angry - to read the ridiculous things (some of which you cite in this substack) that are already being said about you. I was afraid this would happen - just like in 2020. I pray that you remain strong as you take this courageous stand at the highest level to fight for a more just society, something none of your “naysayers” have the guts to do. People need to hear what you have to say and you have a mighty band of supporters who are with you all the way! Godspeed to you on this journey. Much love always. 💕 P.S. “Don’t let the bastards get you down!”

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Marianne Williamson

Spoken from the heart, a rare quality in leaders of this day and age. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. I feel you are one woman that truly has the qualifications to help us as a people and as Americans.

Thank you. ✰

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It's good to see you here, and around "neighborhood", Lewis. I hope you are well, and those you love are prosperous and well these days. <3

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