I wish that in my days of schooling I had a teacher as passionate as Marianne. Perhaps I have changed over these years and I now live more in my heart than mind helps. I will say that I had no idea what Juneteenth represented! Yes, I admit, I had no idea until I read Marianne's words. I never took the time until today and I'm glad I stopped to pay attention. Forgiveness and understanding is needed as well as compassion. These historical events serve all of us to become better people, if we let it serve us in that way. May God's light shine on all such events, provide healing and then take us into the world of the new, where hatred, cruelty and slavery of any kind have no meaning and never ever will again.

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Those who are not filled with compassion for the plight of all those who have suffered under slavery, ARE those who are still so filled with guilt that they are afraid to look within. It is those who are still filled with guilt that we need to redeem with compassion and forgiveness. They are filled with guilt because they are still willing, in their personal lives, to take advantage of others for their own personal gain; as if they are more important to themselves than other people are to them. We do not get to make the rules, not caring about others as oneself is the source of guilt that makes the thought of looking within too horrifying to consider. No intellectual beliefs or denial can change reality. Those who care not for others as themselves need our love and forgiveness, in order to redeem them from their own guilt. That is the measure of one who has accepted their own forgiveness and the grace and mercy of God.

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As a New Zealand born Australian I was not aware of this day - and am grateful to now have this knowledge. Thank you, dear Marianne, for all your great efforts in helping to create a world that works for everyone. Through education, compassion and continuing to stand up for what is right, you inspire others to "cut through the crap" - and live their best selves with strength of purpose and clear intentions.

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Thank you Marianne for always bringing it on home to the sacred times people stood up and said no more Slavery in the United States ,unfathomable so many lives lost all those warriors fighting opposite for the cause that is truly a crime against humanity.You have caught me so much. I'm a woman of color and I know how it feels to automatically treated like less then.We have to be strong and brave and believe we can make this world a better place just by bringing in the light and being of service to others as much as possible. We are one ,I am voting for you ,I like the Idea Love in Action plan .God bless you and protect to my fearless Powerful Strong Spiritual leader .

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With all that is said, and written, why isn’t it ever mentioned about the genocide attempt on indigenous and Native Americans? Again the real history of America begins with the indigenous culture. it’s never spoken about to this very day. It’s ignored because it doesn’t have the same economic value as black America.

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Thank you, thank you thank you as usual you are able to put it into perspective so well- I hope one day all “we the people” recognize and heed your words for you are truly able to see past-future and the power of now. And the power we all hold in each and every one of us through awareness-awakening and understanding!

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Such beautiful eloquent writing as Usual. Your words are always a balm for my soul. Thank you x

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Thank you for this. I learned something new about Lincoln that gives more nuance to my perspective of him. As a black native Texan whose family is from Galveston, Juneteenth has always been a celebration for me and I am thankful this country is educating & embracing its own history. ❤️

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So many lives lost to civil war hard to fathom the North and South of America fighting against such a humanitarian crime to buy and sell humans and there decendents. All coming from old world patterns of intitlment.

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You teach with a kind heart. 💖

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Wow Marianne, thank you so much for this

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As long as one person is enslaved, none of us are truly free.

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Lincoln was truly courageous … Under great pressure he stuck to his Principles … he persevered … and ultimately … he Won! ... Wonderful writing ... Thank You!

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Marianne I only glanced at the beginning of your comment. This is a fake holiday, just like the claim of a virus when there is no such thing as contagious viruses, never has been, never will be. It was all a creation made up by big Pharma mafia murderers.

You might be referring to the black slavery in the US.

Currently we are all slaves globally.

As soon as they started the lockdown, they started the final solution of the 15 minute cities for complete control, and they started the final orders of creating incredible poverty, the wiping out of all the small to medium size businesses during this fake virus to move all the profits to the billionaire corporations who they considered “essential”.

How this many people could buy into that BS, is the exact same reason they succeeded in Nazi Germany, and that is why it’s happening again right now, medical murder, because all of those doctors who were programmed throughout the years to be put on a pedestal and think they are better than others and their opinion matters, more than others, suddenly big Pharma has made their voice silent, put them in their place, and has been paying them to murder people with the ventilators, Remdesivere , and more.

These doctors are so programmed by the lies of big Pharma on the health issue, and they don’t have the balls to question who taught them, because they would be risking giving up their prestige thinking that they are suddenly not better than the rest of the world. Their self-esteem comes from the years they put into med school and all of those dollars they spent. If they were to suddenly learn that most of it was lies at least relating the health issue, not the emergency care, There goes their self-esteem and self-worth, unless they actually had courage like Dr. Michael Yeadon, or Dr. Christian Northrup, Or Dr. Will Tuttle, worldpeacediet.com, Doctors Sam and Mark Bailey, Kary Mullis Who created the PCR test and stated over and over again that it is not capable of diagnosing anything, and that is what this virus hoax is based on, he was found dead just before the lockdown. And thousands of other doctors who have had the courage to speak up on the non-censored platforms.

He can still be viewed on the non-censored platforms like rumble.com and others.

The sustainability issue. I was fooled also before. I have been an animal activist vegan for many years and I was thrilled to discover the dangers to the climate due to the animal issue.

Partly, I was fooled, but also, I believe the dangers to everyone’s soul are the ability to believe that torturing and murdering innocent animals who have the exact same needs and desires as humans do, to live in freedom, without being tortured and murdered, to live in happiness and health with their babies and their loved ones, and we have destroyed that, that is the danger to our society.

If we can torture and murder the most innocent beings who have never been a threat to us, yet we don’t have the courage to stand up and take down big Pharma mafia murderers who are the biggest threat to us, that shows us as a society, we just aren’t worth it and our souls are destroyed.

It’s those billionaire corporations who are promoting the sustainability issue that we are destroying our climate, and we have to create 15 minute cities and get rid of the cars and replace them with bicycles as they fly everywhere regularly on their private jets. Are you still believing the BS now? And none of them have been vaccinated.

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