This is brilliantly spoken, this Truth that few see or can articulate! Did you ever think of holding rallies? Or run again for president? You are so needed and I think people can relate to you. But maybe going through it once was bad enough. Thanks for your leadership and guidance. Love you 💕🙏

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Totally agree with your comment. Let's create a draft Marianne movement.

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This is what needs to be spoken and repeated loud and clear. I pray it is heard.

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“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

― Buckminster Fuller

This is what we, as a people, need to be focusing on - building new models for the world we want to be living in now - because the models we have aren't working. Everything Marianne has talked about in how our government (military) has operated in the world - is the same way our government agencies are operating in our country, at least the Department of Human Services. It is not a department that is helping people to live richer, fuller lives but is a department that keeps people dependent and in survival mode because the agencies within the department are dependent on the clients needing their services and programs. Our government agencies are numbers driven with the greater the need, the greater the funding. There is no real exit plan because if the numbers go down, the funding is decreased. This is not a good operating model and we need a total overhaul in how our government agencies do business.

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The People's Party is gaining traction, this holds some hope for the future.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

This needs to be sent to every Representative and Senator, with the lines about who really runs our democracy highlighted. We know the majority of Americans support universal healthcare, gun control, free college, an end to war and the wanton MIC budget, an end to hidden money in politics, an end to Congressional insider trading, etc., but our politicians' continued peformative displays without action indicate they all think we're unintelligent enough to not understand what's happening. We know what's going on within the walls and halls of our democracy. Thank you Marianne, for being a voice for truth.

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We are in complete agreement, Marianne as to the core issues! Thank you for speaking my mind to a wider multitude of people.

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This post really helped me understand my own unsettled emotions from yesterday. And as u mentioned, on both sides of the aisle. I was struggling a bit to articulate my own feelings. Thank u Marianne for your poignancy and the much needed light u shed on this insanity.

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You are so right on. Lobbying needs to be abolished and Corporations are not people and should not be allowed to put money into elections. Everyone running should get a certain amount from the government and the rest has to come from their own pocket. We are in need of a lot of reform.

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Yes, and consider that CNN's Jan. 6 "Conversation" moderated by Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper was, as usual, partially funded by the propagandaof the huge fossil fuel insurer Liberty Mutual:

"Only pay for what you need" (subliminal message: I should only pay for what impacts me directly, so forget my neighbor, 'don't tax me to support those unworthy others').

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Thank you Marianne for your wisdom. I hope this gets out because it’s speaking truth to power.

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This is truth and thank you so much for speaking it!

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So well said Marianne. I'm 64 years old and your campaign was the first one I ever donated to. It was sad to see the party and media machine marginalize and often vilify you. I think the strength of their attacks was proof that you forced them to look at themselves. Something which made them very uncomfortable.

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There is clear evidence that the oligarchy rigged the Democratic primaries to sabotage Sanders and install two of the worst performing candidates, Biden and Harris. But Biden and Harris were reliable puppets.

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This is the truth! Ty!

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MW i really appreciate the position you are making on this. I do have a few comments that might take this conversation even deeper. I dont think we can really rely on last years Jan 6 event as presented by the controlled media. Yes there was some some stupid violence, but a pitance compared to what 'our' own gov was carrying out with the support of our tax money at home and in the world in the very same moment. On Jan 6 last year I watched the live camera or Mikki Willis on location at the capitol doors. yes some doors were broken, but capitol police were also holding the doors open and letting people in as their job is. I am sure you can contact Mickki for his on location first hand point of view. Or read his new book Plandemic. And like in many of the other demonstrations over the year there were 'plants' of stoolies causing trouble to make the group look violent at large and spin the news. Those now in 'control' have shown us they will do anything to spin the news. The other issue is free college, while it is a totally great idea, the universities are under the thumb of big and evil money as well. So sending our innocent young ones to be trained to be 'corporate stoolies' is not the best idea either. Yes a lot of good things happen in Universities, but lets not overlook who controls them as well. Thank you for the pure clean message and positions you represent and lets get all the way to the bottom of all the mayhem being created by shadow funding from the shadow controllers. Then we will really know what really happened. Thank you for creating this forum to be heard. I agree with the one who commented that we need to build a new society to make the existing one obsolete. Thank You.

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You have the ability to state so succinctly what the real problem is. Our democracy is so fragile and without HR1 and HR4, I think it will fall. The structures are too rotted and we are too complacent. Don't know if the structures can be rebuilt without going to ashes first. I hipe we can use this opportunity to rebuild from the ground up and address the injustices our country is built on

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

May I suggest that the problems began when men decided to genocide the people original to the land? That foundation must be rebuilt to be in integrity.

Only a new foundation based on unity/Christ Consciousness will be successful. The old foundation is not safe.

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Thank you for helping me organize my thoughts around this event. Our democracy is indeed attacked daily. The people who stormed the Capitol attacked Congress, not an ideology. That is being dismantled from the inside right before our very eyes.

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