God Bless you Marianne. Bless you for all that you have done for us, for all the ways that you have opened our eyes, our hearts and souls. You have truly lifted the veil of political, corporate corruption. It can never be unseen. I will be forever grateful and forever following you. So keep helping us to know the truth on all the levels from which you speak it. Big Love!

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Corruption leads to destruction, MW. Whether here at home in the USA or abroad.

Thanks to you for fighting back. You lost this round, and maybe this bout, but I know you'll keep fighting.

Chin up. Keep speaking out. We need you. Because real change never comes easily.

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Wow- this is shooting straight from the hip. From someone who got right into the quagmire and then chose to get out and share the experience. This one is different, because it doesn’t have the bitter resentment one might expect from a “loser” in the political game of conflict. Rather MW shares her insights, with candor and hope that the people and the culture are bigger and better than the game into which they have been drawn. She calls that game, “corporate tyranny.” I would call it materialism, because we see it wherever materialism -the prioritised pursuit of material wealth – triumphs over the spiritual nourishing of the human condition.

This was my take-home from the article:

In the words of John F. Kennedy, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” Whether that revolution is peaceful or violent is up to us.

God bless America!

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The American people did this to themselves, by looking away, by allowing themselves to be manipulated, by falling into the snare of greed and focus on the small, shiny objects they wanted in their lives. The American people are the only ones who can undo what they've done, in order to take back their country and control over their own lives. It's clear to me there are not yet sufficient numbers who are willing to accept and take that responsibility. All we can do is continue to awaken & encourage more and more Americans to address the reality that is.

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I have always believed that there is power in truthfully NAMING something, no equivocation. Now, truth is a word that has lost its power, in fact, language of words have lost their power....everything that is precious now must be felt within us and that demands that more right brain forms of communication IMAGE AND STORY, in particular seem to get through....I say we look to the ancients for help here and oh by the way, the power of the Mother is an archetype we have yet to really explore...I am sure all this makes no sense to the die hard political cerebrating many, but we are off track and no one is listening to the communication styles we run daily and oh, by the way, watch Sharon Brous, Rabbi on youtube and get her book the "Amen Effect". She sees where power really lies and it isn't in this demented scene we call life and truth and the American or even the human way!!

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Thank you for being the voice for so many of us, even those that didn't know they needed a voice like yours to speak up. I am grateful, saddened, but with you - let the sleeping giant awaken. And bless you Marianne!

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I thank you Marianne! I know you bring the truth to light and have admired and supported you. Please do not be mad if I say this because as you continue to help us see the truth of what is going on and continue to expose what is happening there is another who is also trying and I think we have still have hope to have another choice in this election. I say it here only because people are listening.

I have also been listening to Robert F Kennedy Jr. Of course I supported and love You! But if it can’t be at this time, RFK Jr. sounds like a voice we could listen to.

He is so very intelligent and has researched and studies so much. The media and political parties have tried to spin everything he says and bring him down! He was forced to run as an independent to survive.

Biden has denied him security!!. And he is the only candidate running ever who has not been given security to protect him!!

He does not bring what you did! I am NOT campaigning! I have kept my eye on and listened to him and have been impressed while at the same time supporting you.

All I’m saying is if we can’t have YOU (Marianne!)

We might look at a possibility of someone who is also trying to make changes even at the risk of his own life.

I love you Marriann! I believe in you! God Bless You! But we need to make some changes. And I just think he might be able to help move things ahead even if every idea isn’t the same.

Thank you. And please know that it is with a sad heart that I feel the need to bring this up. But we can’t give up on fighting to make a change. I truly believe that one day there WILL be a Department of PEACE!🙏🙏🙏. And if you can’t run the country this time maybe you could run that first and then the country!

Please accept this with love for all you do!!!

I do love you!! What I see you saying is “We can’t give up”.

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This is spot on. I applaud your courage and effort. I have shared my frustration with the DNC locking you out numerous times. I am just about to post a piece about how I fear the DNC is repeating disastrous history as we speak. You are so right, we must face the fact that we are not a democracy but rather a corporatocracy.

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Thank you so much Marianne for articulating what is in so many hearts tonight; people who know what is bugging them, even the underlying condition, yet cannot fully articulate it. As always, you help me and so many many others to have the crystallization of all that with your help. And God knows you help so many so much. You always speak to me where I am at and walk me to the next step, with greater insight, and admittedly, facts and truths I was unaware of, yet was struggling to find. In your hands, they inevitably that so support the truth of what I and so many are feeling. Thank you, thank you, Marianne. You are a blessing and I love you so very much. Use the immense power of your voice to allow all of us to be heard in its echo. Thanks again and God bless.

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Yes!!!! So happy to hear you say this. Thank you for being resolute. You have a platform and in lieu of one, we are behind you!

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Well said, Sister.

You have more real power with your voice outside the system. So many compromises were in your way to the presidency. Now you can tell the truth and be a voice for sanity in the world. You are loved and have power.

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Marianne - so telling that "news" outlets couldn't bother to even mention your efforts and results in real time, prior to you tapping out. The few outlets I once had respect for have shown their true colors. Thank you for bringing us all aboard your mission. Somehow I think it's just about to launch in a dramatic new direction!

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Thank you for all you do and have done for America and the world Marianne. I was disappointed when your campaign did not succeed but share your belief that there was a ripple of good that happened as a result of your presence.

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Marianne, you have presented the facts of the matter well. You are right, the blinders need to come off. Opening up our minds to see the light and the beauty that does exist. Finding the common ground where people can see that cooperation, and equality is the place where we can change the movement into a creative, positive and forward process. Blessings to you!

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Nicely written … Giving up is not in your DNA … being President is only a vehicle … you have others … you are a wonderful writer … and an eloquent speaker … You certainly do have power … More than most … USE IT

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There has been a long line on misdeeds and usurpations committed by Americans who helped erode the Democracy of our Republic, it began when Congress failed us by no longer calling for an excess profits tax as they had done during World Wars I & II, to curb the dangers of war profiteering. They failed to do this for every overt or covert war ever since and despite the clear warning of the military industrial complex espoused by President Eisenhower. War profiteering is the first head of the beast. They failed us in the Supreme Court, by allowing Corporate Personhood in the Citizens United case, thereby providing free reign for corporate empire to own the political realm, and consolidate their power beyond merely media conglomerates, giving rise to a second head of the beast - namely pestilence profiteering. The Modus Operandi of both has been to produce an emergency to push through agendas that erode our bill of rights. The events on September 11th, allowed for far more goals to be accomplished compared to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. Both events being harbingers of what was to come - whereby webs of deceipt would be obfuscated by the heightened fear of the populace to extort their tax dollars. The legislative branch failed us again when they passed the Patriot Act, the NDAA, which eroded our bill of rights further and President Obama failed us by signing them through again. Then under the guise of an emergency, the second beast reared it's ugly head, showing it's might before an unsuspecting populace (who has since awakened at least 5% of the population to how fundamentally captured our social systems really are). The relatively small percentage of the populace, aware of what's going on are disparaged, deplatformed, and demoralized by the power structures at play. Americans have failed us in the media that no longer are a free press. Americans have failed us in big tech - who have colluded with our government to violate our 1st amendment. Americans have failed us by allowing government to become an instrument of wealth consolidation for psychopathic corporate entities, by allowing criminally charged industries to take over our health system, and to harm humanity through force and fraud - clearly violating the Nuremberg principles with impunity. The string of usurpations are long and deep, hallowing out the regulatory bodies, and using our military arm as it's own personal bodyguard on the world stage for the interests of the Neo-Aristocracy & Corporatocracy. The legal loopholes abused to silence victims and outspend in arbitration to consolidate the last of our social services- carving away at the bedrock of the bluecollar workers. Every usurpation which has led to the erosion born of unchecked and unbridled capitalism has been an act of treason against the American people. A revolution to solve it won't be won through violence, as ruling through violence has already been perfected by the ruling class and will only meet our rage with further tyranny. The solution will be to transform the system from within - to reinstate education and a free press, to build non profit cooperatives for food, water, shelter, education, and health, to pass laws that challenge corporate personhood, and restore justice for conglomerates that violate human rights laws, and to divest from any and all businesses that further harmful aims. Where there's a will, there's a way. We can build back better, but not with the Executive branch, but by We the People. We have to coordinate as was done before the advent of digital communications, by hand on paper, by organizing en masse to move from industries identified as key players in malfeasance, corruption, and greed. Much can be done, but only when the 85% of the masses blinded by the propaganda machine have their blindfolds taken off.

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