Thank you Marianne for showing up each new day to provide some

Good Orderly Direction for our minds to clear out divisive thoughts and to bring us together through Grace. As you say in Mystic Jesus-page 100-


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Yes well said, perception follows belief.

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I am disturbed by what has happened on both sides of the aisle in this election (and in every action in this world that supports killing one another as a means to an end). When Kamala speaks is it true based on what we know? Or any other powerful Democrat or media rep at this time? I am still reeling from what has happened over the summer, from where I understood the party to be, to where it is, and the means with which it has occurred. Has it been true or kind? No. I imagine many would say yes to necessary, if they agree winning at any cost is indeed necessary. That is not democracy, and the battle cry rings hollow for me at this point. We cannot just point fingers at others and manipulate the system to achieve our desires. That is also a means to an end, and I believe unethical. Yes, I could call out the other side, too, in this post, but we must look at ourselves first and foremost. Then allow the process to work as it was intended. That is democracy.

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So, are you in or are you out? Of supporting the Democratic presidential nominee now that it looks like the choices are being made? I was inspired by the speakers last night at the DNC. Yes, I feel cheated by not allowing people to debate President Biden, had they allowed the full democratic process they would have realized that Biden’s time in politics had run its course. He should have our gratitude for his leadership and lifetime as a civil servant! Now that Kamala is destined to be the nominee let’s make sure that she wins! Let the lights of our souls help the evolution of the American experiment rise up to the vision of the Founding Fathers! Thank you Marianne for speaking up and out for the spirit of our nation and of Spirit that rules the Universe. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️🌟🌟🌟

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Maryann….The Course doesn’t say the world needs changing. The world is perfect. It is our perception of the world that needs changing. There is only one request to make - that is to see the real

World, not the one our ego shows us. I can’t do this, by the way. At least I don’t. But from a Course point of view politics is not spiritual. Period. The moment you see an Other, Corporate Greed for example, what you do won’t work. Using healing as an example, if you attempt to ‘fix’ the broken body you won’t be able to. Same with the broken body politic.

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Thank you, Marianne, for your wisdom and clarity of thought. We cannot divorce spirituality from politics. Our spiritual underpinnings are what we bring to the political arena and all areas of our lives whether seen as secular or spiritual. I love this: “Ethical questioning is the basis of moral persuasion; it is that which changes human hearts, and ultimately changes the world“ Amen. May we be ever more focused on discerning Divine Truth and bring it to bear… 🙏🏻💕🙏🏻

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"Be totally invested in an effort, yet unattached to it results.”

This is absolutely correct. However, if you want to introduce the "ethical questioning" thing. What is ethical? For example, Israel thinks that they are currently doing a very ethical thing. It's not just Netanyahu. It's millions of people who choose to think so. Ordinary average folks. They genuinely believe that. Ms Williamson's supposedly highly spiritual followers - many of them, at any rate - seem to have no problem at all with the actions of Israel. At the same time, many other people see it as an instance of genocide and possibly the most egregious war crime in the post WW2 era. Who's ethical here? Because I do not think that either side has any doubts in this respect...

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I agree that it’s hard to know what is ethical in this and other conflicts when most of us are so deeply indoctrinated one way or another, or feel bound by allegiances. Your assumption about ‘supposedly highly spiritual followers’ is unfortunate however. I don’t think you can know this for a fact, nor does it feel to be constructive. What does it contribute? Who might be encouraged by it? Become more ethical? Where I live, children at school learn to reflect before they speak by asking themselves: ‘is it true?’ ‘Is it kind?’ ‘Is it necessary?’ I think these are great questions for us adults as well.

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What's unfortunate is that I don't have to "assume" anything. They have very clearly expressed their stance here on many occasions. And to the main point, there is nothing " true" nor "kind" about eschewing essential questions. The same goes for refusing to call things by their right name...

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Hey American Zoetroper. You are lying and you know about it. It is defamation.

defamation /dĕf″ə-mā′shən/noun

¨The act of defaming; calumny, slander, or libel. Act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication, written or oral; the wrong of maliciously injuring the good name of another; slander; detraction; calumny; aspersion.¨

Marianne Williamson on Israel and Palestine:


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Good morning, Mario...although you are half asleep as usual. Am I lying about what? I haven't said a single word about Ms Williamson's position with regard to this conflict...

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I believe the dial has moved forward only enough to keep trumps out. But move forward it has. Theirs is much work to do to bring true democracy, both here in the UK and the USA.

I truly believe that had Marianne not been part of this campaign that the dial may not have moved enough to allow Biden to step down. It was a close call, no one here in the UK believed he would and were convinced it would be a trump victory. I however, through following Marianne through her posts held out for a miracle and refused to fall into the despair that I noted in my friends and colleagues about trump returning. I think Biden stepping down was such a miracle. Rome wasn’t built in a day …Well done to everyone who kept the faith and to Marianne and her team for keeping on, keeping on…You were heard.

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Ghandi was once a lawyer too :)

The political sphere sounds totally bonkers, so thats where they would lead anyone who puts their faith in tyranny instead of God.

"I heard once that religion is for people who are afraid of Hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there."

In spirituality "God" , our creator, is called " awareness" ,"spirit " or (the lesser known pointer )" love" .

I for one definitely needed to have the Hell-time to become interested in who I was beyond name and form. To turn back within to find the lasting peace I was looking for out in the world but would never find.

Peace is withing, reality is within.

All the egoic structures are crumbling.

Inner peace has never been as essential in a mad world.

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Be divided be conquered

This applies on both the national and global scale

Another old saw that seems to apply is

I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it


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I defend to the death your right to say it…then you add PEACEFULLY. Is that in relation to ‘defend to the death your right…’? There seems to be an inherent contradiction there.

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I rec. Schumacher's Small is Beautiful, Niehbur's Moral Man in Immoral Society, and the Anti-Federalist speeches in the ratification debates.

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Truth can be applied to ALL THINGS - including Politics. The problem is that we come at it from all our life’s teachings - and because this is a world of duality - this becomes very, very, complex. The great mystics are actually helping us to undo our thinking in complexity so we can see the “simple truth.” But most people are not even interested in doing this.

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