Totally with you and fully support you Marianne. And at the same time, it seems to me that the conversation regarding healthcare needs to be broader. For example, the conversation should be about what health actually is, about whether the pharmaceutical system is indeed what needs to be subsidised in the first place (does such a system actually promote the health of the population?); about why do so many americans suffer from diabetes and other degenerative diseases to begin with (far above any other nation on the planet)? About whether healthcare should include not only the pharmaceutical corporate option, but also more wholistic and natural options for those who prefer them..

See, for example, this profound essay that beautifully elaborates on these topics, with regard to healthcare.


With love 🙏

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your compassion is palpable and your fury is inspiring

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The Greed of the Corporations in this country borders on Criminal ... The United States Government has no backbone ... No one is doing anything about this and few are even talking about it ... and MARIANNE is the only Candidate who is consistently bringing this up everywhere she goes ... Many, unfortunately, that hear Marianne are in he 20% that are relatively (on the surface) unaffected by this greed ... Perhaps Marianne needs to start speaking at Emergency Rooms, Free Clinics, Food Banks and Shelters!!!!!

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I don't believe my ears and eyes, that Americans do not have a full access to insuline! Here in Europe people have this medication for low prices. It must be ruled the same for people all over the world in all countries. Can it not be settled by WHO? Everybody who is sick has the right to have the necessary medication, rich or poor! Over the frontiers...

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Those issues aren't talked about? As Kyle Kulinski, whose routine talking points the above speech is virtually entirely composed of (word for word, literally), would put it, "That's factually incorrect". Kulinski and other self-proclaimed left commentators have been bloviating about those things on a daily basis for almost a decade feeding their feeling strongly about the stuff to their target audience. The outcomes? Nice numbers on their Patreon pages and...zero progress in terms of any other material results. Bernie built his whole campaign around M4All. It was supported by tens of millions of people. Everybody knows how it ended. How can this esoteric effort here be expected to add anything at all to the conversation? It's true that the issues in question are hardly ever discussed by the decision-makers. But that is happening - or rather not happening - for obvious reasons - 98% of those are officially bought and paid for. How is this unfortunate circumstance is going to be addressed? Not by delivering another portion of sound bites from the standard repertoire of YT "lefties" doing their little sit-up routines in search of donations, but for real? People are actually struggling. They don't need several more months of vacuous grandstanding with the candidate eventually dropping out and endorsing Joe "Nothing Will Fundamentally Change" Biden or whoever happens to be the DNC's darling at the moment. They need a concrete plan of real actions capable of producing tangible results. Anything short of that would be carrying water for the System which is supposed to be challenged...

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What about ACIM lesson 136: Sickness is a defense against the Truth? You make Money Fromm teaching ACIM.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

In the Apartheid State of New Zealand(In 2023 New Zealand has a separate health, development funding and legislation funding for race are apartheid, one race even has priority for surgery). We have an govt corporation of accident insurance and its really evil. It routinely witholds needed injury care and treatments from accident victims. The drs are all State agents, 95% are corrupt they are self regulate and are not held accountable for criminal negligence. Its a mess.

Without changing the inner a State medical insurance would be just as corrupt and less accountable.

Without the inner the outer manifestation( the grand illusion) remains for profit$.

There is a need for a move away from the whole sick medical system( where is is profitable to keep people sick and on drugs) to a health system.


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I had to pass along this very important information regarding Type 1 Diabetes from The Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine. Eating a plant based diet eliminates diabetics. Here is an article from their website. https://www.pcrm.org/health-topics/diabetes

Their website is www.PCRM.org They have a wealth of helpful information & do so many wonderful things. Thank you.

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"My mother died of diabetes, as did my uncle and my grandmother." I didn't know this about you and your family. I am so sorry for the suffering these people endured. Many ppl don't know what's involved in death by diabetes. A lot of suffering - deep physical **and mental** suffering.

My deepest condolences.

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I wish more people would listen to Marianne. ☮️

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I'm glad that the security guard's union was able to make things right for him. Yay, unions, indeed! It might be interesting to know stories around the Writers' Guild strike in Hollywood, too. I watched the YouTube episode in which Marianne talks with two union members involved in that strike and came away from it thinking that Marianne is the Presidential candidate we need for our time. "Ol' Scranton Joe's" touting of union jobs in the 2020 Presidential campaign was like a breath of fresh air, after all the "Right to Work" legislation that had gone before, but then he worked against the Railroad Workers in their bid to get sick leave. (It was interesting and somewhat surprising to learn that railroads are quite profitable.) Since the Writers' Guild is now being joined by SAG-AFTRA, we should expect to see some real movement around wages and benefits in the movie industry, though Fran Drescher (President of SAG) said on Alex Wagner's show last night ( 7/13 ) that some of the companies being struck were lately showing new-found intransigence around union demands.

As an aside, it might be noted that dogs get diabetes as well. (I don't know whether or not cats do.) My introduction to the greed of Pharmaceutical companies came when I got ready to purchase a month's supply of insulin for my dog, and the price was 25% higher than it had been the previous month. Walgreen's was less than sympathetic to my protestations - they were simply passing on the increase they had experienced. I would have been willing to bet that the current month's supply had not cost the manufacturer any more to produce than the previous month's supply.

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Your statement "in countries with universal health care - and that means every other advanced democracy - people are not rationing their insulin" fails to acknowledge the depth of the problem that you must solve, that you are our best hope for solving.

The thin veneer of 2 Party democracy, currently being shredded in every Red state, has long cloaked the transition to corporate fascism. Mussolini marked fascism as the merger of State and corporate power. In the WWII examples - plus Orbin & Modi - a dictator seized the levers of State power and the corporations went along for the (quite profitable) ride.

The seeds of America's corporate dominated fascism were planted and cultivated by the Supreme Court in a series of facially Unconstitutional rulings beginning with '76 Valeo (money is political speech) and '78 Bank of Boston (We already told you corporations are people - 1886 Santa Clara - and money is how they speak) and '10 Citizens United and '17 McDonnell. These mock the rigid 18th century Common Law that money in politics is bribery; an Impeachable offense under our Constitution. The Reagan Republican machine using these tools under the banner of 'the government is the problem' took control of the government and delivered bad government. Clinton's victory in '92 marked the DNC buy-in to the new dollar denominated reality.

We now have the most corrupt government in the history of the world. Every corporate sector can and does buy whatever law they need to profit off the labor and early death of actual people - as seen in the insulin death race.

It is worth remarking that 'ordinary' dictators, fascist or not, want a healthy (but uneducated) population. So Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, Putin, Orbin... had universal healthcare - at least for their chosen 'master class'. The massive profits of the Medical Industrial Complex (in excess of 1.5T$/year - carefully hidden) insure that that will never happen here till we overthrow the tyranny of the Courts.

How do we do that? That's the 8 Billion person question. We are hurtling toward an unmarked Event Horizon beyond which lies chaos.

No one is proposing climate remediation at the speed and scale the problem demands. The original Build Back Better investment was less than 1% of what we invested in WWII. It was scaled to be politically possible - but proved not to be.

We must start by defining what the problem demands. That solution is absolutely impossible, a political non-starter. So we sweep aside the Courts and their treasonous precedents and return to the government of, by, and for the flesh and blood people that our Amended Constitution guarantees us.

Enough for now. This is a work in progress. Inputs are sought at Tom@TomWellsForCongress.com 352-514-5467

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Congress is filled with the 20% that have ... no problem paying their bills ... great health insurance ... plenty of capital to invest ... a great salary ... their own personal gym ... free parking ... and Corporations and PAC's that are falling all over themselves to donate to their Campaigns ... Why should those who are intrenched in The System ... care about disrupting a system that gives them so much ... and the other 80% of Americans ... SO LITTLE!

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