Aug 26, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

Your prayer expressed perfectly what is in my heart, Marianne. I have printed it and will read daily. Thank you!

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Aug 26, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

Thank you for sharing such profound thoughts and prayers! PEACE

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

Thank you for your courage to stand for Love. It is what our world needs now. We are loving beings. It is our true essential nature. When we sit still and be, we find this love. When we offer our uplifting thoughts for others, there is love. This is inner activism, to shift what we think for the well-being of all. Outer activism is essential but without this inner calibration to Love it will never be enough. I stand with you. 💜

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Aug 26, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

In the years that I have been reading your writings, listened to your talks, read your books and read these words now you continue to give me great faith in a collective shift in each of us, in our communities and in the world. I believe in the power of a loving approach where logic doesn’t have a place, because it is not necessary as a human being. Love is far more powerful. You have helped me see this and experience this just by living this way. Thank you for all you have done and do. Blessings be with you now. Love you always.

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Aug 26, 2021Liked by Marianne Williamson

Thank you Marianne 💗

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That is what I feel as in the case of "isms" , that people get possessed by thought forms.

And the emotion is the body's reaction to the thought.

So we have a collective unconscious( hive mind) infected by the govt-media spread thought form covID19( which is creating fear).

This is where our attention is going to.

And this media fearmongering ( and divisive memes)is what we are are focusing on.

I question the govt-media.

I question govt/media memes of "fear of others" , the social distancing of 6ft , I question the extended home detentions of healthy people, I question the govt having the right to force people to participate in what is an illegal GMO trial and all the govt actions done in the name of "covid19" that breach of the constitution.

Fear and the govt fascism that we see are not separate but rather the cause and effect of what I believe is a govt media covid psyop.

More and more people before " covid19" in 2019 were opting out of the religious belief in corporate run govt (and corporate media) . They asked "do we need to have a central banking cabal's corporation govern us as this is an economic and political monopoly with corporate for profit motivation?". Our systems are dysfunctional as they are corporate with corporate values( for profit)

In 2020 the WHO declared a global pandemic only 200 alleged " cases" from a test that is not capable of creating cases .

I will also state firmly and with full understanding of the test that the rt PCR test that is being (mis-used) to create" cases" cannot even detect 1 whole transmissible virus.

I find this whole govt-media production of non stop fearmongering worthy of suspicion.

The real threat is collective and contagious human unconsciousness, being taken over by a thought-form/fear/anger/ignorance ie the regressive movement.

A collective movement that here with present moment awareness, unclouded by fear, we can see it clearly.

Possessed by fear ( or a thought form" covid19" that generates fear )means we become unconscious. In a state of fear we cannot access the reasoning we have been gifted with.

It is so important to remember our primary purpose and to make our every move grounded with one foot in Being.

Our being here now at this time - all here wanting to bring light and love into a world that so desperately needs it in the make or break time of human history is a miracle .

Love is coming into the world.

Conscious activism has appeared now activism that sees options as just opinions does not judge people based on their opinions/skin and it does not turn people into enemies .

It seeks to see our conected-ness to each other, Gaia and nature

Blessings to all.

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Yes!!!! AMEN! May it be so and may we all unite in this beautiful prayer and magnify it! Bless you Marianne for your consistent energy in sharing your wisdom, ideas prayers and guidance because they heal, unite and assist us in remember what is truly important and what we need now more than ever- authentic leadership.

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May it be so. Amen.

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Beautiful. Beautiful prayer. Thank you

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Thank you Marianne that was beautiful. 💖

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There was a long chain of events that led us to the sorry state the world is in. If we take an honest look at where we are, both personally and as a society - which many of us continue to do - and work backwards, we can get to the core of ourselves and almost simultaneously create a society that works for everyone. Money isn't the root cause of the world's problems, but if we lived in a socialized world, we could more easily see the light on the horizon. Take away what causes fear (economic distress) and we have a weight lifted off our shoulders. Take away ecological stress, there's less weight on our shoulders. Less outside forces causing fear, more opportunity to grow in spirit.

I think that a dogmatic approach to spirituality is inhibiting because it teaches that there is only one way, when God is infinite. If you think there is only one correct path to God or one way to live life, then you will always come into conflict with others. As long as you approach with love as the gold standard, you are working with your real nature. When enough of us confront the problems of the world with good intentions, we can surely untangle the various messes and operate in a sustainable way.

Wonderful prayer! May God help us all.

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Thank you Marianne, for your work of Tikkun Olam: "calling in" the spark of Love and Light, in every bit of this material world...

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This is excellent. When I ran for Congress in the Illinois 5th District in 2018, I tried to articulate the need for a spiritual revolution as well as the political revolution Bernie Sanders had called for. This makes the case far better than I did. I wish all Bernie’s supporters—and all supporters of progressive reform generally—could read it. https://www.schwartzbergforcongress.com/news-letters/

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Marianne, your message(s) and your voice become more profound and more important by the day! In light of today’s news out of Afghanistan, your prayer is one we hope the world will pray and one that G-d will answer. ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏

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