Our social & political body has cancer cells. These are the predators guided only by their own physical survival and destruction of others. It is not enough for all the spiritually oriented people to become even more spiritual. The cancer cells, the predators, have to be removed from the body.

"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." - John Stuart Mill

Gandhi's "passive" approach was calculated to shame the British sense of fair play, which he understood from studying law in England. But it would not have worked against Genghis Khan. And it will not work against the predators who control our press, politicians, and banks, who are blanketing us in false narratives, censoring our freedom of speech (to protect their false narratives), and creating chaos in our world for their profit.

Fighting for Justice is a spiritual act, as when Jesus physically kicked the money men (materialism) out of the temple (spiritualism).

Another example is Marianne speaking the truth in the face of our increasing authoritarianism and censorship.

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Thank you so much for these words. I logged in to say just this, but you've said it much more eloquently than I could have, so thank you. I think everyone who values Marianne's work so much already understands that the world is off course and that humans are acting against the interest of humanity, but the problem is the cancer. So few cells (people) can do SO MUCH DAMAGE, and I think spiritual people make the mistake of underestimating how evil some people are. It's not that they're just casually selfish and ignorant. There are people that enlist their full effort and brain power and immense resources into sadistic and cruel endeavors. Putin is not alone in this.

I used to live in LA and spent a lot of time with spiritual people and I didn't believe evil was real, but then I moved to Fairfield County, Connecticut, which is hedgefund/Wall St/C-suite corporation HQ, and I am embarrassed at how naive I was about the evil people are capable of, and deeply saddened by it. It is a way of life for a good number of people, and with their immense power, you just can't imagine how much damage they do. There is no amount of love and enlightenment that is going to stop them. They need to be STOPPED. Full chemo, radiation, surgery. They need to be killed or removed, which is awful, but true. And guess what? They'll eventually grow back and we'll have to deal with those new cancer cells. Humanity needs to find a way to get rid of these bad actors frequently and quickly, because, honestly, it looks like they're going to kill the whole organism at this point.

They say love is stronger than hate, but I don't think that's true. Love is just better than hate. Look at the Universe. It's mostly dark, which makes the light so extraordinarily beautiful. Because it's rare.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

Spot on Kathryn W. I used to live in Old Greenwich, CT, and I totally know what you are saying herein!

As the Dalai Lama once said, prayer is good but action is even better. Love is the juice that can help us transform but collective action, as Marianne describes, is so needed since we are on the brink of more disasters. And, yes, the cancer can remain dormant; then, resurface. Hedge fund guru Ray Dalio of CT fame still thinks some sort of 'competition' is okay. No, I say, and how about sharing and collaboration since we are truly one!

Again, I share your angst and hope us humans do what's right: when there's a rabid dog in the neighborhood harming others, well, the dog is put down. So hopefully humanity can grasp this simple act and move forward! Thanks for sharing your story.

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Thank you so much for your response, Joan. It means so much for you to acknowledge this uncomfortable truth. No one wants to put down a dog, especially because all of us here are lovers, not fighters. But I think to be a true lover of good, you have to kill the rabid dogs. And it seems they're breeding quickly.

I'm so curious to hear Marianne's thoughts on dealing with evil, particularly after what she must have seen in her presidential run. Those people are not screwing around. They're evil and they mean business. This is the one issue I have with ACIM. Evil is real and it is POWERFUL. Greed is at the root of the war in Ukraine and our hands are filthy. Not only are we amassing disgusting amounts of material goods, but we're BROADCASTING it all over the world through social media. How fast can we spread the cancer? As fast as Zuckerberg can build...

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

Thank you for your accurate and central additions to the story. I recall reading a comment by a hedge fund guy in which he admitted freely that he was a financial predator, and justified it by saying predators were an essential part of nature. These people literally believe the Golden Rule is for "suckers".

I personally do not believe there is an evil devil spirit orchestrating evil. I think evil actions arise when a person's animal, material nature completely governs their actions. These people are ignorant about love and spirituality. Therefore they don't even trust each other.

There are cases of such people learning to love, of their having "conversion" experiences in various ways. So trying to educate them is worth doing. This can be a combination of informing them mentally, and a strategic mix of loving and shaming them emotionally. And we can pray for them to see the light. But until they abandon their predatory ways they must be restrained from causing harm.

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Indeed, harmful Homo sapiens must be restrained in as unharmful and most compassionate manner as possible. My 6-mo.-old puppy knows better: too much mouthing leads to disciplinary outcomes! The planet's people, us, need to restore kind manners!

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Kathryn, it is very saddening to see the energy of destruction that some people use against others, I totally agree with you there. Its so hard for those of us who have been focussed on spirituality and the interbeing or oneness of all life, to see cruelty with such intention. I feel that the darkness which is destructive canmot win over the light which creates life rather than destroys. When we each face our fear of the energy that destroys and align with the energy that creates, the creative energy is enhanced. Nostradamus said we must face our fear of ourselves and each other, in order to save ourselves. This is the great awakening. As each awakens, their energy awakens others. Believe in the creative power of the all powerful One in whom we reside. This is the key.

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Hi Luise, I appreciate your thoughtful response. I guess my question remains, if that's in fact true, why does it seem as though very bad people run everything in the world? If you can think of an instance in your life where awakened met with darkness, who ended up controlling the energy? Or in the case of Marianne running for President, even though she was clearly the most enlightened candidate, along with Bernie perhaps, why did they essentially get carted off the stage while the darkness literally took over the world? I'm sorry to bother you. Maybe no one knows.

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We have to play the king game. Love and the Light wins; but probably not in my Lifetime. Every kind act creates higher vibrations that attracts more And makes a difference, individually and collectively.

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Well said, yes good people cannot stand idle in the face of tyranny.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by Marianne Williamson

Beautiful post, thank you. ❤️ You are right, collective shifts are possible, they seem to come in fits and starts, one step forward, two steps back, then five steps forward.

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Marianne, I am not sure if you want to hear what I want to say. I think you put a lot of your heart into what you had to say. The problem is that we all need to STOP! Stop and see that what is going on, is a manifestation of what we have created. We were given something beautiful, the universe with it’s vegetation, animals, sky and water, and decided that we were going to change everything. Our ego is that big! I believe that architecture can be beautiful, but there is a balance. When it comes to power and money, there is no balance. Even our government is structured now, so we fight all the time. We are not in this world for each other but for ourselves. Does that seem right? I think we need to go backward, not forward. We have made a mess and have a lot of cleaning up to do. You cannot go forward when you have lost your way. Each person is 100% responsible for the way they see themselves and their life. Do we have good morals? Do we have integrity, honor, honesty, and decency? I have 25 year olds who want to go back to the, “age of innocence”. When people cared about being the best they could be inside and out. When people believed in something bigger than themselves. You heard it in the music, with the ,”hippy generation”, you saw it in our dress, you watched it in our films, and you saw some assemblance of good in our government.

History shows us that there is a higher intelligence. An intelligence that is so far beyond anyones comprehension! You can call it a creator, or just the universe. Ask our tortured souls, who have the wisdom of what the past tells us. Ask a Native American, ask an African American who has come out shining on the other side, ask a professor that has studied past civilizations, ask Jane Goodall about the connection with animals that is beyond incredible. We are suppose to be wiser. We can self reflect and better ourselves. Each day offers a new beginning. If we listen and look closely there are signs given to us of our wrong doings. The biggest elephant in the room, the biggest sign, is what is happening to our world. It starts with every single one of us. That is how we come together. We try, each of us, to our best ability, to be the good, not the bad. I see a lot of bad going on with individuals, that is beyond what you might imagine. We have seen this ugliness before in our history as well.

What I am trying to say, is not rocket science. I am reaching out to all of you. My life is almost over. I am saying this, to those of you that will inherit this world. You can believe me our not. But, are you will to error on the side of good or bad? I would think that, “good” is the winner, no matter how it ends. I do not want this beauty to end, it can, and it will, if we do not awaken our souls.

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Hi Lori, I think Marianne would agree with your overall perspective. Also, I assess it's not a matter of going backward or forward but onto something even more transformational in nature (both figuratively and literally). People must learn to think with deeper clarity--not responding to nano second digital messages without silence and reflection. We have a long way to go to make an upshift for humanity--keeping my fingers crossed it's possible! Peace!

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Thank you!

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"Gandhi said the leader of the India Independence movement was “the small still voice within." ... In many of us that small still voice hasn't been heard in years ... The curtains need to be opened ... the dust covers removed ... and one must listen!

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In loving agreement with all you say here .. except that any news can be found on TV .. the media is so untrustworthy. Healing individually and collectively may include going through the feelings of being betrayed by media we trusted to have some connection to truth ... they have proven themselves blatantly untrustworthy. *Certainly any media who ever said "horse de-wormer" cannot be trusted to get anything else right.*

Thank goodness for Substack, and other truly independent media who report with the complexity that can't be one side all good, one side all bad. https://off-guardian.org/2022/02/27/7-fake-news-stories-coming-out-of-ukraine/ || https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/ || https://www.eugyppius.com/p/ukraine-and-the-global-american-empire?s=r || https://tessa.substack.com/p/war-is-horrible?s=r || https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/the-ukraine-crisis-what-you-need?s=r || https://tessa.substack.com/p/russia-covid?s=r

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Yes that horse worm medicine was a give away as to who was under control in the mainstram media. Utar Pradesh in India with over 230 million people found it very helpful stuff! Thank you for all the links, it seems we must look beyond mainstream media for why Putin is acting the way he is. They cannot be trusted anymore.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

I completely agree with you about the mainstream media. It's good for weather and sports, but utterly untrustworthy on important matters like war and peach. Twenty straight years of lies about Afghanistan, following huge lies to get American troops and money Invading Iraq, all for trillions of dollars in profits for weapons companies, at the cost of thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Middle East lives.

Thanks for your links. I'd like to suggest two more independent websites that provide high quality news and analysis that the mainstream media avoids and denies.



Somewhat surprising, I've found that progressive political comedian Jimmy Dore (on YouTube) has proven to be exceptionally thorough and accurate on those stories that he covers.

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I totally agree with what Marianne has written. If you are ACIM student you know that all minds are joined. Thinking in in the way of the thoughts we think impact us all. Thoughts of fear, guilt, jealousy, anger and so on, have been collectively created so much havoc on this planet. Its been going on for a long time, for sure. However, more people have realized that taking responsibility for what we put out there will come back to us. That has definitely helped us all. But, We all have a little (or a lot) of negative thoughts roaming around in our heads, at least from time to time. Its as simple as loving and forgiving others but making sure you love and forgive yourself, too. That will change the world.

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Yes, transforming ourselves so we are the Critical Mass.

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It is time for a global strike, especially including the people in Russia, Belarus, and China, as well as all of the rest of us. Ghandi showed us how to do it.

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I think an honest look at how the US is escalating this war, intentionally provoked this war and has been fueling insurgency for at least a decade in the Ukraine is sorely missing from our paid for by corporations media. The cold war era tactics of making Zelensky a hero and in your own words "Putin is a madman" are not helpful. The hypocrisy, lies and distortion of truth by our media owned by the real madmen who are making money off the deaths of so many innocent people all over the world is appalling. The lack of coverage of other wars where millions of people of color have died is telling. Do you care about the people who died in Yemen paid for by your tax dollars? Is Zelensky just a tool of the corporate elite--a real actor who remains an actor? He has forced families to be separated and put guns in the hands of teenagers and those men unwilling to fight their neighbors. They did not have a choice. He is calling for a "no fly Zone" which would bring disaster. Does he even care? Peace within, between and among us is only possible with honest reporting, clarity and compassion. Dig deeper for the truth. Be willing to be a stand for the peace that passing all misunderstanding. The right have been fighting the right since the beginning of all time. It is time to stop the forces of killing within and all around us. Why aren't you interviewing Chris Hedges, Univ of Chicago Professor John Mearshiemer or other intelligent experts who have been silenced by our mainstream media? We accuse Russia of what we have become. Look in the mirror, my beloveds. It is important. When we deny our shadow self, we strengthen its power. What we cannot talk about is in control of us.

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Your comments are astute and well taken by me! I see the hypocrisy in this new war too. Where's the true effort for reconciliation since we all know about the spoils of war? And we are as a dumbed-down society collectively buying into this madness--making it a self-fullfilling prophecy that's getting worse. I see the hubris of the actors involved--so thrilled to have another opportunity for face time and to strut their stuff! Pitiful. So thanks for your thoughtful message of truth as well.

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Thank you. Here is my Prayer for Today....

We pray as One Human Family for our sisters and brothers in Africa, Afghanistan, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Ecuador, The Gaza Strip, Mexico, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Russia, the Ukraine, Yemen and all over our world. May all people be safe from harm. May all men, women and children be cherished and protected.

May the fear and terror within men and women cease and acts of violence end. May monumental greed and deception cease. May we have a truly free press without censorship by governments or corporations. May we learn to discern and trust humanity and our better angels.

May we become honest and trustworthy. May everyone learn to share. May all be fed. May all living beings and the Living Earth that gives us all Life be cared for and protected. May everyone experience empathy and compassion.

May the Human Family rise in Love. May we stop killing ourselves and each other over greed and ignorance perpetuated by lies, oppression and all kinds of mental, emotional and physical disease.

May we all be well and learn to be radiantly healthy and supremely happy.

May we have faith in God and each other.

May we be rich in virtues.

May we be resilient and find our true worth.

May we all Love One Another as children of the Beloved Father Mother God of all Living Beings.

May we cherish the ground that we walk upon and that sustains us.

May we find our Peace within, between and among the Human and Divine Family of God. Amen.

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But how do we get that's all still voice that's is now screaming to be heard? I tell at the Tv screen at all these talking heads that claim to be “the professionals” yet they can't hear me. How can we as individuals meet those other light-bearers to pull their headlights together to help illuminate others around us?

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Great question, Jesse. I'd like to know as well. Because it is screaming.

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Thank you dear Marianne, your words resonated with the ones I spoke with friends for the last week. It's not by adding to the mess that we clear it, though sometimes realigning could look like a mess. That's why we need to do the job, turn inwards to remember why we are here. What really matters. Remembering to send love to every cell to support the healing of the body. One step at a time, one human at a time, knowing love makes miracles.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

P.S. There are so many wonderful organizations offering medical, logistical, humanitarian, etc help on the ground. Assisting them is a way of helping.

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Watching the horror of this war unfolding is becoming too much to bear. Thank you for the wisdom and hope you offer in the midst of near despair. Yes, we can change the course of history. It’s the only choice we have to save humanity and the planet before it’s too late. May peace and sanity prevail and may God bless the brave people of Ukraine. 🕊☮️✌️❤️🙏

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

You try so hard and so eloquently. It’s still the patriarchy in denial.

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Diane, you hit the nail on the head! Bravo. We must no longer accept this dominant style behavior that's killing off life: reflected in many peoples domestic lives as well as in the public arena too. Ultimately, I think Nature will take charge beyond us humans; i.e. pandemics to wake-up the masses to what really matters.

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I pray so.

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So well said, as always. Your ability to articulate my sentiments is so uplifting. You are a great inspiration. I truly appreciate your dedication, commitment and love. And yes, we can make this shift with love, dedication, facing our courage, accepting that we are all one human being and our past does not have to control us it is a tool to learn, to learn about our connectedness, etc. With much gratitude, thank you

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I tried to explain just this (which you do sooo much better) to several people recently. They seem to not grasp what I am saying. It's almost like taking a step back from it all and yet even going deeper all in one in order to get to the core root of this disease within our collective selves. And it won't go away if we are even unable to watch it any longer.

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