Thank you for speaking to this. It’s a breath of fresh air to see a presidential candidate who is taking about the heart of the issue here.

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Thank you Marianne. Maui is my home and we are devastated. It is bad......so bad......

Your response is more informed than that of our President...Thank you.

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The President was here today and empathized with the Lahaina Community in a deeply moving way. He looked everyone in the eye and saw their loss. I think he gets it.

Just had to share my better informed impression of his comprehension of the losses felt here. Thanks, Heather

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I think there is way more to this than this article mentions. Water being cut off for their citizens, police blockading cars and not letting them leave? I wish leaders would be brave and speak about the things the average citizen is thinking. It used to be a small niche group discredited by the term “conspiracy theorists” but too much is happening and no one is answering questions asked or even asking the right questions.

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We didn’t learn this in history class. Thank you for the truth, Marianne. It’s up to us to face it and act.

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The creation of fire storm events needs to be fully investigated and reveal the geo-engineering that decimates follage, the arsonists and laser beam techniology used by the US (as can be seen by green trees standing next to totally torched building) & flash lasers recorded on security systems and live weather systems. It is obvious the UN Globalists want Hawaii for them selves, they want this area to be a Smart City where the elite can retreat why the deconstruction of America is pushed full steam ahead. The WEF works as an Industrial discuise for engineered genocide (hello Convid and shots, aluminium nano particles and other chemicals sprayed most days, human dna & heavy metals increaasingly found in foods, and in and in).

Stop the WEF, stop the WHO, jdisban the UN & we stand a chance!

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Whenever you post, it is always a gift and memorable Marianne. Thank you for yet again making us remember the people.

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nothing worked, not even the fire hoses, no warnings, schools closed that day, its very suspicious to say the least, so sad so many innocents died, those with limited mobility stuck in their cars, imagine for a second how painful their deaths must have been! This is beyond evil, gov't itself must be run by simple, honest, caring people, not AI junkies! A complete remake is needed, small is beautiful is the way forward! Peace, love and find your warrior within, on the sacred warrior will survive what is coming!

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Totally agree fred it was suspicious and was used to spread the " man made climate change" political meme.

Lets shift paradigms from fear to LOVE.

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First we need to reason, 3 forms of reason, induction from senses, deduction from mind, ethics from spirit, reason must be lead by ethics, next comes love, the unifying energy, it too has a priority, first we love mother earth, for she is our first mother, next we love each other as brother and sister to create the ideal human family, next we love a partner to co-create and share out lives together, last comes human creation, musings, movement and music, through artistic expression we can connect with the infinite divine uniqueness. No particular order when it comes to creation by humans. This is when we are free to choose our destiny. When it comes to reason and love, we are obligated to maintain this order to create a world where all can live in harmony. This is the 3 loves way. This is how most humans live on other planets, in this and other universal constants.

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Reason is a gift from God, only the mind that is free from fear has the ability to reason.

Without love all is chaos.

Love is the Law.

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Socrates was right when he stated that bravery was the highest of all virtues, many have aspirations on how to defeat evil, few act on those aspirations for they lack bravery. The Three Loves way has the power to unite those who believe in a loving creator across all believers and non-believers. When a woman faces a Rapist, do they exhibit love to overcome their adversary, I hope not. Instead, their god given survival instinct inspired by fear, comes to the front of their consciousness and they think of ways to defeat or escape their assailant. Right now, that Rapist is what most call Civilization, attacking every life form on this planet. A satanic cult has taken over. Malichi Martin, look him up if you are not familiar with him, said in 1997, 10 million Americans were perfectly possessed, that's 1 in 30, he said this in an interview with Art Bell. They have taken over control of the military industrial complex, most gov'ts on earth. I'd say Bhutan, a wonderful Buddhist nation is one of the few that still stands in the light of a loving god and creator. Lost, unconnected souls need to awaken, take their heads out of their holes in the ground and their empty spirituality. Love will not defeat a satanist my friend, we need a new way of living, a new ethos and its what I have brought here and its a miracle that I'm still alive speaking of it, as the Satanists have tried to take me out many, many times. I'm resilient and have lots of friends from the higher realms protecting me, unfortunately, the humans here are running out of time and this "disaster" in Hawaii, much like the plandemic, is coming to most cities in the US and other parts of the world due to their wish to depopulate and replace most humans with robotics and an AI grid. The Matrix is close to complete and its time for the lovers of god to find their sacred warrior within!

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Satanists = unconscious people .

Unconsciousness is gone in the presence of Love, God is Love

Love is power

The matrix ( or system/establishment)in this world has been complete for some time, they are going for a reset.

We must monitor ourselves and be the change we want to see in the world

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Yes, the roots of evil everywhere have been here for a long time, once totally manifest, evil everywhere means this dimension has become a new level of hell, a consciousness that will be impossible to escape, love or no love. The only way to ensure the survival of your essence is to find your sacred warrior within, not some coward who claims to be enlightened and connected to a higher realm. This is my message to this planet from one that is lead by Sacred Warriors who know how to defeat evil and maintain love, abundance and the sacred divine uniqueness of the human spirit for all, not just a few! IF you think the cowardly humans on this planet are needed or wanted in places where the sacred warrior thrives, you are mistaken and you have been deceived by the fake spiritual leaders on this earth, who may or may not be in the grips of Satan and his minions. Some simply lack discernment and this is why discernment must come first if one can claim to have a higher consciousness. Without discernment, love energy can be misused and be used by the dark side for their own purposes. Watch the movie the Green Mile again, I love the quote - "they are killing us with our own love", yes, its a truth that few have grasped on this planet of lost souls.

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Thankfully, Hawai'i' s governor and attorney general have addressed the land speculation issue. Whether their words translate into action, remains to be seen, but it also will be true, in perpetuity, that too much of this planet has been used to benefit the few, at the expense of the many.

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I am so grateful that this will be shared with many as much of Marianne's Divine writings.

I sent out a link to my email list for donating to the Maui Humane Society because so many animals lost homes and families, human and critter, or have been compromised by the smoke or otherwise.

It does my heart good that there is love here for all living beings and may Lahaina feel us sending that too!

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It seems exploitation is the name of the game for those in power or with money. This is heartbreaking, and is happening throughout the US after each and every tragedy. Thank you for providing a list of organizations we can donate to in order to help.

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Thanks Marianne

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The economic problems start at the top, we have a central banking economic monopoly.

All political ideology and agenda follows the money.

Governments are set up as nation State corporations, they are not about mankind's best interests.

Man made climate change is just another political meme spread by media.

Fires in nature ( catastrophes ) have always been happening and yes they are tragic .

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Wow... I didn't know this history.... Thank you for educating us Marianne.

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Nor did I.

Most of are only really beginning to learn, now!

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I teach humans how to modulate, see the purpose and some of the limits of their abilities, fear is a friend at times, its part of our survival instinct. Love can be used against us when you lack discernment. I'm all for love, but we must be cautious on who we love because it is a unifying energy and you don't want to unify or connect with a deceptive or evil energy. Its simple for me to comprehend, but most here don't get it. The good, unconditionally loving lost souls may have a chance of surviving what is coming here, I do not know, some grace may be offered. You present a danger to places that know how to defeat evil, cause you do not know how to defeat evil and thus you are fence sitters and do little to seek universal solutions, like the 3 loves approach to living. Hey, I wish you the best, I do not wish bad tidings on anyone who sees metaphysics differently. We do live in a multiverse and rules in one universe may differ in another. Here, there is so much needless suffering vs where I come from. Hey, if you want suffering over perfect harmony, I pray for you and I appreciate you for who you are and your place in your spiritual development.

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

Thank you Marrianne,This so sad So I shared this on my Facebook page and it was removed. Now what's up with that?

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Censorship run amok

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Sometimes I believe you are our heart Marianne.

Thank you for being bold and brave! You are a powerful voice of hope!

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