EXACTLY! You WILL BE the next president of the United States. Trained your whole life for this moment. The country NEEDS YOU!! THANK YOU 🙏🏽

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“I Appeal to Everyone who agrees with me, to STAND WITH ME - We are the PEOPLE and this is our TIME - No one person can fix the mess we ‘re in - we’re all going to fix the mess we’re in - But First, we have to Override the Power of Those who have no intention of our doing so - And that is serious - PLEASE JOIN ME”


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Marianne, I was with you 100% in 2020 and I’m with you 100% for 2024. This time I hope you will run as an independent if the nomination is rigged for the President. The American People will not elect an establishment politician in 2024. If the choice is Biden or Trump, the unthinkable will happen again.

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I stand with her and you and

let’s not imagine the future but put it entirely in the Hands of Truth and Love.

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No not any one person could and anyone who claims they could is lying. But with you as president we can all work together to get turned around.

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Yes- we all need to do our part to fix this mess we’re in. I refuse to accept that it will forever be this way and that the powers at be will maintain their control. There’s too much at stake and I have far too much faith in the goodness of the American people. I am 100% with you.

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May 1, 2023·edited May 1, 2023

In follow up to Mario LeBlanc:

I feel that the entire process of deciding who gets to run is corrupt - or arbitrary at best!

Why are only 4 out of 50 states “chosen” to decide who gets to run for the highest office in the nation? Do Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada represent the most ethnically, economically or otherwise diverse states of our Union? Do they have the most “significant” or “intelligent” voters among all 50 states? Why don’t New York, Texas, California, Montana, Oregon, Alabama or any other state get to share in this privilege? Candidates concentrate their time and attention on prospective voters of these 4 primary states to the exclusion (except for occasional fundraisers) of “the other states.” Also, the Electoral College must be abolished! Popular vote must be the decisive factor in the general election. Aside from contributing to your campaign, spreading the word near and far, wearing Marianne2024 swag to elicit conversations, etc, what can I do to engage with your campaign in a meaningful way to turn our Ship of State around? I was “all in” in your 2020 campaign and feel like I’m “missing out” this time around.

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Be still and listen. You’ll know.

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We will have a just and peaceful world.

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"There is a light that this world cannot give. Yet you can give it, as it was given you. And as you give it, it shines forth to call you from the world and follow it. For this light will attract you as nothing in this world can do. And you will lay aside the world and find another." Miracles Text -13.VI.II:1-5

Keep on shining Marianne. You are a Light for the world. ✨✨✨

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Blocking debates is pure hubris and discourages free speech! Our country is devolving fast and we must take the reigns and resist. Backing Marianne is important to retain freedom and justice for all. These are sad days for history but we can and must turn the wheel now in the right direction. Why? Because the good foundation of the U.S .is in harms way. Marianne's voice must not be silenced. I fear for those numb to truth. I continue helping as possible: let's mobilize as one!

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I like your wording there “numb to the truth” because I feel like that’s where many are at. So many have become numb to it all as a way to cope cause the systems have been working against us for far too long. To not be numb by facing it head on requires facing a lot of really hard truths about this country. It requires us to maybe even feel some guilt for being complacent for so long that we let things get to where we are.

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Such big Truth! Thank you Marianne. I know that you hold the vision of who we truly are, where we need to go and the strength and ability to guide us there. I stand with you.

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We need your wisdom and leadership in the birthing of the new. I support you.

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The rest of the world would certainly love for the US to have a president of your calibre. It’s hard to believe how low the US have sunk in relation to caring for their people. The elites on both sides have dramatically failed. Joan, South Australia

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I believe I speak for all who are even barely acquainted with your stunning capabilities and achievements, and I believe you will be the next President of the United States. All people in favor of a just and peaceful world, beginning with a just and peaceful American society, will see the light.

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If you had to point to one interview that best showcases who you are as a political figure, which would it be? I think it would be useful to have one interview (not a scripted campaign speech) to follow up with after a conversation.

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Check out her interview on the breakfast club recently that one is really good.

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Marianne: Speaking as someone who greatly admires both of you and is eager to understand where the two of you agree and disagree, I encourage you to reach out to Bobby Kennedy to have a respectful discussion of the issues that is available for online viewing.

I believe this would be a historic and widely viewed event that could serve as a tipping point to help break the 2024 presidential election process free of the anti-democratic grip of the Democratic party establishment and the mainstream media... and help millions of Americans begin to wake up to the possibility of creating a healthy and high functioning democracy and government.

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Good idea! Out-of-the-box thinking!

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The world WILL be radically different in a century. That WILL happen. Every effort put into making that transition sooner, faster and lovingly WILL improve the result and make it easier. No effort, no matter how small, will be wasted. No love will be lost, no fear will be saved. Do not lose heart because of what it looks like now, on the outside. Do your best, always. Following the Voice of Truth and Love brings happiness. Follow no other.

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