The book Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy, provides a detailed explanation of how our campaign finance laws allowed corporations and special interests to own our politicians, our media and our judicial system. The authors provide pages of links to all sources referred to in the book. Marianne's statements are accurate about the profits over people system in which we live.

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Thank you, Marianne for this comprehensive food and water safety and security platform. These are the steps needed to support family farmers, prevent innumerable needless diseases and premature deaths from poor nutrition and toxins in our food and water (resulting also in astronomical savings in healthcare costs), and restore the safety of our environment. To my endless frustration over my lifetime this topic has been rarely discussed in Presidential campaigns, yet it is so extremely important - directly affecting the health and well-being of every citizen.

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Oh My Gosh, is this coincidence or you and your team actually listen, not like writing to our current Congressman or state and local senators and governors....where you get a pre-rehearsed and recorded message that their hands are tied and things are not as bad as they seem... YOUR team got right on a message I sent about this topic and WOW. By my seeing this I have a sense that YOU and YOUR Administration WILL MAKE CHANGE, GOOD Changes HAPPEN... YOU LISTEN to the people! THANK YOU MARIANNE AND TEAM MARIANNE. TAKE ALL THIS TO THE WHITE HOUSE... PLEASE. IT NEEDS THIS OVERHAUL, THE MARIANNE WAY

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The most humbling thing about learning..... Is the more you learn, the more questions you have and the more you realize just how little you know.

When I was young, there was the fact that I naively believed people were like myself. So I trusted them to act in a manner that would do me no harm.I didn't believe that they would lie or try to cheat me.

I don't think women will believe this...but...

I truly didn't understand what Love was...

I actually believed every woman would be a good mother... Isn't it in their nature?

I believed if you had a house, you would automatically have a home.

I trusted in the belief, if you worked hard... You would be rewarded.

that if you went to church on Sunday... Said your prayers daily.... Evil would not visit you.

I never wanted to be rich, rule over others or deliberately hurt others.


But I found, allot of these traits just made me an easy target for the 'Hammers' of the World.

...... . ..................... ... .... ........................................

So I had to grow up! Seek out Truths. Learn what questions to ask. It wasn't easy... And there was a lot of mistakes and hard lessons to be learned.

As the Bob Dylan's song implies.... I was so much older than, I'm younger than that now.

And as Jesus says.... It is the child in us that asks the right questions.

........................................................... ...

But, what you are probably asking is what does all this have to do about food?

All that Marianne is telling you it's perfectly true! But, I'm sure, unless you grew up on a farm, you would really not have the faintest idea just how true it is!

For the past 22 years, I have lived in a rural area that has both Amish and 'English' farmers. Farmers, by their very nature... absolutely love the idealistic idea of life that comes from living on the land. They love their animals that they raise, they love the idea of growing things from the earth. It doesn't bother them to stand in mud or shit to accomplish what they have to do.

But the major difference between the Amish and English farmers is their view of the World.

Because the Amish belief is to , Stay apart from the World and all that it offers.... that belief, saved them from all the deceptions that the Big Hammers of the World offered to these once caretakers of the land. With their enchanting shiny Tractors , equipped with multiple deep diving plows, their magical pesticides and federalizers.. It wasn't long before they could glamorize them with their Frankenstein biology of utilizing GMO seeds along with their highly toxic Monsanto(now Bayer) Roundup...to poison the world for their gargantuan Profits. Always done with Corn and Soy Beans because they could be genetically engineered so easy. To the unsuspecting eye,

the GMO fields looks absolutely beautiful. Every stalk of corn is perfectly aligned, row after row.

There is not one weed that lies in the soil, no matter if the farmers field is 100 or 1000 acres. This is because everything in the soil is dead. Everything except the corn. That's alive because it has been generically modified to not die ... Even though its body is filled with poison. AND THAT'S WHAT BIG AGRA CALLS PROGRESS.

So I can only suggest to the young people, to seek out all things to learn ... To know what questions to ask. This is only one thing , I have described..I could tell you honestly that almost everything that the World tells you is a lie.

But that's a story for another day.

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I'm impressed with this platform proposal, but I'm still thinking about my suggestion that you include #fasting as one of the actions you take to demonstrate your political principles.

Voluntarily #fasting for Gaza, even one day a week, through the month of Ramadan (March 8 - April 9) could send a powerful message of solidarity to those who are involuntarily fasting *in Gaza.

The same could be said for those who choose to #fast in solidarity with Americans who live in food deserts, or who oppose farming protein provider animals without considering the consequences of cruel and unsanitary harvesting practices, or for those who suffer from chronic illnesses that can be directly traced to poor diet or a lack of adequate food over a long period of time.

#fasting as an act of solidarity with those who suffer can convey empathy for their struggles.

Please think about this. We are well into Lent, and Ramadan starts on Friday.

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Another option for those who care is to make donations to these top organizations who have emergency relief happening on the ground in Gaza: The Middle East Children's Alliance and Save the Children. Both have great reputations for ethics and justice.

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I'd rather see her #fastingforGaza.

Put some skin in the game. Do more than talk. Suffer with the oppressed.

#fasting is powerful, especially this coming month. Anyone can start a #fast. Determine the terms of the abstinence, then get down to business. Clear the body. The mind.

Open the heart. Let the Soul lead.

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PS - there's an actual #fastingforGaza on Twitter, and some people are already committing to this practice, starting this Friday. If you have an Insta acct, I recommend a search.

I think this practice may grow.

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I know about the dangers that it has on "crops" of similar GENETIC makeup, however I had no knowledge of actual effects that it HAS HAD ON OTHER ORGANISMS.

Perhaps, I should not rely upon the FDA and Government so much, Thank you!

p.s. And of course I am not aware of any sound arguments that would support a claim that without GMOs people (now alive) would die. THAT MIGHT CHANGE THE MORAL EQUATION THAT A STATEPERSON


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But none of those ATROCITIES (and I sincerely mean ATROCITIES) were caused by GMO technology, but rather the GMOs were a means of exploiting the legal argument for exclusivity and a warrent for the ATROCIOUS LAW.

All of which were part of the domino effect of HUMAN SUFFERING for the mere profit of an EVIL CORPORATION.


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You musta had many, many professional friends and authorities giving you advice and informing you in order to deliver such a COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ACTION AND A POTENTIAL FOR POLICY ARGUMENTS.

They must be part of the ACADEMIC and POLICY GROUPS OF PROFESSIONALS, and would maybe become administrators/advisors in the forthcoming "MW ADMINISTRATION"

Why don't these people come out the closet and get on record!

I do believe that people are beginning to CHANGE THE GAME!



p.s. I do trust in your judgements, as I KNOW LITTLE of what you are talking about; I had never heard such far reaching claims about the dangers of GMOs. Their is no RATIONAL REASON for all AMERICANS not to be INFORMED about what's in their food!

Oh, except for CORRUPTION, of course!

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Have you considered teaming up with some of the nonprofits that share your views on this issue? The first one that comes to mind is "Kiss the Ground"

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Toxic circle feeds “sick-care” industry. Just one of many examples - Drug giant Bayer owns Monsanto which makes Round-up & also sells drugs to people ill from Round-up/other toxins & develops drugs that specifically treat the very cancers Round-up is known to cause.

Supporting Farmer/ranchers’ transition to regenerative agriculture - would protect their families from cancers/diseases caused by toxic chemical farming, produce sustainably higher yields than chemical agriculture especially as regenerative-rich soils retain more water in drought conditions (and capture more CO2 further cleaning our air) & provide nutritious/delicious (really amazing - I've tasted it) toxin-free food. But petrochemical Industry controls U.S. agriculture from education to the halls of government. https://commongroundfilm.org/

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This is a great platform, however, a huge obstacle facing citizens is the influence of big money embedding our legislative systems, courts, and administrative agencies. Numerous nonprofits are created and designed by enormous wealth to keep things just as they are for their personal monetary interest as well as political ideology. Today's excellent CNN piece is a perfect example of the challenges we are facing as a society. Everyone needs to ask more question before they get involved with organizations: what's their modus operandi, what's the root source of money for their entity, etc. To me, overcoming the mostly deep-pockets controlling policies in our country is a top priority to save Earth and support healthy policies, like Marianne's. But the moneyed influencers must be confronted and pushed aside to maintain a sustainable world. This is the hard work ahead for all concerned. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/03/politics/dark-money-searle-foundation-invs/index.html

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I agree, and will learn more. Again, thank you.

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Thank you. You are right in that there is alot I don't know.

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I disagree with your statements

You have no proof

FOIA statements-show them to us

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All of the comments she made can be validated by information easily available on Google or other search engines. FOIA only applies to information that has been withheld from the public by the government.

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I went back to college and am certified in sustainability. The contents in Marianne's platform are valid. Did someone prompt you to write anything different?

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Not you

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